On Monday, 10/7/13 Booman posted an article titled The Worst Bluffer in the World. In it he links to a Bloomberg.com article with the panicky headline A U.S. Default Seen as Catastrophe Dwarfing Lehman’s Fall.

Bloomberg.com, eh? Now there’s a brand to watch very carefully. Like it was a hawk. Wall Street disinfo at its mainstream best. Meanwhile the $$$$$ jes’ keep on rollin’ in for 1%. Maybe .01% would be more accurate, but who’s counting? (Except for the profiteers, of course. They are always counting.) Lehman’s “fall” wasn’t the catastrophe; its existence…and the continuing existence of the financial system in which it was an integral part…was the “catastrophe.” They sacrificed a pawn to protect the continuing rooking of the American public. Then Booman posted another link about how Boehner is stonewalling…also from the media system of NYC’s esteemed almost ex-mayor. (Thank You, Lord!!! The corporate malling…errr, ahhh, mauling…of NYC may finally be over.)

Boehner Says House Won’t Vote on Clean Debt Limit Bill

Bad Boehner!!!

Look around the web and you can find other articles blaming Obama.

Bad Obama!!!

As on and on continues the media fix.

Bad Republicans!!!

Bad Democrats!!!

Good Republicans!!!

Good Democrats!!!

‘Round and ’round and ’round it goes. Where it stops, nobody knows. (Excepting of course the .01% that actually controls the wheel.)

But…wait a minute here!!!

What if both sides of the mythical political aisle are so bone-deep stupid (and/or so in the pocket of the corporations that desire total control) that we tumble right over the fiscal cliff in a couple of weeks?

What then?

Read on for more.
What then?

American Exceptionalism would end, that’s what.

On the spot.

That’d be interesting, now wouldn’t it?

Can’t be a World Cop w/out the wherewithal to make weapons and pay soldiers, eh?

The U.S would have to back down from its current continuous state of international Defcon 1. It would have to retrench on every level, including bringing the troops home. All of them. Why? Because martial law would need to be imposed within a week of the first serious cold weather in the northern cities. Fuel prices would skyrocket w/out an ongoing U.S. military presence in the Middle East to keep them down. No fuel, no heat or food deliveries. No heat or food? The poorest neighborhoods would suffer first. Result? Riots. Bet on it. Perhaps the whole current system of (mis)government would collapse under the burden. I mean…what are they really doing now in Washington (on both sides of that bullshit “aisle”) except cooperating in an ongoing corporate financial assault on the American people, an assault that has as its sole purpose achieving total control of the population. Wage slavery? Real wage slavery? “A functioning police state needs no police.”-William Burroughs. Yup. Only it’s still not functioning on the level desired by the controllers, so here come de judge and his court officers to maintain real order.



If this shutdown is not resolved soon? Before real cold hits the north?


Do I sound like I want this to happen? Do not misjudge me. I do not. I would guess that most self-satisfied, middle-class leftinesses such as the majority of people to be found on sites like this one live in much safer environs than do I in my Bronx neighborhood, and I am also quite sure that most leftinesses do not live cheek to jowl with people of color, the majority of whom are still scuffling just to make it through each day in this almost entirely racist society. But neither do I want the criminal kleptocracy under which we live to continue to exist in the manner that it is now functioning. We have been suffering a societal disease in the U.S. since at least the assassination of JFK, an assassination that led directly to a corporate coup of the government. “As above, so below” say the Sufis. Well, every disease in a living body…if not cured by physicians of one kind or another…must finally reach a crisis point before it either resolves or takes the life of that body. We are approaching that point. The “doctors?” The venal, corporate-owned politicians who are supposed to be taking care of business?




“The operation was a success, but the patient died” said Dr. Strangelove.

So sad!!!


We have about 10 days before we are driven off the cliff.

Will the drovers renege?

We shall see. Soon enough.

Let us pray.