Not much else to say. He nails it.
Ron Paul on Syria: “Another multi-billion dollar war has begun.”
President Obama’s tack on Syria looks a lot like President George W. Bush’s handling of Iraq and “sounds an awful lot like how Vietnam started,” former Rep. Ron Paul argues in his weekly column.
Mr. Paul, Texas Republican, argues that the recent announcement from the Obama administration that the Syrian government has used poison gas on rebels follows already-made decisions to transfer weapons to the Syrian rebels.
“The process was identical to the massive deception campaign that led us into the Iraq war,” Mr. Paul writes. “Remember the famous quote from the leaked ‘Downing Street Memo,’ where representatives of British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s administration discussed Washington’s push for war on Iraq?”
“Here the head of British intelligence was reporting back to his government after a trip to Washington in the summer of 2002:
‘Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.’
“That is exactly what the Obama Administration is doing with Syria: fixing the intelligence and facts around the already determined policy,” Mr. Paul continues. “And Congress just goes along, just as they did the last time.”
Mr. Paul asks if anyone sees the irony in Mr. Obama’s plans to send weapons to the Syrian rebels, many of whom have pledged loyalty to al Qaeda, after 12 years of the “war on terror” and the struggle against al Qaeda.
“The Obama administration promises us that this is to be a very limited operation, providing small arms only, with no plans for a no-fly zone or American boots on the ground,” Mr. Paul writes. “That sounds an awful lot like how Vietnam started. Just a few advisers. When these few small arms do not achieve the predetermined U.S. policy of regime change in Syria what is the administration going to do? Admit failure and pull the troops out, or escalate? History suggests the answer and it now appears to be repeating itself once again. The president has opened a can of worms that will destroy his presidency and possibly destroy this country. Another multi-billion dollar war has begun.”
That about sums it up.
Opening soon!!!
Blood For Oil, Part III
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And the hits just keep on coming.
He’s just a crazy old Texas pol.
An Ayn Rand follower.
A fringe guy.
Don’t pay him any mind.
You are being surveilled on a toxic scale; you are being driven into a rent-a-life system by inflation and we are now allied with al Qaeda. (If of course we have not for the duration.)
But that’s OK.
Obama’s a nice man, and Ron Paul is a flake.
How do you know this?
That’s what you have been told to know.
By whom?
You could, you know, add Sarah Palin to your list this week. After all she too spoke out against getting involved in the conflict in Syria, and there’s considerable overlap amongst the Palin and Paul lapdogs.
But unlike Palin, Paul has a family Christo-Libertarian political franchise to uphold.
I am issue-oriented more than so-called “political positions”-oriented, Marie. Any practical warrior understands the validity of the idea that “The enemy of your enemy is your friend.” How far does that take us? It eventually takes us to the point of being able to defeat your enemies, or so we hope anyway. As far as I am concerned the U.S. federal government has proven itself over 50+ years to be the most dangerous enemy of many of its citizens and of much of the rest of the world’s population as well. It sometimes bothers me that I am finding myself more and more on the side of people like Ron Paul…and yes, even Sarah Palin…plus posting stuff from media like the Washington Times, but I believe that the Surveillance State/Corporate State/PermaGov State/PermaWar State in which we are now living is more dangerous than any other system in the world today.
So here I jolly well am, aren’t I.
Had Obama not thoroughly proven himself over the preceding six years to be the “vacuous-to-repressive neoliberal ” that Dr. Adolph Reed Jr. quite correctly identified way back in 1996 I would not be opposing his policies.
But I am.
To no avail?
So it goes.
See my sig for more on that account.
But aren’t you doing exactly what the Bushies and Obamabots do in selecting a single issue on which to confer “hero status” on Rand Paul? To be fair, the Bush and Obama fans cite more than one issue.
If you think that Rand Paul is the only politician that expresses seemingly anti-war views (they’re really only the sentiments of Pat Buchanan isolationism), look beyond the MSM that is there to feed the rightwing and extreme rightwing. Put any half-baked and basically vile politician on a pedestal and they become difficult to knock off. Better no heroes than so-called libertarians.
Another bullshit, media-generated talking point.
What is so “Pat Buchanan” about the idea of stopping the hemorrhaging of U.S. resources outward into the world when the entire U.S. economy, physical infrastructure and socio-political system is precariously balanced on the edge of total collapse? Pat Buchanan ain’t shit compared to the danger under which this country resides at the present. Forget about “Pat Buchanan” or any other jive pundit and look the fuck around, Marie. We in trouble!!!