Byron York joins the brigade of Establishment Republicans who are trying to beat back the notion that it’s a good idea to cause a shutdown of the government in an effort to prevent the implementation phase of ObamaCare. He even uses poll numbers (skewed) and logic (how does it work?) to try to persuade the unpersuadable.
After all, they have really good care at the emergency room, so why would people need health insurance?
It’s really going to be hard resist popping popcorn to watch the GOP debate about whether to commit political suicide now or political suicide later.
Maybe they’re going to try to divert their crazed base from the coming caves on Obamacare and the debt ceiling by dangling the shiny impeachment object before them.
Tom Coburn joined the likes of Rep. Farenthold today when he told a town hall meeting the president was “perilously close” to unspecified impeachable offenses.
To this Democrats and the left should say, “Bring it on.” They have nothing they can use against Obama and all this impeachment talk is just blowing smoke.
I agree with you Marie. They cry wolf so often and ObamaCare is such a concrete fact. So many people will find out about the truth of it, will find out the GOP is lying to them right now about it. the Fox News watchers may not care, but many GOP will see and wonder about everything else. The GOP base seems to have an almost unlimited ability to absorb lies and misinformation, but impeachment along with the debt ceiling hostage taking and dragging their feet about every bill along with obvious voter suppression before an election is visible and huge. How in the world could they spin that? But then again, I’ve felt that for several years. Anyway, I agree with you.
Byron York joins the brigade of Establishment Republicans who are trying to beat back the notion that it’s a good idea to cause a shutdown of the government in an effort to prevent the implementation phase of ObamaCare.
York helped make the bed, now he has to sleep in it. I have no sympathy for the clown.
I had to take my daughter to an emergency room about 8 months ago when she was gasping for breath late one night. She has a history of some mild asthma.
It turned out she had a highly unusual case of Croup for someone as old as her. Shortly after admitting she was feeling better already. Never saw a doctor – only a nurse. The nurse said that breathing in the cold night air cleared her breathing. My daughter needed no medication, no tests.
We were just told to wait “a few minutes” so a doctor on duty could sign off. They forgot we were there so we killed 1.5 hours waiting on them for no purpose.
The bill was just a bit over $3,000. (We have insurance and I doubt the insurance company put up with that charge.)
Unbelievable! And, this is the sort of care the GOP wants to consign most Americans to. and, who’s gonna pay for all those visits? In the end, the taxpayer.
But then, maybe the GOP is thinking they can coast in 2014.
pipsorcle, Daily Kos: 2014 – Where are we at with Democratic Challengers to GOP in the House of Representatives?
Don’t look swarthy, travel alone on Ramadan, and set of the explosives detector at the airport. You might get a lesson on the morons we have doing security.
There you go with your paranoia, BooMan, dontcha know.
This should do a Rachel Maddow talk-you-back-from-the-edge.
Andrew W. Joel, The job of protecting security and privacy
Just for reference, here’s his Wikipedia bio.
So a guy who was with the CIA from 2002 on is going to tell us about his concern about our privacy. It looks more and more that the Bushies are driving the response to the NSA scandal. (Well, with the addition of Cass Sunstein.)
It turns out that Joel was appointed by John Negroponte.
That should ease your paranoia immensely.
And who sets those rules?
The FSM, obviously.
No, people like the above mentioned Andrew W. Joel, plus Alexander and Cass Sunstein. None of whom I’d even appoint dog catcher much less the positions they hold now, or soon will.
No sense of humor with this one.
What does the F stand for?
What does spaghetti serve as analogy for?
What creatures do things that are monstrous?
And since we’re contemplating the demise of the GOP as we know it, the world is coming to and end (or is it?)
Ben Affleck is next Batman.
I guess that means that Robin Williams is next James Bond.
On emergency rooms, I guess that means that Jim DeMint is who should get your emergency room bills from now on.
A petition I’m happy to sign right now!!!
Antoinette Tuff for The Presidential Medal of Freedom
Yes, indeed.
Here’s someone who was paying attention to the Amash-Conyers vote in the House.
poopdogcomedy, Daily Kos: SC-Sen: Jay Stamper (D), “Lindsey Graham (R) should apologize for misleading SC about the NSA”
Everyone needs health insurance…duhhh!!