We have lots of green ones too. I figure the tomato worms will be around just about anytime now. We had some sun yesterday after a downpour Monday night. Some areas of the county got around 2″ in a very short time. This morning its 70F and mostly sunny. Maybe some of that will drift your way for the long weekend.
We are supposed to have sun from now through Sunday, so maybe that will help things along. This has been a bit disappointing this week, as I’m on vacation from now till the 15th and was hoping for weather a bit more conducive to house organizing and fun activities with the family…oh well.
Well hello everybody…guess I missed a lot, there’s a new cafe in town. I mentioned some projects with pics, everything happened so fast there just wasn’t time to stop and smell the roses as it were. Anyway, 10 bat houses should be up soon and I’ll go and get the pics after they are up.
Nothin’ but high 80s to 90F around here lately. Just got back from the city to find a very dry garden. Everything looked OK, but would have wilted soon.
However there’s good subsoil moisture due to the 12 inches we had earlier, nevertheless I was watering like a madman this afternoon and into the evening.
Next on the agenda, weeding… anyone passing through ND needing exercise and a tan?
I’m glad to know some people still know who Lawrence W. is. Or dare I say Lawrence W. and his Champagne music. When I was a kid my FDad had us watch The Grand Old Opry and then FMom would turn around and have us watch Lawrence Welk. Musically I think they were trying to drive us schizoid. 🙂
I hope everyone has been doing fine. I’ve again been under the weather, but I’m finally leveling out.
Thanks for the preview. That should hold me over for a week I think. 🙂
I guess I’ll have to be happy just watching snooker championship play offs on YouTube. Then again once winter gets here, I can then start with watching curling. How I do love these action sports! 😉
It seems to me that I have no options but to take care. I live at a place that is for disabled people. So between my relatives, the manager of the apartments and the other people living here I really have no choice. Not that I’m looking for the other choice of not taking care.
I went through a day one time where I had the manager come by and after that some of my neighbors knocking on my door to see how I am, and then my sister calling to check up on me. All I was doing that day was sitting at the computer, watching TV and doing some cleaning on the apartment. It seemed that as soon as I started one thing I would have to stop to answer the door or the phone.
I guess I could complain, but how can you complain about people who care enough about you to make sure that you’re OK. Now all I have to do is to win the lottery and I’ll be completely happy. 🙂
Hi Family Man! It has been a week of accidents in my family. I tripped going off a curb last week and skinned up my knee, Mrs. ID fell on a friend’s deck while feeding her cats and my brother had a serious encounter with his Skilsaw at work a couple of weeks ago. Luckily, we should all recover eventually, although my brother has a pretty big bill with an orthopedic surgeon to settle. He was recovered enough to do a concert last Sat. night with some old band mates, but had to sit down for the performance. As Mrs. ID says, “Aging ain’t for sissies!”
Our niece blames the Mercury retrograde. I’m thinking seriously about remaining in bed until after the 20th.
Sorry to hear about all the accidents and tell Mrs. ID that I agree with her. It ain’t for sissies! It seems like falling has been one of my problems here lately also. My sense of balance seem to be leaving me from time to time. It has gotten so bad sometimes that instead of getting up and trying to walk to the bathroom, kitchen or living room I will go ahead and crawl because I can’t trust myself to get up and walk. I’m lucky in a sense that I have a walker and can use that when I have to or am able to.
Anyway you and Mrs. ID be careful about the falling and also your brother around power tools. I know from experience that falling is no fun.
I’m glad you’re where people come by and check in on you, and hat you’re feeling better!
I guess our contribution to the liquid foto flog could be pictures of our basement. We heard rushing water and went down to find an inch of water all over the floor and water pouring in through the wall. Finally thought of flipping the breaker or the well pump, and that stopped it. Well people should be here shortly, but not looking good for being fixed for the weekend.
We had more than a few floods in FMom house while I was there. The worst was when I first moved in there and I noticed a bulge in the ceiling over my bed. I stood on my bed and sorta poked it with my hand. This was a very stupid thing to do. All of sudden the ceiling cracked open and a deluge of water came down on me. We found out that a pan under the A/C (I think condenser) had stopped up and the water had overflowed the pan and was waiting for someone stupid enough to punch at the ceiling. Well I think once I moved into that bedroom the water and ceiling conspired together and thought, “OK we got a stupid here”. Anyway it pretty much ruined the mattress and carpet, not to mention I was really pissed off! Now that I think of it, we went through about five or six really good floods in the house while I lived there. So I hope your flooding get taken care of soon and break out the life preservers. 🙂
Good news- they ran a temporary pipe from the well to the house, by passing where the line break must be and we have running water until hey can dig up he yard and replace it. Apparently they used the lines from the old well and tied into them when they dug the new well rather than just replacing everything at once. Brilliant, if you were he previous owner who left the mess behind. 🙂
The desert-dwelling night parrot, Pezoporus occidentalis, has never been photographed and the only evidence of its continued existence has been two dead birds found in 1990 and 2006. (The Guardian)
Got up early, got Finny ready for preschool camp, made myself some breakfast, only to find Finnay asleep on the couch…poor guy, summer is wearing him out. Now to wake him so I can get some free time to exercise this morning (oh, what an exciting staycation).
Excavator s coming later today to give us an estimate on digging up the well line. More big fun. 🙂
He totally chatted up the excavator last night when he came, and was EXTREMELY disappointed to learn that digging would not commence immediately. He wanted to go home with the guy to get the machines and come back and start digging. He does have the promise of being allowed to sit on the machine for a ride, though. 🙂
Now we just have to wait for (a) the estimate today from the excavator and well people combined (oy), and (b) for the electric company to come flag the lines (even though I know where they are from previous exploits – better safe than sorry!).
Very spiffy! Had the rains totally rutted it this summer? My mom’s drive is similar, and has huge gullies in it from all the torrential rains. She’s giving up and paving the last gravel section this year.
Not summer but definitely rutted by some big rains (in April/May). It just took awhile for the guy who always works on our road to get to us (he’s really good so everybody wants him).
P.S. We will definitely need pictures of Finny on the backhoe.
I think our great big mailbox at the end of the drive takes care of that problem.
For some reason, though, we seem to get repair and delivery people (and one census taker) who can’t find the address they are looking for and want help finding it. You’d think a driveway where you can’t see the house from the road would be discouraging rather than encouraging.
It’s gloomy down here also. Rain started before sunrise. Still sprinkling. One good thing about being retired. I can just go back to sleep. Night all. 😉
Beautiful overcast, cool day here on the western shoreline of Lake Agassiz.
First day in a quite a while that we have the windows open and the AC off. High today of 77F, which beats the 88-91F days (with high humidity) that we’ve been having.
Posted elsewhere by Seocnd Nature, and too good not to share:
“The Peace of Wild Things” by Wendell Berry
When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence …of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
Lovely photo! At some point I will have to break away from the odd dorm-room-style conversations I have had in the Pond as of late and upload a few flower photos. Come to think of it, that might be better for my sanity. 🙂
Jim and I are — we’re heading off to the High Sierras of Yosemite very early Wednesday. Lots to do to get ready and no internet while we’re gone so I won’t be around for awhile. Have a good rest of July and see you all in early August.
New cafe photo courtesy of JimF.
Will it ever stop raining in the Northeast? Blech.
Thankfully, the rain hasn’t harmed my tomatoes, although the ripening process isn’t happening quickly.
We have lots of green ones too. I figure the tomato worms will be around just about anytime now. We had some sun yesterday after a downpour Monday night. Some areas of the county got around 2″ in a very short time. This morning its 70F and mostly sunny. Maybe some of that will drift your way for the long weekend.
Stink bugs ate ours last year, and this year I think they ate our first strawberry.
Glad to hear one sun is headed to the northeast. Everyone around here is contemplating a move to a drier climate, like Seattle.
We are supposed to have sun from now through Sunday, so maybe that will help things along. This has been a bit disappointing this week, as I’m on vacation from now till the 15th and was hoping for weather a bit more conducive to house organizing and fun activities with the family…oh well.
Thanks for the new cafe! JimF, the flowers are lovely.
Sorry to hear about your gloomy staycation. We’re having similar weather here, except that in between rains we are getting some sun.
And speaking of no-napping Finny, we could use some new pictures of him.
I just noticed the iPad autocorrect to Froggy Bottom… D’oh. The iPad has pretty much killed blogging for me.
We had a sunny afternoon after a miserable morning, so we got to get out to the farm to pick blueberries and over to the pool for a delightful swim.
I will pull out my camera and get new pics of Finny on the fourth for sharing with you all. 🙂 do you have ny big plans for the holiday weekend?
Well hello everybody…guess I missed a lot, there’s a new cafe in town. I mentioned some projects with pics, everything happened so fast there just wasn’t time to stop and smell the roses as it were. Anyway, 10 bat houses should be up soon and I’ll go and get the pics after they are up.
In the meantime they grow so fast.
Pretty kitty!
Nothin’ but high 80s to 90F around here lately. Just got back from the city to find a very dry garden. Everything looked OK, but would have wilted soon.
However there’s good subsoil moisture due to the 12 inches we had earlier, nevertheless I was watering like a madman this afternoon and into the evening.
Next on the agenda, weeding… anyone passing through ND needing exercise and a tan?
Oh, and will there be a Fotoflog on July’s second Friday?
Yes! July 12th, the theme is Liquid.
Looking forward to it!
As ol’ Lawrence W would have said, “Wunnerful, wunnerful, wunnerful.”
I’m glad to know some people still know who Lawrence W. is. Or dare I say Lawrence W. and his Champagne music. When I was a kid my FDad had us watch The Grand Old Opry and then FMom would turn around and have us watch Lawrence Welk. Musically I think they were trying to drive us schizoid. 🙂
I hope everyone has been doing fine. I’ve again been under the weather, but I’m finally leveling out.
Everyone take care.
Glad that you’re feeling better, Whit.
Morning Andi,
I am feeling somewhat better. At least I’m up walking around, and I’m not back in the hospital.
I’m looking forward to the Water pictures today. I keep trying to imagine what everybody will have.
Everyone have a good day today and a very good w/e.
Next Friday FM, sorry to make you wait. 🙁
Glad your feeling better.
OK, here’s a preview.

Hiya Bob
Thanks for the preview. That should hold me over for a week I think. 🙂
I guess I’ll have to be happy just watching snooker championship play offs on YouTube. Then again once winter gets here, I can then start with watching curling. How I do love these action sports! 😉
Have a good w/e
Take care, FM!
Hiya Boran,
It seems to me that I have no options but to take care. I live at a place that is for disabled people. So between my relatives, the manager of the apartments and the other people living here I really have no choice. Not that I’m looking for the other choice of not taking care.
I went through a day one time where I had the manager come by and after that some of my neighbors knocking on my door to see how I am, and then my sister calling to check up on me. All I was doing that day was sitting at the computer, watching TV and doing some cleaning on the apartment. It seemed that as soon as I started one thing I would have to stop to answer the door or the phone.
I guess I could complain, but how can you complain about people who care enough about you to make sure that you’re OK. Now all I have to do is to win the lottery and I’ll be completely happy. 🙂
Hi Family Man! It has been a week of accidents in my family. I tripped going off a curb last week and skinned up my knee, Mrs. ID fell on a friend’s deck while feeding her cats and my brother had a serious encounter with his Skilsaw at work a couple of weeks ago. Luckily, we should all recover eventually, although my brother has a pretty big bill with an orthopedic surgeon to settle. He was recovered enough to do a concert last Sat. night with some old band mates, but had to sit down for the performance. As Mrs. ID says, “Aging ain’t for sissies!”
Our niece blames the Mercury retrograde. I’m thinking seriously about remaining in bed until after the 20th.
Hiya ID,
Sorry to hear about all the accidents and tell Mrs. ID that I agree with her. It ain’t for sissies! It seems like falling has been one of my problems here lately also. My sense of balance seem to be leaving me from time to time. It has gotten so bad sometimes that instead of getting up and trying to walk to the bathroom, kitchen or living room I will go ahead and crawl because I can’t trust myself to get up and walk. I’m lucky in a sense that I have a walker and can use that when I have to or am able to.
Anyway you and Mrs. ID be careful about the falling and also your brother around power tools. I know from experience that falling is no fun.
Take care
Yikes! Take care, ID. I hope that everything/everyone is back to normal soon.
Ugh. Glad everyone is recovering.
Wow, that’s a lot of hurts at one time. Hope everybody recovers quickly.
I’m glad you’re where people come by and check in on you, and hat you’re feeling better!
I guess our contribution to the liquid foto flog could be pictures of our basement. We heard rushing water and went down to find an inch of water all over the floor and water pouring in through the wall. Finally thought of flipping the breaker or the well pump, and that stopped it. Well people should be here shortly, but not looking good for being fixed for the weekend.
Always something. 🙂
We had more than a few floods in FMom house while I was there. The worst was when I first moved in there and I noticed a bulge in the ceiling over my bed. I stood on my bed and sorta poked it with my hand. This was a very stupid thing to do. All of sudden the ceiling cracked open and a deluge of water came down on me. We found out that a pan under the A/C (I think condenser) had stopped up and the water had overflowed the pan and was waiting for someone stupid enough to punch at the ceiling. Well I think once I moved into that bedroom the water and ceiling conspired together and thought, “OK we got a stupid here”. Anyway it pretty much ruined the mattress and carpet, not to mention I was really pissed off! Now that I think of it, we went through about five or six really good floods in the house while I lived there. So I hope your flooding get taken care of soon and break out the life preservers. 🙂
That’s awful. I hope that things are resolved soon.
Good news- they ran a temporary pipe from the well to the house, by passing where the line break must be and we have running water until hey can dig up he yard and replace it. Apparently they used the lines from the old well and tied into them when they dug the new well rather than just replacing everything at once. Brilliant, if you were he previous owner who left the mess behind. 🙂
Glad they could do a temporary fix but very sorry for what is bound to be a complicated repair.
That is very good news. We just had some septic system work done. The term hideously expensive does not quite cover it.
Sounds like a nuisance but I’m still glad that there are people worrying about you. 🙂
It is a nuisance sometimes, but you can’t be too upset with people that worry about you. Ya just have to grin and bear it. 😉
Former BooMan Blogger Proposes Marriage to Spy Snowden
Ha ha! I predict this young lady will go far.
Cute. She’s quite the achiever.
Ruffling some feathers down under, no sham this time?
Australian bird enthusiast presents photos of elusive night parrot
The desert-dwelling night parrot, Pezoporus occidentalis, has never been photographed and the only evidence of its continued existence has been two dead birds found in 1990 and 2006. (The Guardian)
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He’s a bit tentative about it.
Definitely not sticking his neck out, that’s for sure.
I believe that’s Mitch McConnell.
He didn’t seem very tentative about giving me the stink eye.
Heh. Our turtle is a little friendlier.
Yeah, but you probably give it Turtle Temptations for treats, right?
Got up early, got Finny ready for preschool camp, made myself some breakfast, only to find Finnay asleep on the couch…poor guy, summer is wearing him out. Now to wake him so I can get some free time to exercise this morning (oh, what an exciting staycation).
Excavator s coming later today to give us an estimate on digging up the well line. More big fun. 🙂
What’s everyone else up to this week?
you were right, the article was a good read and quite interesting.
The best i ever read until now, i like the posts, very interesting and many things to learn. I wish you to have a good life .
I’ll bet that Finny will find the actual excavation very big fun.
He totally chatted up the excavator last night when he came, and was EXTREMELY disappointed to learn that digging would not commence immediately. He wanted to go home with the guy to get the machines and come back and start digging. He does have the promise of being allowed to sit on the machine for a ride, though. 🙂
Now we just have to wait for (a) the estimate today from the excavator and well people combined (oy), and (b) for the electric company to come flag the lines (even though I know where they are from previous exploits – better safe than sorry!).
Little guys and big machines…
Here, my brother and I help Grandpa excavate for his retirement home. I’m driving. Finny will love having a photo like this when he’s my age.
Good luck with the project!
That is so cute. I love the old school Caterpillar!
Didn’t hear from the Wellesley yesterday, so m calling this morning to find out what’s up. I’d kind of like this done before I go back o work Monday….
but now with new gravel making it look ever so handsome.

click for larger
Very spiffy! Had the rains totally rutted it this summer? My mom’s drive is similar, and has huge gullies in it from all the torrential rains. She’s giving up and paving the last gravel section this year.
Not summer but definitely rutted by some big rains (in April/May). It just took awhile for the guy who always works on our road to get to us (he’s really good so everybody wants him).
P.S. We will definitely need pictures of Finny on the backhoe.
Now you’ll have tourists coming to visit, thinking its a county road;-)
I think our great big mailbox at the end of the drive takes care of that problem.
For some reason, though, we seem to get repair and delivery people (and one census taker) who can’t find the address they are looking for and want help finding it. You’d think a driveway where you can’t see the house from the road would be discouraging rather than encouraging.
Very nice! Beats my driveway to hell.
Don’t worry — it won’t look like that for long. 🙂
Happy gloomsday! It looks like the end of the day here in the Hudson Valley, not the beginning.
Its a pleasant change here from yesterday – the temp and humidity are both down quite a bit. Coming your way for the weekend, perhaps.
It’s gloomy down here also. Rain started before sunrise. Still sprinkling. One good thing about being retired. I can just go back to sleep. Night all. 😉
The flog is up!
Thanks Bob!
Beautiful warm day here in the Hudson valley.
Beautiful overcast, cool day here on the western shoreline of Lake Agassiz.
First day in a quite a while that we have the windows open and the AC off. High today of 77F, which beats the 88-91F days (with high humidity) that we’ve been having.
We just had a couple of similar day here. Today its back to the mid 80s and muggy.
And getting worse — it’s a week full of 90s. 🙁
Here as well. It’s already started.
Yep, swampland here in SE PA too. The only upside is that the pool will be open until 9 pm because it’s so hot…
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Posted elsewhere by Seocnd Nature, and too good not to share:
“The Peace of Wild Things” by Wendell Berry
When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence …of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
Lovely. And it just so happens that I have an illustration for it. 🙂
click for larger
Very appropriate.
That is perfect. I feel a need to print both out for on my desk. 🙂
click for larger
You dew nice work.
Lovely photo! At some point I will have to break away from the odd dorm-room-style conversations I have had in the Pond as of late and upload a few flower photos. Come to think of it, that might be better for my sanity. 🙂
And it would quite nice for our viewing pleasure.
Looking forward to them.
Please do!
By the way, I don’t know if the blogger who goes by the name “ask” is still lurking, but if so, I just wanted to say hey.
DD, He might still away.
Headed to the Berkshires for a few days, IIRC.
I’ve heard they have internet now.
JK, MomX lives there, we kid her all the time.
Right now they have a neighborhood bear with cubs tearing up the pea patch.
My Hudson River highlands:
They look very wet…but still pretty.
We are having rain here again. It appears we have 2weather settings: satanically hot, or endless rain. No middle ground.
Same here although today the heat is a bit less intense.
To All
I hope you are all having a relaxing summer.
It’s not as relaxing as froggy’s summer. Wonderful photo.
I`d gone to visit a friend & this little pool was in their front garden.
It’s interesting that you stumbled upon something so appropriate for our frog pond.
Jim and I are — we’re heading off to the High Sierras of Yosemite very early Wednesday. Lots to do to get ready and no internet while we’re gone so I won’t be around for awhile. Have a good rest of July and see you all in early August.
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Have a wonderful trip and vacation!
Have a great trip! Looking forward to the photos.
Sounds wonderful ~ enjoy and don’t let the bears eat you;-)
You two have a safe trip & a wonderful time.