Speaking of codswallop, Mark Steyn provide a bucket’s worth of it in his latest column for the National Review Online. The one positive thing I can say for Mr. Steyn is that, unlike many Republicans and progressives in recent days, he isn’t treating Putin like some kind of superhero. On the other hand, Steyn basically serves as a curator of right-wing bullshit as he cobbles together one trope after another in what amounts to little more than a sustained insult of the president of the United States and his Secretary of State. Yet, underneath it all, there is no substance. Mr. Steyn makes no recommendations. He offers no constructive advice. He doesn’t say that we should attack Syria. He actually mocks the idea that we should attack Syria because “America’s credibility is at stake.” Yet, he also says that the Assad regime is enjoying “impunity,” and he hints that that is a bad thing. He thinks we should have threatened to do a lot more damage, although he doesn’t say what policy would be advanced by increased bellicosity.
Finally, he scoffs at the idea that the Assad regime will actually be disarmed with the assistance of the Russian government. Yet, as you can see in this morning’s papers, the U.S. and Russia have already agreed on a framework to do just that.
GENEVA — The United States and Russia have reached an agreement that calls for Syria’s arsenal of chemical weapons to be removed or destroyed by the middle of 2014, Secretary of State John Kerry said on Saturday.
Under a “framework” agreement, international inspectors must be on the ground in Syria by November, Mr. Kerry said, speaking at a news conference with the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey V. Lavrov.
An immediate test of the viability of the accord will come within a week when the Syrian government is to provide a “comprehensive listing” of its chemical stockpile.
I shouldn’t have to mention it, but we couldn’t attack Assad’s chemical weapon depots without risking explosions of poisonous gas that would have killed lots of innocent people. So, regardless of the size of our aerial bombardment of Syria, it would have left the weapons in the hands of the regime. It’s hard to see how crating up the weapons and removing and destroying them is not a preferable outcome to a limited punitive strike aimed at doing little more than making a point that we don’t approve of gassing civilians with sarin. And, unless Mr. Steyn thinks we should go fight in the civil war ourselves, it’s hard to see what alternative he has to either disarmament or a punitive strike.
Whether it’s a commitment to violence or to being critical in all circumstances or simply an aversion to diplomacy, Mr. Steyn seems to embody every pathology of the right.
Innocent brown people, which isn’t really a downside in Steynworld.
You’re telling me that Mark Steyn, pretty much the king of wingut welfare and well paid islamo-phobia, has written a substance free and dishonest wank job critical of the president?!
Laura Rozen, The BackChannel: Framework text: U.S., Russia reach deal to remove Syria chemical arms
The deal.
Let the neo-con branch of the right-wingers howl. At least John McCain gets to embarrass himself on the pages of Pravda.
There are going to be implementation issues, but the rapid destruction of mixing equipment takes the possibility of Syria launching attacks (again?) off the table. And the destruction of production (and research) equipment ends Syria’s chemical weapons program in November in practice; the accession to the CWC ended its chemical weapons program in principle.
The logistics of hauling the chemical precursors out of country in the middle of a civil war are a bit daunting.
And the UN inspectors report is reported to being released on Monday. French media have been frontrunning the release with all sorts of leaks. It will be interesting to see what the report actually says.
Based on a leak of Ban ki-Moon when he thought recording devices were not on, it is the Secretary General’s personal opinion that Assad has committed crimes against humanity. That would tend to indicate some moves somewhere to get the case of Assad’s various actions moved to the International Criminal Court. But there’s a civil war in Syria to resolve in some way before that can happen.
Didn’t you say last week that it was NOT Assad who used CW? Didn’t you say PBO was lying and using CW as pretext to carry out some grand neo-conesque US imperialist agenda?
Amazing how quickly you change your tune and now whitewash the CT you pushed here, as if you had not written reams here of pseudo-insider expertise to bamboozle many commenters on this site?
Simple. Next time just wait to see what President Obama ACTUALLY does before reading villainous intent into his actions!!!!!!
Why? Why should we wait? If we waited, they very well could have actually hit the military strike button.
Because god knows this administration would certainly have done that.
meep meep
Linking an article that makes a startling claim is not exactly the same as making the claim. You should maybe calm down a little.
I said that the neither the US nor any of the other countries rushing to war had presented the evidence that Syrian government was responsible nor had they presented evidence that Assad ordered the attack. The Assad government under Bashir al-Assad has been implicated in crimes against humanity under the UN definition.
Until the UN inspectors’ report comes out with the evidence we still don’t know definitively the chemical agent, the means of delivery, or who is responsible. Their report will answer the first two questions. If it is military grade Sarin (as opposed to D-I-Y) or some other Schedule 1 chemical agent and if the delivery means was rockets or artillery shells known to be in the Syrian arsenal and in regular use in the civil war, the probability is high that it is the Syrian government that conducted the attacks. If it is more of a D-I-Y type of chemical agent and a D-I-Y means of delivery, it is more probable that it is from one of the rebel groups. Note that the fact that the rebels or the Syrian army were occupying territory doesn’t mean that any or all of the population in that territory were supportive of the one or the other factions in the civil war. Also note that there is evidence that Assad did not order the attack but ordered it’s halt, but that evidence like other intercepted communications has not been presented for verification. Instead of a causus belli, these facts when established can be the basis of an ICC investigation and prosecution of those who conducted the attack down to the lowest ranks (Nuremberg principle). Or up to Assad, if he gave the order to use chemical weapons.
Now we will see to what extent the US and Russia control the factions on the ground in the civil war. Inspections and the logistics of removing the precursor chemicals will not be easy if rebel groups make moves to sabotage this peace agreement.
SG Ban Ki-moon did NOT refer to the UN Inspection report or did he leak ANY substantial information ahead of time! Ban Ki-moon did say there was overwhelming evidence of chemical warfare. The SG did not point fingers and it’s not the inspectors to put blame on a side. The scientific evidence may be sufficient to reach a conclusion. The UNSG got the report probably on Saturday and it will be published on Monday.
As all of you know, another UN Commission is investigating serious war crimes and will document these for a future referral to the ICC where at all possible. Ban Ki-moon spoke about those conclusions – U.N. Rights Panel Cites Evidence of War Crimes by Both Sides in Syria. The allied nations UK, France and the US will have a summit in Paris on Monday. Secretary Kerry will meet PM Netanyahu on Sunday in Jerusalem. The US have communicated with Iran and newly elected President Rouhani via the Swiss consulate.
Updates and analysis in my new diary @EuroTrib – Chemical Weapons and Moral Hypocrisy.
○ JPost Op-Ed: Ditch the Analogies
Admission by Kerry, it is possible rebels possess CW. Fair is fair, also in the by rebels controlled areas if there are chemical weapons present, the US will push for access!
Steyn like most of the right cannot accept the plan to destroy Syria’s chemical weapons. They have never accepted the fact that the UN removed all WMDs from Iraq even after they bombed Iraq, invaded, and found no WMD.
I got out of the boat. Why the gibbering blue hell did I choose this particular day and this particular article to get out of the boat?
Never get out of the boat for Steyn, Rubin, Krauthammer, Noonan, or Goldberg.
Mark Steyn belongs in the Wanker Hall of Fame.