Month: September 2013

Saving Boehner’s Gavel

My understanding of the White House’s thinking is imperfect at best, but I believe that they are confident that Speaker Boehner will eventually conclude that he has no choice but to go to Nancy Pelosi for the votes he...

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Tea Party Can Get Bent

Other than their ability to destroy the Republican Party, I am just not sure why any of us should care about this. The clash in Congress over efforts to derail President Obama’s health-care law has lit up tea party groups across...

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Saturday Painting Palooza Vol.424

Hello again painting fans. This week I will starting the new painting of the Grand Canyon. The photo that I will be using is seen directly below. I will be using my usual acrylics on an 10×10 gallery-wrapped canvas. I began...

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Anatomy of a Wingnut Argument

I’m sorry about your dog, Jonah, but your column is ridiculous. Let’s take a look. ‘It’s the law of the land.” This is rapidly becoming the preferred shorthand argument for why criticism of Obamacare is just so, so...

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