Someone should nominate Amie Parnes for a wanking award. The Republicans are the reason that we can’t get any gun control legislation passed, that we can’t do immigration reform, that we can’t do a jobs bill, that we can’t pass a farm bill, that we can’t pass a transportation bill, that we can’t pass a budget, that we are about to default on our debts and destroy our credit rating…
None of these problems have even the slightest relationship to the White House’s communication skills. Period.
Some birthday music.
Floundering? Stuggling?
I don’t see it.
He is playing the cards he’s been dealt pretty well IMO.
I saw something on Morning Joe this morning about how poor his comments were about the Navy Yard shooting and also saying all his best people had left. Really?
Funny thing is I heard about the shooting from a coworker who isn’t particularly partisan when I arrived in Houston this week. His first comments were that he loved that Obama said in his news conference that the shooting took place in a military installation with plenty of guns around and that should end talk about the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun. (I don’t think that’s what Obama actually said but that’s what he heard). The point is that Obama going on with the presser and saying whatever he did were not a in any way a bad things for him.
I don’t think the purpose of these pieces is even to pretend to present a cogent or rational argument. The writer probably knows the entire thing is absurd rank bullshit.
The purpose is to have some “argument” to present to the already braindead conserva-cogs via the 24/7 Noise Machine. All the Noise Machine needs is words, in English, that sound like sentences, that can be repeated by talking head lice, that blame Obama for all national problems. Sense, reason, logic, truth or reality are irrelevant to the purpose.
The other possibility is that the piece fulfills the all important “balance” requirement, which trumps truth or any intellectual integrity on the part of the “journalist”. Balance demands that Dems be blamed for dangerous Repub tactics and actions.
Take your pick.
that’s about how I felt about it while I was reading it.
The White House messaging is terrible. As is the whole Democratic party establishment. Obama campaigned to the left of Kennedy and has governed to the right of Nixon.
The biggest failing is to have a coherent economic message. Just terrible. And the failure to break up and regulate the big banks when he took office was huge. It was to maintain the staus quo with appointments of Geitner and Summers. A Republican could have done that.
Where are the sharp elbows? Politics isn’t beanbag. But only the GOP seems to have figured that out. And they figured it out long ago.
I completely agree to what you are saying.
sell home fast