Let’s play a game. I’ll name a year, and you name the first two ideas/concepts that come into your head. Are you ready? Here we go…

2000- 1. Butterfly ballot, 2. hanging chad
2001- 1. 9/11, 2. shark attacks
2002- 1. Color-coded terror charts, duct tape
2003- 1. Invasion of Iraq, 2. Valerie Plame
2004- 1. Abu Ghraib, 2. John Kerry
2005- 1. Beginning my blog, 2. Meeting CabinGirl.
2006- 1. The Yearly Kos conference in Las Vegas, 2. Winning the midterms
2007- 1. Barack Obama, 2. introduction of iPhone
2008- 1. Collateralized debt obligations 2. Sarah Palin
2009- 1. First black president, 2. rise of the Tea Party
2010- 1. Birth of my son 2. Affordable Care Act
2011- 1. Arab Spring 2. Death of Osama bin-Laden
2012- 1. Republican primary fiasco 2. the 47%
2013- 1. George Zimmerman acquittal, 2. government shutdown.

I’m sure your associations are different from mine.