I think it is safe to say that the leadership of the House, as well as a good portion of the Republican caucus, is downright angry with Senator Ted Cruz of Texas.
Sen. Cruz has been at the front of the parade calling on the House to defund ObamaCare, but as soon as Speaker Boehner announced their plan to do so, Cruz said, “[Senate Majority Leader Harry] Reid will strip the defund language. At that point, House Republicans must stand firm.” That’s not what the House Republicans were expecting from Sen. Cruz. They were expecting him to lead a filibuster of any effort to strip the defunding language.
And now a lot of Republican House members and staff are taking to Twitter to blast the crap out of Cruz. But, you know, as Malcolm X once said, “The chickens always come home to roost.” When you tell lie upon lie upon lie about ObamaCare, eventually a day of reckoning comes. That day is nearly upon us. What they have is a great big bag of the bullshit lies they’ve been telling, and they’re tossing it back and forth from the House to the Senate like a hot potato. They’re both going to be left holding the bag.
The stupid thing is that they’re bickering over the proper way of blowing up the economy. They’ve got to be really, really stupid if they think the President is going to flush the main piece of legislation history will remember him for down the drain.
The stupid hurts so much. This isn’t even enjoyable, because the consequences of a default on debt are so enormous are really bad. Government shutdown? Fine, the GOP will take a hit, and we’ll reopen in a little bit. But the debt ceiling stuff is a big thing, and I’m not convinced there are enough brains in the Republican caucus to realize this.
She had more balls than him way before this episode.
This is true – house-sized ones at that.
They’re not describing Cruz’ faults accurately. He has plenty of testosterone-producing genital organs. His problem is a shortage of brains, choosing a tack that risks both a Great Depression and the end of his party.
Anyway, enough Republican Senators have said a shutdown is unacceptable that the Senate is not going to have a problem with the hot potato. They’ll send it right back. The question is what the House does once it comes back.
Oh, is Rafael being a little asswipe and starting to shit his pants at the thought of actually being held to account for his shenanigans? Poor baby. He’s still stuck in “I’m the smartest debater ever, guys!” mode. Go home, Rafael, and I don’t mean to Canada.
Smartest Debater Ever who can’t organize a filibuster within his own caucus, so he’s begging the backbenchers in the House caucus to save his widdle project.
What a maroon.
Google “Brooks on Cruz on PBS” and just take a look at the links to all the conservative media and websites who’ve raced with that one and they definitely ain’t on Brooks’ team. The video is from his last Friday appearance on the News Hour” when he talked about the Cruz-ism and take over of the GOP. Brooks really doesn’t like Cruz and obviously despises what he’s doing to the GOP. He called Cruz the “Senator from Canada by way of Texas”. Brooks is taking lots of heat for that. He’s being labelled a RINO and a NY Times elitist.
I still believe that Cruz is the most dangerous person in the GOP. He is NOT stupid, he’s adept on his feet, and he apparently has few political principles, and as Brooks points out, he’s not interested in governing. His similarity to Joe McCarthy is more than physical.
Maybe it’s about time for the republicans to don their black sneakers?
I can’t stop laughing.
I just had to take a screen grab of that and post it on my Facebook page. Made my day.
“House agrees to send #CR to Senate that defunds Obamacare. @SenTedCruz & @SenMikeLee refuse to fight. Wave white flag and surrender.”
~Rep Sean Duffy
Counting your chickens a little early there, buddy. Do you even have the votes in the House?
The Tea Party bunch are nothing if not exceedingly arrogant. I’ll give’em credit for that.
Can I say that I found this picture at the top of Redstate.com to be mesmerizing, and maybe historically great?
They are like the King and Queen of the Troll Prom.
Looks to me like Cruz is saying “Please Proceed” to Palin and she is saying, “No, you first. I insist.”
I was gonna say, “Or the bag breaks and they all get covered in shit…”