I want to drop you all a note of thanks, again. Almost 100 people made donations to the site over the last three days. It was an overwhelming outpouring of support and we are very grateful for it. I was able to pick up a refurbished MacBook, which I needed for my guest-blogging gig at the Washington Monthly’s Political Animal site (starting tomorrow). Ed Kilgore is going to get a much-deserved break from the political grind for a few days. Drop by over there and leave some comments, if you are so inclined.
We’re about to act like it’s my birthday around here, so talk about whatever you want and I’ll check in later to see what needs picking up.
Maybe it’ll lead to other things. You deserve it. I mean, a lot of the guys who’ve moved up deserved it as well; it’s the true gatekeepers who need to be kicked off the cliff.
You are the one political commentator I read daily, and I find your analysis super valuable. Thank you. I hope good things keep coming your way.
Wow! Congrats on the WaMo thing, BooMan!
Congratulations on your well-earned Wash. Monthly gig. And…happy birthday!
Happy Birthday. You still haven’t answered about the water heater. Can’t help if I don’t know the specifics.
We’re gonna have a different plumber come in and take a look at it. Hopefully, he won’t be a moron like the last guy. Thanks for your offer of help, but the thing either can be unscrewed or it can’t. Jacksass stripped the thing, but maybe someone with a brain in their head can figure out a way to salvage it.
Being on the scene is always best. Sounds like you have an electric tank (Rheem?). I know the money is tight, but going to modern gas or better yet, tankless or best of all solar will pay dividends downstream in energy savings.
By modern gas I mean something like this.
Too bad we can’t borrow at the rate the banks do or 2% above that. They borrow from the Fed at next to nothing and still want double digits for a personal or home equity loan.
Kind of a collective birthday present, as it turns out. Many happy returns of the day, Boo. And I never knew this before, but we are the same sign. (Although either I don’t believe in astrology, or it’s way more complicated than that.)
Happy birthday Boo.
Congrats on the WM gig. I look forward to reading you over there. That’s one of my few regular blogs (this being one of the other ones).
Happy birthday.
Conagratulations on the Washington Monthly gig. Good fit.
Happy Birthday pal 🙂 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mokoolapps.placesintheworldpuzzles