Month: July 2013

Larry Summers Will Doom Us All

(Crossposted to European Tribune, in Orange and at my blog) Let me put this bluntly: A good way to think of Larry Summers is to take Paul Krugman, up the arrogance tenfold and deduct 99% of the intelligence. He should never be...

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What Would Ted Cruz Do?

Imagine if you will a country where the government does nothing to prevent “austerity” measures from being imposed. You know, like drastically altering the protections of Social Security, Medicare and – of...

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Will Our Orange Juice Be GMO?

Genetically modified crops are a very complicated issue that are difficult to discuss because the public is mostly clueless about how genetics work. I found myself whipsawed between concern about genetic modification and despair...

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Obama Sounds Skeptical on XL Keystone

There wasn’t much news created during Jackie Calmes and Michael D. Shear’s interview with the president. But I did notice a few tea leaves related to the XL Keystone pipeline. NYT: A couple other quick subjects that...

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