{Update1} LIVE! Blog Egypt – MORSI IS OUT!
US defense secretary Chuck Hagel has spoken with General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi twice in the past week.
General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is speaking on state TV
CAIRO, Egypt (The Guardian) – General el-Sisi is addressing the nation from behind a podium. Sitting behind him are leaders reportedly including Coptic Pope Tawadros, the Sheikh of Al-Azhar, Mohamed El-Baradei, Tamarad or “rebel” movement leaders and Hizb el-Nour leaders.
Sisi has finished speaking. Tahrir erupts in fireworks, cheers. Morsi is out.Egypt’s Real-time News (French)
BREAKING NEWS: Security Forces place travel ban on Egypt’s Morsi, top Brotherhoof officials
(RT.com) – A military coup is underway in Egypt, according to President Mohamed Morsi’s national security adviser. Security forces have placed a travel ban on President Morsi and a number of top Muslim Brotherhood officials.
The adviser stated that he expects army and police violence to remove pro-Mursi demonstrators from the streets of Cairo. A Morsi presidential aide stated that “no military coup can succeed against popular resistance without considerable bloodshed.”
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has offered a consensus government as a way out of the country’s crisis, but offered no new compromises. The leader has refused to step down, and instructed the military not to “take sides.”
egyptian security officials: a travel ban on President Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide, and his deputy Khairat el-Shater
See my previous diary – Egypt Army Gives Mursi 48 hrs to Compromise.
My comment in today’s fp story by BooMan – Western Powers to be Ousted from ME .
The Islamic faith has this division for nearly 1400 years. The ill-fated decision for the Iraq War had the full support of Sharon/Israel. Saudi Arabia had strongly advised not to wage a war fearing the outcome as we see today, a boost for Iran’s influence. Israel is well versed to invest in short-term conflicts and has the intelligence and timing to join a piggy-back coup in neighboring states. Israel has a long-term goal but lacks vision for life beyond violence and a conflict. Peace is not a word in Israel’s vocabulary.
Then crown-prince and now King Abdullah does have a long term vision for the Middle-East, I’m afraid US and Western values/influence will not be part of Al-Sham. Not surprisingly, most Arab states cannot unite as even Qatar and Saudi Arabia illustrate today.
I do consider Egypt’s 2nd Revolution helpful to determine a more secular, perhaps enlightened form of democracy the people of Egypt deserve. President Morsi was a failure and will soon be forgotten for doing the bidding of the Muslim Brotherhood. Erdogan in Turkey has the democratic majority and the arrogance to steer towards an autocratic state, just short of crowning himself sultan of the new empire.
Interesting times, hoping the seed of democracy falls in fertile soil.
Added comment:
I will forward some arguments of mine why the Muslim Brotherhood, Salafists and Wahhabists are part of a major Sunni revival started in the 1990′s and is build on terror acts across the Middle-East. The billions of funding from Qatar and Saudi Arabia are used to obfuscate the true religious goal of Al-Sham. Morsi failed as an Egyptian leader because he did not encompass the opposition. In a new democracy one cannot rule absolutely when at the polls he got the smallest margin in a majority. Morsi followed the lead of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, he should have taken advice from Nelson Mandela. In a revolution, you get only one chance.
The Arab leaders are building their policy not just on their immense wealth, but are using the shortcomings and short-sightedness of their major foes Israel and the US to their benefit. Keep on signing those major civilian and military contracts …
Egypt’s military corporate establishment “delivers” 25-40% of the nation’s GDP
It must be clear by now, Morsi is tied to the moneystrings of Saudi Arabia (Salafists/Wahhabists) and Qatar (Muslim Brotherhood).
Yeah, the Syrian revolt was always about a peaceful uprising. What a bs … my diary.
Morsi’s final mistake.
Islamist to the core. Leading an organization that once boasted Zawahiri as member. Egypt’s people do not deserve this lunatic. I have a feeling Egypt is in for some extended violence as so far this has been to easy. Where is Morsi?
Millions showed their will with peaceful demonstrations, the police and armed forces no longer took dictates from dictator Morsi. Morsi and the MB minority rewrote the Constitution, suspended or fired judges, appointed his cronies in newsrooms and governorships, decided to support sending Egyptians to fight a foreign war in Syria on behalve of Islamic fundamentalist monarchies of rich Arab Gulf states, did not protect free press nor women’s rights, did nothing to compromise with other parties of the first revolution and those who supported his election as President of Egypt.
In the first round of the presidential election, Morsi got a bare 5.8 million votes!
On the petition for his removal, 22 million Egyptians signed that paper!
Let this be a wise lesson for other leaders in the region who follow the deslusional path of Erdogan’s Muslim Brotherhood in Turkey. Of course the Obama administration was opposed as are many here on BooMan’s blog. Assad is not surprised and praises the overthrow of Morsi. The backers of foreign intervantion to overthrow Assad by military means arenot happy today. Just a show of colors. I do hope the many decades of US training and bribes have given the Egyptian generals sufficient moral fibers to do what is best for the Egyptian people and nation.
I’m just as elated as the Egyptians are throughout their nation with cheers and fireworks. I have trust and hope in the people’s movement towards a true democracy, not one hijacked by religious fanatics.
Let’s not worry about the refusal by US Congress to fund 1.5bn for Egypt’s military, that money was a bribe to keep the peace treaty with Israel anyway.
Important to note (as you did at Silverstein‘s place–that the army proved it can give up power two years ago. Only it turns out the revolution wasn’t over yet. Nice to see you giving in to a little optimism too.
Amazing how one day after Morsi’s defeat, so few say they were friends!
Solely the People of Egypt, well done!
Morsi, his cronies placed in high governing positions and the extreme Muslim Brotherhood.
QATAR – gave full political support and funds to the MB in Egypt
TURKEY – Erdogan was thrilled Morsi would follow his leadership to change a secular state to a theocracy. Perhaps the women in Turkey can loosen their veils now.
UAE – the MB is outlawed and just sentenced 8 men in absentia to 15 year jail terms.
SAUDI ARABIA – the Salafist party which gave full support to Morsi in the 2nd round of the election were sidelined in the political proces, is not forgotten by King Abdullah.
ISRAEL – will just adjust to whomever grabs power in Egypt, appears to have a good relationship with Egypt’s intelligence and military for cooperation in the Sinai and border with Gaza.
USA – Obama is a constitutionalist, so he must bide some time to come to terms with the changed state d’affairs in Egypt’s capital Cairo. Prefers to listen to people in power as the distance to main street grows every year. Perhaps Michelle could offer some wisdom.
In addition, Obama can give Judge Adly Mansour a call, head of the Supreme Constitutional Court and the new interim president of Egypt. [Opinion elections 2012]
Al-Ahram – Egypt’s new interim president: Judge Adly Mansour
Egypt’s “Revocouption” and the future of Democracy on the Nile
In fact, there certainly was a popular revolutionary element to the events, with literally millions of protesters coming out on Sunday and after, in the biggest demonstrations in Egyptian history. You can’t dismiss that as merely a coup d’etat from on top by a handful of officers.
Read on …
Alliance Egypt/Qatar/Hamas
I haven’t the faintest idea what BooMan is writing about Islam, it’s just not his cup of tea.
There are too few scholars on Islam in an advisory role to the Obama administration. Hillary Clinton made the mistake to use her “knowledge and experience” of the Clinton years and Bosnia/Kosovo conflict, using the same old advisors and set out to overthrow Assad as the Neocon cabal had advocated. The Clintons made the conflict in Syria far worse, John Kerry is trying his best to change the equation. He can’t get results without a major adjustment in his alliance in the Middle-East.
The overthrow of Morsi by popular demand in Egypt is an exceptional move which could make life much easier to solve most ME conflicts from the Arab states to Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.
No way that any American group thought the coup in Egypt could be supported as in made a “mockery of a democracy.” Here @BooMan and @TikunOlam, there was no support whatsoever. Only @InformedComment of Prof. Juan Cole there seemed to be a balance of 50/50.
The Arab Gulf States were split along sectarian lines as I commented earlier – Winners and Losers.
The so-called Syrian National Council invented by the British/French/American alliance was never united or got credibility, it will fall apart completely.
A great day for the Egyptians, hopefully the bloodshed will be limited.
Brief history of the Muslim world and the Rise of Islamism or Political Islam
Don’t confuse Islamism with fundamentalist Wahhabism or militant Jihad.
See my diary – BREAKING: Military Coup Underway in Egypt.
And Egypt Army Gives Mursi 48 hrs to Compromise.
Earlier I wrote – US Administratons’ Failure to Distinquish Strands of Islam.
Fall and Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood
The jihadists are often called the Soldiers of Allah. In historical context perhaps in the same sense as the crusaders marching on Jerusalem or Pizarro‘s men subjugating the Inca’s of South America. Politics and religion are a poor mix, but wasn’t the US Constitution written with French culture and philosophy in mind? The US had its War of Independence, perhaps America is still waiting for the 2nd Revolution and a period of Enlightenment.