I wonder what the spider was thinking when he did that…
I had a really nice weekend – up early to work out, and then hanging around with the fellas. Even had a pumpkin spice latter and made my favorite soup yesterday to celebrate the start of fall. This is my favorite time of year.
And now it’s back to work time. I have slides and posters to review…good times.
Sad to say, the spider did not actually make a heart-shaped web. It’s just pulling down on a silk thread and the weight of the spider pulled the web into the heart-shape..
I have to confess that one of the pluses about working from is the ability to open my window. Of course, the distractions are far more plentiful as well, but I can defeat some of those by starting my workday at 6 am. 🙂
Sorry for the lack of music posts this week. Taking a bit of a hiatus from that for a week or two while concentrating on other things. Nothing bad, but it’s just one of those periods where there is a lot to deal with in short order.
It’ll be close to summer-like here for a few days. I’m still holding out hope that I’ll get some really good fall foliage shots in a couple weeks. After the previous two years of drought, it’s about time.
Just curious, and also curious to see what those who are think will happen. I have my ideas – and figure many of them will be wrong. Certainly has been an interesting series, and one that seemed to fit our particular time and place.
The one thing I do feel confident about is pretty obvious – Walt is planning a murder-suicide. At least some of the Ricin is for himself. He’s dead man walking as it is anyway. The question is who the targets of his vengeance are: The Aryan Nations gang that his most of his ill-gotten gains and his intellectual property (i.e., meth recipe) would be an obvious first choice for Walt. But I would not be surprised if he went after his ex-colleagues at Gray Matter instead.
Jesse’s fate is a bit of a wildcard. I’m betting he’ll make it out to the end of the series alive, and potentially in witness protection – what he knows makes him an asset to the Feds. He’ll be a trainwreck, and one who will never see his son again.
I keep expecting some of that ricin to end up in Lydia’s tea before all is said and done.
As for Skyler? Todd considers her a threat, and could off her pretty early in the episode. If she lives, I have a hard time imagining her avoiding hard time.
There will be no inheritance for Walt’s kids. Walt Jr./Flynn is already a mess. At least the baby will likely never know who her parents were – I could imagine Aunt Marie seeing to that.
Walt will die realizing that after all of his efforts to matter in this world, he simply doesn’t.
As I may have already prefaced all the above, I will probably get most if not all of this wrong. It could all end with Skyler finding Walt showering, and saying to him, “Walt, I just had the craziest dream…” 🙂
Well, I got some of the ending wrong, but I was pleasantly surprised with what I got right. There are so many ways an ending to a series like that could be screwed up, but fortunately there was just that right balance, just enough closure to make it worthwhile. One of my young ones refers to it as a Shakespearian comedy – a lot of bad stuff happens, but at least a few of the characters live and learn a lesson of some sort.
We had some days with lows in the 40s and highs in the upper 70s but right now we’ve got lows in the 60s and high in the 80s … and it’s really humid, too. 🙁
Wish there was sound to go with that photo! My b-i-l and s-i-l are at Yosemite now. I asked them if they would be allowed to leave by the park service or would they be stuck there until the shutdown is ended, ala Hotel California.
I don’t have the sound for that but I do have something similar — this is a link to a video of the Merced River on its several-miles-to-go trip to the valley floor.
Bummer for them — they have to be out of the park by Thursday.
Guess they will proceed on to Seattle and visits with family out there. Cool video. We used to have a little fountain in the office, but the pump finally gave up the ghost. I miss the gentle giggling water sounds.
Hello everyone! Hope this finds you well. We’ve been slammed around here with one thing or another for the past several weeks and yesterday the ac went out. Well, it’s getting fixed, in the meantime…
There’s a poem called “Catalog” by Rosalie Moore. Your picture reminds me of two lines in this stanza:
“A cat condenses.
He pulls in his tail to go under bridges,
And himself to go under fences.
Cats fit
In any size box or kit; And if a large pumpkin grew under one,
He could arch over it.“
I’m living in a danger zone, dodging the walnuts as they come zipping down on the house and yard this morning. I think fall is here. The squirrels are pleased.
We didn’t quite get that much last night but after it was done, we ended up with 3 3/4 inch. Lovely to see the creeks flowing again (even if they were really muddy).
I wonder what the spider was thinking when he did that…
I had a really nice weekend – up early to work out, and then hanging around with the fellas. Even had a pumpkin spice latter and made my favorite soup yesterday to celebrate the start of fall. This is my favorite time of year.
And now it’s back to work time. I have slides and posters to review…good times.
Looks like Mr. or Ms. spider had love in mind. Hope nobody got eaten afterward.
The “eating” part is for dessert.
That is a fascinating pattern. Nice photo.
Spiders have been given drugs to see how it affects their webs. ahref LINK
Maybe Andi’s spider was ODing on oxytocin.
I was always fascinated by those experiments in my youth…and the idea that spiders had a conciousness of some sorts.
I’m thinking oxytocin sounds about right. 🙂
Sad to say, the spider did not actually make a heart-shaped web. It’s just pulling down on a silk thread and the weight of the spider pulled the web into the heart-shape..
Nooooo! Don’t burst my bubble! I was hoping it was just a happy spider. 🙂
I can tell that the one on sleeping pills fell asleep while spinning her web.
Busy Monday here at work but at least the weather is beautiful. Too bad I’m inside.
I know the feeling all too well. At least the bills get paid.
The weather here has been gorgeous! I am sorry to be working too…
Can you at least get out for a lunchtime walk? I usually get my quick blast of the outdoors at nursery school pickup at lunchtime.
Heh. I don’t always get a full lunch hour. And there’s usually phone calls to return. Sigh.
I have to confess that one of the pluses about working from is the ability to open my window. Of course, the distractions are far more plentiful as well, but I can defeat some of those by starting my workday at 6 am. 🙂
Those of us who have worked in government truly understand the meaning of public “servant”.
Count me amongst that group.
Sorry for the lack of music posts this week. Taking a bit of a hiatus from that for a week or two while concentrating on other things. Nothing bad, but it’s just one of those periods where there is a lot to deal with in short order.
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Feeling prickly?
Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.
It’s summer again here in the Hudson Valley! Warm and sunny.
It’ll be close to summer-like here for a few days. I’m still holding out hope that I’ll get some really good fall foliage shots in a couple weeks. After the previous two years of drought, it’s about time.
It was beautiful in the Hudson River Valley this weekend (we were visiting family).
Just curious, and also curious to see what those who are think will happen. I have my ideas – and figure many of them will be wrong. Certainly has been an interesting series, and one that seemed to fit our particular time and place.
Just to put a few things out there:
The one thing I do feel confident about is pretty obvious – Walt is planning a murder-suicide. At least some of the Ricin is for himself. He’s dead man walking as it is anyway. The question is who the targets of his vengeance are: The Aryan Nations gang that his most of his ill-gotten gains and his intellectual property (i.e., meth recipe) would be an obvious first choice for Walt. But I would not be surprised if he went after his ex-colleagues at Gray Matter instead.
Jesse’s fate is a bit of a wildcard. I’m betting he’ll make it out to the end of the series alive, and potentially in witness protection – what he knows makes him an asset to the Feds. He’ll be a trainwreck, and one who will never see his son again.
I keep expecting some of that ricin to end up in Lydia’s tea before all is said and done.
As for Skyler? Todd considers her a threat, and could off her pretty early in the episode. If she lives, I have a hard time imagining her avoiding hard time.
There will be no inheritance for Walt’s kids. Walt Jr./Flynn is already a mess. At least the baby will likely never know who her parents were – I could imagine Aunt Marie seeing to that.
Walt will die realizing that after all of his efforts to matter in this world, he simply doesn’t.
As I may have already prefaced all the above, I will probably get most if not all of this wrong. It could all end with Skyler finding Walt showering, and saying to him, “Walt, I just had the craziest dream…” 🙂
Well, I got some of the ending wrong, but I was pleasantly surprised with what I got right. There are so many ways an ending to a series like that could be screwed up, but fortunately there was just that right balance, just enough closure to make it worthwhile. One of my young ones refers to it as a Shakespearian comedy – a lot of bad stuff happens, but at least a few of the characters live and learn a lesson of some sort.
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Very nice! Our leaves are already starting to change color.
We have a scattering of trees that have turned, mostly black gums and maples, but most of the woods are still green.
80s today in the Hudson Valley. Woohoo!
Same here. But I have to admit I’m ready for cooler fall temps.
The range of daytime temperatures is truly startling. 50s early, then up to the 80s later on.
We had some days with lows in the 40s and highs in the upper 70s but right now we’ve got lows in the 60s and high in the 80s … and it’s really humid, too. 🙁
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(didn’t have any local ones so happily went back to Yosemite)
Wish there was sound to go with that photo! My b-i-l and s-i-l are at Yosemite now. I asked them if they would be allowed to leave by the park service or would they be stuck there until the shutdown is ended, ala Hotel California.
I don’t have the sound for that but I do have something similar — this is a link to a video of the Merced River on its several-miles-to-go trip to the valley floor.
Bummer for them — they have to be out of the park by Thursday.
Guess they will proceed on to Seattle and visits with family out there. Cool video. We used to have a little fountain in the office, but the pump finally gave up the ghost. I miss the gentle giggling water sounds.
The California state parks are open, including all the state parks that are part of Redwoods National Park system.
That is gorgeous! I feel a need to get outdoors today. And if not today, this weekend for sure.
This is the 11th day with sun and warmth, and no rain. Something tells me that there will be a price to pay.
I hope North Dakota Dem is hunkered down. It looks like the first big storm of the season is working its way through the upper midwest.
Agreed. Too much too soon.
Hello everyone! Hope this finds you well. We’ve been slammed around here with one thing or another for the past several weeks and yesterday the ac went out. Well, it’s getting fixed, in the meantime…
Halloween Cat Grace

There’s a poem called “Catalog” by Rosalie Moore. Your picture reminds me of two lines in this stanza:
“A cat condenses.
He pulls in his tail to go under bridges,
And himself to go under fences.
Cats fit
In any size box or kit;
And if a large pumpkin grew under one,
He could arch over it.“
You can read the whole poem here.
What a great page, we enjoyed it with coffee this A.M. Thanks!
I’m living in a danger zone, dodging the walnuts as they come zipping down on the house and yard this morning. I think fall is here. The squirrels are pleased.
I thought dodging the walnuts were bad last week on a bike ride until I went down a road lined with osage orange trees.
Rain after 2 weeks of relentlessly sunny skies. I guess I can’t complain.)
3.25″ here last night plus a hailstorm of walnuts.
Sorry for all that rain. You should make some chocolate chip walnut cookies with that windfall. 😉
We didn’t quite get that much last night but after it was done, we ended up with 3 3/4 inch. Lovely to see the creeks flowing again (even if they were really muddy).
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