Booman recently posted a wildly popular article…popular for BooTrib anyway, with 120+ comments in a little more than 24 hours so far…called Getting On the Dean Train.
120+ comments about the political games being run in the centrist/leftiness wing of the PermaGov and not a word about any truly anti-war, anti-PermaGov candidates. Not a word about anyone who will ever in any way approach Ron Paul’s public statement when asked about when he would bring the troops back home if he was elected president:
As soon as the ships could get there,” he said.
This is not a pro-Ron/Rand Paul post, it is a simple, straightforward statement of fact. The root of the problems here in the U.S. is militarism…militarily enforced economic imperialism. It produces many times more enemies than it kills, thus promoting its own growth in the name of “safety;” it is hideously expensive and that expense starves both the physical and social infrastructure of the nation; it constantly ramps up the whole climate change process with its trillions of dollars worth of petroleum-fueled weapons systems; it steadily moves the world closer and closer to a nuclear war that could quite conceivably end our reign on this planet and…bone deep simple…it simply isn’t working. Are any of you better off than you were 6 or 14 or 22 or 30 or 38 or 46 or 54 years ago? I don’t think so. Are you ready to be surveilled into total acquiescence in the name of “protection?” Protection that would largely be unnecessary if those so-called “protectors” had not wantonly murdered millions of people in the brownish parts of the world in the name of better Burger King outlets and the right to buy gasoline at 1/3 the average cost in the other so-called developed nations? I guess you are, judging from this series of posts.
Nothing but a series of pro-PermaGov, pro-economic imperialist names in the comments on Booman’s post referenced above. Must we alter the meaning of the word “progressive” to include support of a permanent war system? Seems like. Why? In the name of an illusory political practicality? Is this country’s political system working in any truly practical manner whatsoever?
It is?
Y’all are beyond help, mediatranced into total submission.
Clomp on.
Yore ex-“progressive” freind,
Emily Litella
A working definition of the noun “progressive?”
Sure. Here’s one from those OH so nice, New Centrist (Read “Complicit in the daily actions of the surveillance state and thus infinitely wise in terms of common usage of every word in the English language) PermaCorp people Google:
UH oh!!!
In my own terms, that means that even the giant GoogleCorp is well to the left of everyone who has posted on Booman’s above-referenced article. You can’t have real “social reform” if you do not change the basic structures of the society, now can you? If you just keep electing and re-electing quasi-conservative and/or quasi-progressive candidates, all of whom meet in back rooms and hammer out new and better ways to make the marks think that they are getting something that they really want instead of a refurbished same-old same-old??
How’s that working out?
Wake the fuck up.
You been had, and you are all well on your way to being had once again.
Had from the back, had from the front, had from above and below and had from the left, right and center as well.
How’s that working out?
You been had!!!
Bet on it.
I posted above:
Or…it could also mean that Google is quite complicit in continuing to foofaraw the leftinesses into believing that they are effectively “advocating or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.”
So it goes.
Foofaraw on, sleeplenesses.
Foofaraw on.
Woof woof.
Liberal woof tickets are now being sold for 20¢ on the dollar. Wait awhile. The price is only going to go lower as more and more people realize how deeply they have been had.
Bet on it.