In what universe does Chuck Schumer think this makes him look good and Scott Brown look bad?

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said he offered former Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) a pass on his 2012 election, if the Massachusetts Republican supported campaign finance reform — but Brown declined.

Because of that, Schumer said he recruited Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) to run for the seat she occupies today.

“You know I helped persuade her to run. There is a good little story,” Schumer told the New Republic in an interview.

“I can tell this. I went to Scott Brown and said, ‘If you give us the 60th vote for the Citizens United rollback, we won’t go after you.’ I spent a lot of time lobbying him, and met some of his friends and had them lobby him. He said ‘yes.’ Then he said ‘no.’ So I wanted to recruit the strongest candidate against him, and I thought that was Elizabeth Warren.”

Schumer was referring to the Disclose Act, which fell three votes short of advancing in the Senate in 2010.

He was in charge of winning Senate seats for the Democratic Party and he was willing to give Scott Brown of Massachusetts a six-year term in exchange for one vote? It wasn’t even the deciding vote.

I don’t think Chuck Schumer should speak anymore. He should just shut up.