Month: June 2013

Leave Bert and Ernie Alone

It’s probably my lack of imagination, but I never even considered that Bert and Ernie were in a gay relationship until I read some references to that possibility a few years ago. I can see why gay men might want to think...

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Tough Day for Zimmerman Prosecution

The testimony of John Good is supportive of George Zimmerman’s self-defense case so it is noteworthy that he was called as a witness by the prosecution. I guess they figured it was better to call him than to try to hide...

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Can the House Pass Immigration Reform?

Jake Sherman and Ginger Gibson have a good and informative piece in Politico on the way forward for immigration reform in the House of Representatives. At first look, the legislation looks to be in trouble. The primary problem...

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No One Seems Intimidated

I guess the most surprising thing about the Senate passing comprehensive immigration reform is that every single Democrat voted for it. What that tells me is that the Democrats see no real downside to supporting reform even in...

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Immigration Reform Passes Senate

Here is the roll call on final passage of the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act. It passed 68-32, with all Democrats and Independents voting in favor, along with 14 Republicans. The...

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