This New York Football Giants fan is not enjoying this NFL season, at all.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Trust me. I’ve felt your pain. And in my case it lasted for well over a decade.
Who Dey!!
No doubt. Fellow Cincinnatian here.
Except for a 2 year period in the late 80’s, every season was a letdown for pretty much my entire life.
At least the Steelers didn’t lose today. What you say? They had a bye week this week? Oh, OK. Never mind, carry on…
Try being from Minnesota. The Vikings and Twins not only can’t get better, they don’t even know HOW to get better.
Has there ever been a situation where a team wins a Super Bowl and then within a couple of years is this bad? I hope there is because this really feels like a selling your soul to the devil situation and the contract has run out quite abruptly.
There are a few examples of teams winning a super bowl then stinking it up two seasons later. For the record, the Newark Giants aren’t bad enough to go 0-16 … they will probably end up with 3-6 wins. Compare them to:
1992 Newark Giants (6-10, fired coach)
1993 Washington Indigenous Native Persons (4-12, fired coach)
1997 Dallas Cheerleaders (6-10, coach resigned) … the team started well but in December played like Newark is playing now and lost their last 5.
In Newark’s case the fall hasn’t been so great because they weren’t that great a team when they won the championship – yes, they played very well for 5 games in a row and beat some very good teams in the process, but that winning streak was an anomaly. They were a pretty good 9-7 team.
for you.
Andy Reid is undefeated.
Just wait until he gets control of personnel.
My condolences.
(By the way, how many years after the NY Baseball Giants ceased to exist—we’re up to 56 and counting since they moved to San Francisco—does the term “NY Football Giants” fall into disuse?)
How about when the the last person forgets Willie Mays, or never.
I don’t get this argument. You never saw Willie Mays play, the baseball Giants had been gone 15 years when you were born and you’re a Yankees fan.
Not, of course, that there is or should be any logic in fandom.
Willie Mays retired from the Mets in 1973. His memory was as alive in NY in the mid-1970’s as Mariano Rivera will be in the mid-2010’s.
Except that Rivera is retiring still somewhere near the top of his game. Mays with the Mets was a shadow of his former self.
As a Bears fan, I’ve had a rough couple of weeks as well.
Good news is we play your Giants on Thursday.
Look at the bright side: at least you’re not a Mets fan.
Or a Jacksonville Jaguars fan. Astonishingly poor quarterbacking on that squad. That’s the most difficult position to try to fix in mid-season.
Love me some Maurice Jones-Drew; been watching him since his days on record-breaking De La Salle HS teams. He has a body-breaking load right now, and predictably his body is breaking down.
Two week. You’ve got the Vikings at home on Monday night in what may be the worst Monday night of the year.
And, in Week 10, Oakland at home. Yes, that’s what it’s come down to. Sadly, you don’t have Jacksonville this year.
Seahawks fans are going nuts this year (today’s loss notwithstanding), but scratch one and you’ll find severe PTSD from decades of ineptitude. I’m sure there’s plenty of sympathy for this year’s NYG collapse. And don’t even get me started on the Mariners or (ahem) Sonics.
Sorry; but, you know what they always say: There’s always next year. I am a Seahawk fan and having a lot of fun this year. But, we had very many lean years.
The Giants futility is about the only thing this Cowboys fan is enjoying this year. The up and downs of this season is killing me. Can’t believe we came so close to beating Peyton only to give it all away. Same story. Season after season. Sigh.
That was a heck of a game. Did either side have a defense? It’s not really fair to blame Romo. One little mistake is not why the game was lost.
Sorry but I do blame Romo. He’s done this too many times to ignore it. But I do recognize he kept us in the game. And played brilliantly. Up until that play at least.
That’s about all I got to say, as a Giants fan.
I hope our GM, Jerry Reece, has taken down the countdown-clock to the Super Bowl which will be held in our stadium, and which he put-up to motivate the team.
Some motivation.
My Mom will be happy, though.
I’ll be free to watch the PBS cooking shows on Sunday afternoons with her.
Our favorite, is “A Taste of History.”