Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai is a pain in the ass. He’s about the most ungrateful person I’ve ever seen; he routinely criticizes us (often in paranoid tones); he runs a corrupt and contemptible administration, and he’s badgering us to give him blood oaths of tons of troops in perpetuity.
Frankly, I don’t care if the Taliban feast on his liver.
But the rest of his countrymen deserve better.
A puppet wants a guarantee from the puppetmaster! What an ungrateful marionette.
Yeah. I mean, we did it all for him/them, right? After we helped create the Taliban?
Neither do I.
You’re gonna let the Taliban feast on the liver the US bought and paid for? On Independence Day? Shame.
I’m certainly not going to defend him as a person. But what do you expect? The US put him “in charge” with no popular mandate and no societal infrastructure (which, after 12 years, is pretty astounding in and of itself). The US initially took power by paying huge bribes to warlords that were given the euphemism “Northern Alliance” but who were hated by the Afghan population even worst than the Taliban leadership was hated. Then, the US military has done pretty much everything it could do to antagonize the locals over the last 12 years – and the locals know Karzai is the US’ puppet.
Given that situation if he’s to cling to power he’s going to have to issue public statements pissing all over the US and also going to need massive military support indefinitely.
Probably a better strategy for him personally would be gather up his corruption funds and relocate to another US puppet state – for example Panama. But I suspect the US would not support that yet – not until like the Shah he’s actually on the verge of being kicked out by his people.
Hmm, were they hated worse?
I have wondered many times over the last decade what would have happened if Ahmad Shah Massoud had lived.
The Lion of Panjshir
I’ve mentioned him here @BooMan …
His tantrum and crazy demands show why the US would want to cut him out.
He wears that hat, well – so, say that for the ma… skunk.
Wow, if you can’t trust an energy CEO, who can you trust?
But his brother’s got the opium concessions with the CIA. And Karzai has been tied in with Exxon. So they’ll be off with their money before the shite hits the fan, thank you.
Told ya. Not because I’m prescient but because I took the time to consider the situation in Afghanistan, remember our history, and recognize that Bush and Cheney had long records of being fu*kups.
But Americans just wanted to get its war on with its “war prezident” instead of recognizing that 9/11 was a crime.
All that way, all those trillions of dollars, and we didn’t even get our quarry there. Plus Zawahiri remains at large.
Just a matter of time. Just a matter of time. At some point he’ll have to call his stock broker.
Told us what, exactly?