Maybe the only interesting thing left to look for tonight is the actual roll calls of the votes in the House and Senate. Reportedly, Boehner and his leadership team encouraged the rank-and-file to support the bill so that he will look less weak and defeated. With some Republican-aligned organizations key-voting the bill, there is more safety in numbers if most lawmakers say ‘yes.’ But that doesn’t mean Boehner will succeed in getting a majority of his caucus to go along with his face-saving plan.

Senate votes will be interesting, too, with key lawmakers like Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Lamar Alexander, Pat Roberts, and Thad Cochran already staring down the barrel of a Tea Party challenge, and Mike Enzi looking over his shoulder at Liz Cheney.

If you are a political junkie, you’ll be almost as interested to see these votes as the final numbers in Cory Booker’s race for the U.S. Senate.