So far, no rain here. And I think we kind of need it at this point, but at least BooMan got to mow the lawn one last time yesterday in 80+ degree weather. 🙂
I am so happy that it’s Monday and my last BIG project of the year is more than halfway finished and will be a distant memory by this time next week…
Hope everyone has a good and peaceful week ahead! I am thinking it’s time to for me to start figuring out how to make “yellow angry bird” costume for our little trick or treater this year.
I’ve heard that Hudson Valley squirrels are much more ambitious than the Hoosier National Forest variety. They probably have them all tucked away already.
But apparently not craftier than Happy Hollow squirrels who have taken care of every walnut that has fallen. Our squirrels, OTOH, just live off the sunflower seeds dropped by the piglets goldfinches as they throw seeds every which way in their frenzy to be the one who can cram the most in a beak at one time.
Speaking of killer bees 😀 Check this out
This must be my happy monday, been at doctors today said I have tmj really happy for me 😀 My killer bee blog 🙂
It does! Oddly enouugh, I remmber more about the tufa (sp?) rocks and spiky vegetation from my visit to Mono Lake than the island. Must have been that cute German guy we were hanging out with. 🙂
Nice flog everyone. Sorry I had to bail, the dishwasher blew all over the kitchen, so we spent the weekend cleaning up and shopping for a new one. At least there was no major damage. Just seem to be having a run of bad luck lately with ten year old appliances. It’ll turn around soon enough.
Here’s a plant that’s little seen as its flower is tiny. The smallest of all passion flowers.
Thanks guys, it’s just the way it goes sometimes. First the disposal, then the a.c. which was still under warranty:) and then the dishwasher. So if it’s threes’ that should be it for a while.
We feel your pain on the replacement of many home items in a row…this was our summer of water problems: burst well pipe, dying water heater, etc…hopefully you’ll be in the clear now!
There was a light touch of frost on our car this morning, but no visible plant damage anywhere that I could see. I’m now in the process of finding homes indoors for all the house plants we moved out in the spring. Our gutters are probably full of walnuts at this point. I’m afraid to look.
I don’t think we’re going to have a peak this year. A lot of the trees have already turned and are bare or nearly bare while the oaks and beeches that dominate our woods are still green (they are late).
My traditional autumn trips through Morgan-Monroe Forest don’t seem nearly as colorful as in other years. The cider from the little orchard over there is delicious, though. Last year they didn’t even get much of a crop due to the drought.
Last year was our worst drought year of the last 4 and the color was spectacular so I don’t the rain (totals were just a little below average) was the cause. I’m guessing that the way warmer than normal October is to blame.
We’ve had a warm fall and just a few cold nights so the leaves are still hanging on. The oaks and beeches are just starting to turn. Here are some shots from yesterday morning.
I had a bunch of errands to run in Columbus today. Our drive and the road down our hill were a tunnel of color. Andi took some amazing shots in between the rains. I hope the rain and the wind didn’t strip the trees of all their leaves yet.
November Day
by Eleanor Averitt
Old haggard wind has
plucked the trees
like pheasants, held
between her knees.
In rows she hangs them,
bare and neat,
their brilliant plumage at
her feet.
Looks as if a lot of the leaves in town hung on through the storm. Only trouble is, there’s always a bunch of pesky cars or utility lines in front of the most colorful trees I want to shoot.
Looks like I was wrong about there being no peak color this year — the woods exploded in color right before all the rain and most of it survived. Good news for the leaf lookers (and the town merchants, I hope).
Seems as if the peak came much later than usual this year. The crowds of lookers were back in town again this weekend. The merchants must be pleased. We heard record weekends (except for the rainy days) from our favorite restaurant owner last week.
I can almost imagine the little guys trooping off after Bebo to some unknown olfactory destination of interest. Interesting shot. It also reminds me that the Nutcracker production is coming soon over at IU.
Mrs. ID always takes the grandchildren. I started going with my parents before I was a teen and haven’t been for a while. I’ll have to go see it again sometime, but probably not this year.
Deer season with guns opened today. It was surprisingly quiet. Sounded like it was a good day for the deer.
Deer hunters seem to prefer two methods of hunting. One is setting up a camouflaged blind, think a tent with gun slits. The other is a tree stand, a ladder strapped to a tree that allows the hunter to climb up to a platform strapped to the tree too.
Tomorrow the weather looks to be favoring the deer. In addition to 90% chance of heavy rain we have a wind advisory.
Go team deer!
I hope the trees around the house are still well rooted and strong limbed.
They’ll sit in their blinds, swill their Jack Daniels and only emerge to get off an occasional “sound shot”. I overheard a park employee telling someone yesterday how much she did not want to be working while hunters were on the property.
It’s mostly tree stands and beer around here and the high winds seemed to have convinced them to drink their beer at home.
We lost power around 5:30 p.m. Looked the town was out too but I see you all got taken care of. Hope we’re getting close to the top of fix-it list (though we have the generator so it’s not as bad as when we just had to sit in the dark).
Our power stayed on all through the storm. I was listening to the fire dept. radio and it sounded like most of the damage was in the northern third of the county. I only heard one call down your way.
We drove around and didn’t see any trees down in the immediate area so that was good. We’re still without power, though we just got a call saying it was back on in our area. Of course, this means we go to the end of the line for getting the repair folks out here.
Just checked the Duke outage map and its showing 81 customers still out countywide and it looks like quite a few are in your general area. Hope its back on soon.
We got our power back at 6:30 p.m. so it was off for 25 hours. I was happy to stop hearing the generator (but not ungrateful at all to have it to listen to).
It seemed like a really unusual fall, with some maples turning in mid-October and others nearly a month later. Made for nice extended color viewing, though.
It was weird to have trees that were complete bare while poplars, oaks and beeches (especially) were still completely green. Our maples were mixed. Some of them turned early but a lot of them waited. But there was still extended color because we also had black gums, sassafras, sumac, and walnuts turning early.
Borrowed from my days as a Unix geek where “yet another” was a favorite prefix for program names and descriptions (e.g., yacc, meaning yet another c compiler).
North Dakota retired engineer George Loegering has found a rare spinning disk of ice in the Sheyenne River, a weather phenomenon experts say likely was caused by cold, dense air, and an eddy in the river.
It was colder where we were yesterday when I clocked out of work than it was when I clocked in. Those northwest winds can be really something else this time of year.
Hopefully everyone is having a good day. I am merely hoping that the semi-pornographic image of Miley Cyrus that I saw in one of the diaries doesn’t give me nightmares. Happy Turkey Day, in case I don’t get to log on tomorrow.
Back at you, Andi! Weather sux here but at least the snow/rain has stopped. It did give me the chance to test out our gutters which have to receive a full cleaning. Sigh.
It’s cold here but nothing but sunshine which was good for me since we’re gone to Indianapolis and back on Wednesday, Cincinnati and back on Thursday, and now another trip up and back to Indy today.
Can this particular Cafe make it to and then past the two-month mark? We shall find out on December 7th. The clock is ticking, and the audience members are on the edge of their seats….
Gil Scott-Heron once said it was winter in America. I guess soon it shall be literally as well as figuratively. Stay warm and stay safe if you’re in the path of the big storm.
Not too bad so far — a bit of sleet with about 2 inches on top of it which is at the low end of the overnight prediction of 2-4 inches. They’ve dropped the 4-8 to 3-7 more inches for today.
More than a few of us will be cleaning up downed tree branches for a bit, I suspect. Always fun when the wind chills are below zero. So it goes. Right now, just being able to avoid property damage is good enough.
Pound’s parody certainly seems appropriate for the day in our area. Mrs. ID is out yelling thanks to our younger neighbor who is kindly shoveling off our walk. Since my Middle English is a bit rusty, I had to look up “lhude”, although I probably could have puzzled it out from the context if I hadn’t been lazy and used Wiki instead.
This cafe has now lasted over two months, and so far, it still manages to usually load without too much difficulty from my home connection. I’m actually impressed. Have a safe and warm (to the extent it is possible) rest of your weekend.
No problem here with loading, either. We’re venturing out later with two of the grandchildren, a neighbor and her 6 yo to see The Nutcracker. Wish me good luck!
There were some slippery back roads on the way to return the grandchildren to their mom and dad, but luckily no mishaps. The Nutcracker was magical, as always.
(TIME) – How do you practice humility from the most exalted throne on earth? Rarely has a new player on the world stage captured so much attention so quickly–young and old, faithful and cynical–as has Pope Francis. In his nine months in office, he has placed himself at the very center of the central conversations of our time: about wealth and poverty, fairness and justice, transparency, modernity, globalization, the role of women, the nature of marriage, the temptations of power.
So far, no rain here. And I think we kind of need it at this point, but at least BooMan got to mow the lawn one last time yesterday in 80+ degree weather. 🙂
I am so happy that it’s Monday and my last BIG project of the year is more than halfway finished and will be a distant memory by this time next week…
Hope everyone has a good and peaceful week ahead! I am thinking it’s time to for me to start figuring out how to make “yellow angry bird” costume for our little trick or treater this year.
We went to a Halloween party one year where the hosts’ family all dressed up in Killer Bees outfits, just like Belushi & friends. Hilarious!
We had 3.25″ come down here Fri. night and Saturday along with a hail of black walnuts.
We’re getting your heavy rain now, even as we speak. I haven’t seen any walnuts yet.
I’ve heard that Hudson Valley squirrels are much more ambitious than the Hoosier National Forest variety. They probably have them all tucked away already.
True, NY squirrels are a crafty bunch.
But apparently not craftier than Happy Hollow squirrels who have taken care of every walnut that has fallen. Our squirrels, OTOH, just live off the sunflower seeds dropped by the
pigletsgoldfinches as they throw seeds every which way in their frenzy to be the one who can cram the most in a beak at one time.Lazy squirrels…our dog Dumbledore used to eat the sunflower seeds that the squirrels rpped on the ground when robbing the bird feeder. Crazy dog.
Our grass appears to have greened back up overnight.
The killer bees actually sounds like a fun idea.
We got our rain yesterday. Heavy, but not apocalyptic. 😉
Maybe killer bees aren’t such a great idea this year.
Speaking of killer bees 😀
Check this out
This must be my happy monday, been at doctors today said I have tmj really happy for me 😀
My killer bee blog 🙂
Happy Monday,
That image is so real. I could well be in your garden. Feel I could reach out and touch those flowers
Hi! Who is still around the Pond these days.
Went to Indy to celebrate my mom’s 92nd birthday and completely forgot about Hump Day.
Volcanic cone Negit island in Mono Lake
That looks like a submarine surfacing.
I’ve always thought it looked like the USS Monitor.
Heh. That’s about right.
It does! Oddly enouugh, I remmber more about the tufa (sp?) rocks and spiky vegetation from my visit to Mono Lake than the island. Must have been that cute German guy we were hanging out with. 🙂
I’m surprised that someone hasn’t attempted to paint a navy-style ship number on one end.
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You’ve got way more green than I. It’s all orange here
That was 9/20 so not so green now but we still quite a bit of green because Octber has been unseasonably warm.
It’s been quite warm here as well.
That is just lovely!
On a beautiful, crisp cool night in Sonoma, California (7:00-7:15-p.m.) – February 8, 2013
Amazing color in those clouds.
Lovely shot!
Another warm, beautiful fall day here in the Hudson Valley.
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Nice flog everyone. Sorry I had to bail, the dishwasher blew all over the kitchen, so we spent the weekend cleaning up and shopping for a new one. At least there was no major damage. Just seem to be having a run of bad luck lately with ten year old appliances. It’ll turn around soon enough.
Here’s a plant that’s little seen as its flower is tiny. The smallest of all passion flowers.

It is a host for Zebra Long-wings.
Laying Eggs

Amazing photos!
Bummer about the dishwasher. 🙁
Love the photos.
Good luck with the new machine! We’ve recently replaced some aging appliances as well.
Thanks guys, it’s just the way it goes sometimes. First the disposal, then the a.c. which was still under warranty:) and then the dishwasher. So if it’s threes’ that should be it for a while.
We feel your pain on the replacement of many home items in a row…this was our summer of water problems: burst well pipe, dying water heater, etc…hopefully you’ll be in the clear now!
Fall chores almost done. Only have to clean the gutters and keep up with the falling leaves.
There was a light touch of frost on our car this morning, but no visible plant damage anywhere that I could see. I’m now in the process of finding homes indoors for all the house plants we moved out in the spring. Our gutters are probably full of walnuts at this point. I’m afraid to look.
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Why yes, yes I am. But then I came here and saw all those beautiful skies…
I have a picture from our weekend jaunt to visit one of the CBs…I’ll use it for a new cafe later this morning.
Not just this week!
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Shot on Oct. 20, 2013
Beautiful color!
It seems to have arrived very quickly – probably just me and my advanced age. Wasn’t the county fair just last week? Ack!
Nice shot, Jim!
Wow! That’s quite the contrast between the dark structure of the tree limbs and the bright yellows, oranges of the leaves.
This weekend sucked and now it’s almost the start of another week of work. Sigh.
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The color is pretty much at its peak right now.
I don’t think we’re going to have a peak this year. A lot of the trees have already turned and are bare or nearly bare while the oaks and beeches that dominate our woods are still green (they are late).
My traditional autumn trips through Morgan-Monroe Forest don’t seem nearly as colorful as in other years. The cider from the little orchard over there is delicious, though. Last year they didn’t even get much of a crop due to the drought.
I agree that the colors are duller this year — the yellows and reds especially.
And I think when the oaks and beeches turn, they are going almost straight to brown — that’s what the few that have started to change are doing.
Too little rain?
Last year was our worst drought year of the last 4 and the color was spectacular so I don’t the rain (totals were just a little below average) was the cause. I’m guessing that the way warmer than normal October is to blame.
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Some of the stuff I’ve baked looks very similar.
A nice oven-browned soufflé?
Happy Halloween from the lost forest ralley.
Looks like that passenger has been lost for a long time.
He stops near my house on occasion for a coffee, but it always runs right through him.
As long as he makes no bones about it.
What a cool car — and so nicely tricked out.
I hope that it wasn’t set up for right-side driving.
We’ve had a warm fall and just a few cold nights so the leaves are still hanging on. The oaks and beeches are just starting to turn. Here are some shots from yesterday morning.
Cypresses at the Camp Lake
High Ridge Trail
Lovely shots! Looks as if we have some color after all. There are some brilliant red maples in town, too.
I had a bunch of errands to run in Columbus today. Our drive and the road down our hill were a tunnel of color. Andi took some amazing shots in between the rains. I hope the rain and the wind didn’t strip the trees of all their leaves yet.
November Day
by Eleanor Averitt
Old haggard wind has
plucked the trees
like pheasants, held
between her knees.
In rows she hangs them,
bare and neat,
their brilliant plumage at
her feet.
Looks as if a lot of the leaves in town hung on through the storm. Only trouble is, there’s always a bunch of pesky cars or utility lines in front of the most colorful trees I want to shoot.
Looks like I was wrong about there being no peak color this year — the woods exploded in color right before all the rain and most of it survived. Good news for the leaf lookers (and the town merchants, I hope).
Just peeked outside and all the parking spots within view are filled, so looks as if October has been held over by popular demand.
I’m particularly liking the High Ridge Trail
Glad you liked that one. I worked to get the exposure right on it.
High winds and rain here in the Hudson Valley, but at least it’s warm. (60s)
Around town yesterday ~ a bit of local color.
Very nice! We’ve got some orange but little red. Probably at least half our leaves are down now.
Nice shots. Everything looks very pretty.
I think the peak was probably Friday — at least here. By Sunday, a lot of the color was already fading/going brown and a lot more leaves were down.
Seems as if the peak came much later than usual this year. The crowds of lookers were back in town again this weekend. The merchants must be pleased. We heard record weekends (except for the rainy days) from our favorite restaurant owner last week.
Definitely later here (I looked back at several years of pictures).
That’s great news for the town.
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I can almost imagine the little guys trooping off after Bebo to some unknown olfactory destination of interest. Interesting shot. It also reminds me that the Nutcracker production is coming soon over at IU.
Do you usually go over to see it?
Mrs. ID always takes the grandchildren. I started going with my parents before I was a teen and haven’t been for a while. I’ll have to go see it again sometime, but probably not this year.
Are those magic mushrooms?
It actually was kind of magical — this spot had hundreds of mushrooms popping up and we’d never seen anything like that there before.
Off for Election Day! Sometimes it’s cool being a civil servant.
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P.S. That’s my selfie being reflected over and over. 🙂
Good morning everyone.
I love the selfie going over and over Andi. ;0. My keyboard is screwing up and I can’t get the smiley face thing up there. Arrrrgggg!
I hope everyone will have a great YAHD today.
Everyone take care.
Howdy Whit. Hope all is going well with you.
Hay FM! Good to see you!
Very cool!
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Guess we won’t have Blockbuster videoto kick around anymore.
Always out there on the leading edge, the Onion saw it coming 5 years ago.
Please be kind – rewind.
I guess I can’t miss what I thought was already gone.
I’m reminded of a certain Joni Mitchell song.
Flog is up, and I’ll see you all tomorrow as we are off to the Masters.
Thanks Bob!
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At least I’ll have time today to see what’s left of the leaves. The wind produced a leaf storm yesterday.
It’s mostly bare here too and what’s still on the trees is almost all brown.
But we’ve got a brief respite from brown today — a little bit of snow.
That’s the kind of snow I can enjoy – a little dusting overnight and sunshiney when I wake up.
We had flurries here this morning. That doesn’t bode well.
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Umm, for hump day?
Of course. Wish I had some pretty colored leaves to look at now — everything is almost bare here.
I’m just here sweeping up the crickets.
Can’t find any here — all the noise we make walking through the leaves scares them away.
Freed one from the bottom of an empty 5 gallon bucket in the carport a few days ago. Its been hanging out around the back door ever since.
Deer season with guns opened today. It was surprisingly quiet. Sounded like it was a good day for the deer.
Deer hunters seem to prefer two methods of hunting. One is setting up a camouflaged blind, think a tent with gun slits. The other is a tree stand, a ladder strapped to a tree that allows the hunter to climb up to a platform strapped to the tree too.
Tomorrow the weather looks to be favoring the deer. In addition to 90% chance of heavy rain we have a wind advisory.
Go team deer!
I hope the trees around the house are still well rooted and strong limbed.
Update: severe thunderstorms have been added to the forecast for tomorrow. The deer cheer.
They’ll sit in their blinds, swill their Jack Daniels and only emerge to get off an occasional “sound shot”. I overheard a park employee telling someone yesterday how much she did not want to be working while hunters were on the property.
It’s mostly tree stands and beer around here and the high winds seemed to have convinced them to drink their beer at home.
We lost power around 5:30 p.m. Looked the town was out too but I see you all got taken care of. Hope we’re getting close to the top of fix-it list (though we have the generator so it’s not as bad as when we just had to sit in the dark).
Our power stayed on all through the storm. I was listening to the fire dept. radio and it sounded like most of the damage was in the northern third of the county. I only heard one call down your way.
Glad that everybody is okay!
We drove around and didn’t see any trees down in the immediate area so that was good. We’re still without power, though we just got a call saying it was back on in our area. Of course, this means we go to the end of the line for getting the repair folks out here.
Just checked the Duke outage map and its showing 81 customers still out countywide and it looks like quite a few are in your general area. Hope its back on soon.
We got our power back at 6:30 p.m. so it was off for 25 hours. I was happy to stop hearing the generator (but not ungrateful at all to have it to listen to).
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Nice one! I thought the golds were unusually brilliant this year.
The hickories seemed especially brilliant this year.
There’s an interesting range of color in that spot.
It seemed like a really unusual fall, with some maples turning in mid-October and others nearly a month later. Made for nice extended color viewing, though.
It was weird to have trees that were complete bare while poplars, oaks and beeches (especially) were still completely green. Our maples were mixed. Some of them turned early but a lot of them waited. But there was still extended color because we also had black gums, sassafras, sumac, and walnuts turning early.
This time with a view from the top

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Stupid question. What is YAHD?
Yet Another Hump Day
Borrowed from my days as a Unix geek where “yet another” was a favorite prefix for program names and descriptions (e.g., yacc, meaning yet another c compiler).
Yet another mystery solved.
We have a quarter inch of snow on the ground, which we got last night.
Conditions as of this post:
1 °F
Windchill: -14 °F
Humidity: 92%
Dew Point: 0 °F
Wind: 10 mph from the SW
At least we got the last of the carrots harvested before the soil froze solid.
We’ve already had snow here but I’m overjoyed to say that no temps anywhere near that cold have dared to come our way this early.
I hope the jet stream doesn’t make a break for the south soon.
And winter is still a month away.
Is that the normal course of things for this time of year?
It’d be about average or a tad below I’d suspect.
However, the next couple of days are way below normal;
Clear. Lows 10 to 15 below. Northwest winds 5 to 15 mph.
Mostly sunny. Highs zero to 5 above. West winds around 5 mph shifting to the southwest in the afternoon.
LOL, I can hear your “Scream” all the way up here in the GWN.
We’re scheduled for a chilly blast of our own later this weekend, but hopefully nothing so extreme as that! Keep warm!
We have it now in the Hudson Valley. 20s with strong winds.
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This is just one of the things that make me thankful — living in a place where I can have a driveway that looks like this.
Ah, that’s how nice it looked here just s few weeks ago. All the leaves are pretty much down now.
Yeah, this was October 31st. Everything is bare here too.
Even the extended fall was over too soon. Looks as if we escaped the bit of snow that blew through southern Indiana this evening, though.
We got a dusting. It looks like we’re in for some 2 inches of rain but at least the temperature will go up slightly.
Video at link.
That’s so “cool” I’ve got to share it. Thanks Jim.
Our deluge is about over but the cold is coming back, with high winds. Sigh.
It was colder where we were yesterday when I clocked out of work than it was when I clocked in. Those northwest winds can be really something else this time of year.
Hopefully everyone is having a good day. I am merely hoping that the semi-pornographic image of Miley Cyrus that I saw in one of the diaries doesn’t give me nightmares. Happy Turkey Day, in case I don’t get to log on tomorrow.
Argh – that gave me a mental flash of the “we got your skinny girl” line from Here At The Western World (Steely Dan).
And a Happy Turkey Day to you also, Don Durito.
Thanksgiving and Hanukkah to all who celebrate them.
Hope the weather in the east isn’t messing up anyone’s holiday(s) plans.
Back at you, Andi! Weather sux here but at least the snow/rain has stopped. It did give me the chance to test out our gutters which have to receive a full cleaning. Sigh.
I do mine with a leaf blower, but wear some old duds if you do that. The backwash can be pretty nasty.
Happy Holiday to you and all the other froggies!
It’s cold here but nothing but sunshine which was good for me since we’re gone to Indianapolis and back on Wednesday, Cincinnati and back on Thursday, and now another trip up and back to Indy today.
Our goal tomorrow is to avoid wheels. Hope you’re having a happy holiday or just a great weekend.
We’ve got another 3-3 hours of driving tomorrow for our trip to the other side of the family. Thanksgiving feast number 2.
Caffeinated and drive safe.
This one still feels like October.
Hello everyone.
I may save the zinnias to look at through the winter – mine are all brown and ugly. OTOH, the neighbor’s holly tree is looking very colorful.
Howdy! Hope you and the kids and the grandbaby are doing well.
October was a good month.
Darn. I can’t expand the comments for some reason. But hi anyway!
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Still gotta go out and get the last of those leaves, and clean the gutters.
Can this particular Cafe make it to and then past the two-month mark? We shall find out on December 7th. The clock is ticking, and the audience members are on the edge of their seats….
I guess holiday season is distracting for Cabin Girl. 🙂
It’s actually ancient in terms of news cycles.
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“Winter is coming…”
Gil Scott-Heron once said it was winter in America. I guess soon it shall be literally as well as figuratively. Stay warm and stay safe if you’re in the path of the big storm.
Weather oracle predicting 4 – 8″ here. However, it being southern Indiana, it could just as easily turn out to be 80F and sunny.
That seems about right.
Not too bad so far — a bit of sleet with about 2 inches on top of it which is at the low end of the overnight prediction of 2-4 inches. They’ve dropped the 4-8 to 3-7 more inches for today.
It’s coming to us on Sunday.
More than a few of us will be cleaning up downed tree branches for a bit, I suspect. Always fun when the wind chills are below zero. So it goes. Right now, just being able to avoid property damage is good enough.
I’m glad you didn’t suffer any damage.
We ended up with about 9 inches of snow but very little of it stuck to the trees as it was very powdery so not much down here.
I hope that NDD is okay.
Same here.
“Winter is i-cumin in,
Lhude sing goddamn!
Raineth drop and staineth slop
And how the wind doth ram
Sing goddamn!”
Pound’s parody certainly seems appropriate for the day in our area. Mrs. ID is out yelling thanks to our younger neighbor who is kindly shoveling off our walk. Since my Middle English is a bit rusty, I had to look up “lhude”, although I probably could have puzzled it out from the context if I hadn’t been lazy and used Wiki instead.
This cafe has now lasted over two months, and so far, it still manages to usually load without too much difficulty from my home connection. I’m actually impressed. Have a safe and warm (to the extent it is possible) rest of your weekend.
No problem here with loading, either. We’re venturing out later with two of the grandchildren, a neighbor and her 6 yo to see The Nutcracker. Wish me good luck!
Safe travels!
There were some slippery back roads on the way to return the grandchildren to their mom and dad, but luckily no mishaps. The Nutcracker was magical, as always.
I usually use a 9 year old PowerBook. No problems loading it. Long dkos threads are another story.
My desktop and laptop are both getting a bit creaky as well. Just thankful that I haven’t been on dialup in a long time.
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Actual color from back in the day.
We’re on fire with orders. Hope everyone had had a nice Thanksgiving.
Snowy here but a least yesterday’s ice sheet is gone.
Monty Python-esque (think silly walking) Guiness ad
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○ US group buys masks sold in Paris for return to Hopi and Apache
○ Breaking News: TIME magazine names Pope Francis person of the year
A good choice.
Brrrr. More windy 20s today and snow for Saturday. Sigh.
According to The Weather Channel, its currently 3F in beautiful, but chilly Bloomington, Indiana. At least the sun is shining.
Sunny here as well.
Looks like a new comments record is within our grasp ~ a double century! Woo hoo!