Month: September 2013

State of the Case

I’m surprised to see a Russian source even reporting on this, but it appears that the German intelligence service (BND) has concluded that Assad ordered the attack and that it was indeed sarin. They claim to have a damning...

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Casual Observation

It seems like people will be pissed at us no matter what we do or don’t do. To me, that argues against caring about worldwide public opinion and just bearing down and making pragmatic decisions that have a prayer of...

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The Bizarre Continues

The reaction in Israel to President Obama’s decision to ask for congressional authorization to strike Syria is truly bizarre. As far as I know, Israel has never been able to decide what they want to happen in Syria....

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This Whole Thing is Nuts

Lawmakers who were briefed on the Syria intelligence by the administration this afternoon did not come away clamoring for war. They did, on the whole, seem convinced that the Assad regime is guilty of launching the attack, and...

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