Alex Pareene understands that Ted Cruz is just a smarter, more cunning, version of Michele Bachmann. I mean, you know what a pain in the ass it is for Mike Enzi to raise enough money to fend off a primary challenge from Liz Vader-Cheney? That’s a lot of phone calls, a lot of sucking up. Ted Cruz just talks crazy and the money flows in like water. Create enough heat and passion in the base and you don’t need to spend all your time on the telephone asking car dealers to give you money. Hell, the nutjobs might even nominate you as their presidential candidate. If that happens, you’ll never have to work another honest day in your life. You can give paid speeches, have people ghost write a half dozen books, try your hand at radio, or get a cot at the Fox News studio. It’s a scam, people. Call it the Palinization of the Republican Party.

If there is a God, he created Ted Cruz to punish John McCain for what he did in 2008.