Month: July 2013

House Continues to Break Sh*t

Let’s go into the time machine back to June 2008: Congress passed a $300 billion farm bill over President Bush’s veto for a second time Wednesday, a step made necessary by a clerical error when the original bill...

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Stay Out of Syria

Personally, I am glad that Congress cannot agree on a policy to arm the rebels in Syria. Adam Schiff is exactly right: “There are a great many of us who applauded the president’s caution about not being dragged into this...

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Explain This To Me

I remain baffled by the Republicans’ obsession with the length of bills produced by Congress. Jeff Sessions continues the tradition while discussing the Senate’s immigration reform bill. In their zeal to rush this...

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Screw Wal-Mart

I hope the DC city council sticks to their guns and tells Wal-Mart to be sure to let door hit them in the ass on the way out. Sure, it will cost the District jobs if Wal-Mart cancels its plans to open three outlets, but that...

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