As I mentioned earlier, the business wing of the Republican Party, which has always been predominant, does not want to screw around with the debt ceiling or close down the government. You can add most Republican governors to that list. Govs. Mary Fallin of Oklahoma, Terry Branstad of Iowa, Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Phil Bryant of Mississippi, and Jack Dalrymple of North Dakota all went on the record as opposing a conflict over the funding for ObamaCare. But it doesn’t really matter. The House Republicans do not give one crap what some governor has to say.

The governors wanted a farm bill, too. They wanted a bill to fund transportation and housing. You can bet your sweet ass that they wanted a stimulus bill to help them meet their budget shortfalls during the Great Recession. And they all want prompt disaster relief.

The Tea Bag caucus doesn’t care for this “gimme, gimme, gimme, King of Bacon” attitude. They didn’t come to Washington DC to bring peace, but a sword.

So, it’s nice that the GOP is divided, but until John Boehner locates his spine, that nice 401(k) balance that you have right now is about to go poof.