I can kind of see why the former ombudsman for the Washington Post, Patrick Pexton, advised Jeff Bezos to fire Jennifer Rubin. Among his criticisms were these:
Rubin was the No. 1 source of complaint mail about any single Post staffer while I was ombudsman, and I’m leaving out the organized email campaigns against her by leftie groups like Media Matters. Thinking conservatives didn’t like her, thinking moderates didn’t like her, government workers who knew her arguments to be unfair didn’t like her. Dump her like a dull tome on the Amazon Bargain Books page…
…She doesn’t travel within a hundred miles of Post standards. She parrots and peddles every silly right-wing theory to come down the pike in transparent attempts to get Web hits. Her analysis of the conservative movement, which is a worthwhile and important beat that the Post should treat more seriously on its national pages, is shallow and predictable. Her columns, at best, are political pornography; they get a quick but sure rise out of the right, but you feel bad afterward.
She really is terrible. Today she is actually suggesting that Hillary Clinton will be burdened by Benghazi if she wins the nomination in 2016. Why does the Post pay for that kind of Foxified epistemic closure?
Ms. Rubin goes even further, declaring that “Republicans are coming around to the idea that Clinton is the perfect opponent for them to confront in 2016.”
Literally no one who hasn’t suffered significant brain damage actually believes what Rubin is writing.
One can only wonder what it would take to get fired.
Teabaggers believe this intensely. They never explain wny Hilary or Obama would want the US Ambassador killed, with the exception of the “Obama is a Muslim” argument. Is Hilary a Muslim? I thought they said she was a Communist? Are there Communist Muslims? Or is it Muslim Communists?
They hate Hilary so much that they are sure that everyone else does too. They hate her so much that I am tempted to vote for her so that they can all die from their heads exploding when she beats Christie. Or is it Cruz? They also hate Christie. He is from the Northeast which is a suburb of Moscow.
On a slow news day I hear this crap at break time.
wny S/B why
Between my ancient keyboard and my even more ancient eyes I’m making a lot of typos. My apologies.
Aren’t they in the least bit worried about Hatch Act violations?
Not at all. Should they? Private conversations at break.
I mean they’re in the clear in general, I’m just thinking that lots of feds shy away from these conversations just for insurance. Don’t need to have someone go reporting something and having an investigation over nothing.
You’re allowed to talk about issues, but you can’t promote/demote specific candidates.
Of course there’s proof, plenty of proof, that she’s both a Communist and a Muslim. She’s lesbian. QED.
And Pexton didn’t even tell him about Rubin’s admitting being in the tank for “Man-on-Dog” Santorum and then jumping straight to being in the tank for Willard? Or was she in the tank for Willard the whole time? Crap, I forget. I just know she’s a flat-out embarrassment.
J-Rube doesn’t seem substantially worse than George Will to me. In fact, columnists and pundits who consistently defend the current Republican Party and modern conservative movement must engage in factually challenged hack work. Facts are taking on a stronger liberal bias every day.
Yes, she is terrible, but so are Richard Cohen, Charles Krauthammer, and George Will, to name just three other loathsome, overpaid hacks on the WaPo editorial page.
So long as Bezos lets Fred Hiatt run amok there, the paper will continue to be a neocon joke.
It’s kind of like tenure in academia. If you want her out, you’re going to have to do some digging into her personal business and find some scandalous behavior that can be exploited.
Fred Hiatt won’t fire her, but he does want to cut her Social Security benefits.
So there’s that at least.
Perhaps the problem here is that she accurately represents the current state of right wing thinking. Looking for a more clever conservative won’t help. There aren’t any.
I trust that’s a figurative use of “literally.”
no, it’s a literal use of brain damage.