At least in New Hampshire, there really is a point where you are too batshit insane to serve in the legislature. There is no evidence that such a point exists in Washington, DC, however.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Amazing language in that article:
I wonder what else she has been up to that led to this resignation.
Was she this crazy when she was elected or has she suffered some type of head trauma?
A lesson not to connect too many imaginary dots.
But I still want to know everything about the FBI murder of Todashev and don’t accept that the public information on the Boston bombing is full and accurate.
I couldn’t access the WMUR link. Here’s another source. WMUR link now working.
Also, “Stella! Hey STELLA!” Stanley Kowalski (I’ve always wanted to do that.)
My God. Don’t read the comments at the link. Long comments about “false flag” and agreeing with the nutty woman’s allegations.
Not agreeable on this.