The guy has struck out more than three times, how many innings does he get for G_d’s sake? Georgia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt … all ended up in turmoil with no positive result for McCain’s interference. Even during this visit, the EU has called off futher negotiations because differences cannot be reconciled. Its a matter of subsidies, loans to help offset the huge debt of a nation already broke and downgraded to a level of Greece and Cyprus.
Here Comes Freedom! John McCain Visits Ukraine
(Atlantic Wire) – The senator will spend the weekend in the country, meeting with government officials and opposition leaders. “If Ukraine’s government thinks that brute force and the politics of fear can see it through the current crisis,” McCain wrote earlier this week, “it is woefully mistaken.” It is likely that he will have even more strong words for the government in person. This is good news, because John McCain has a lot of “experience” visiting countries in the midst of a crisis.
In August, for instance, John McCain and Lindsey Graham flew to Cairo to solve the Egypt crisis, because, in McCain’s words, they “have credibility with everybody there.”
In May, John McCain secretly crossed the border into Syria in order to meet with armed opposition groups fighting Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. Without him knowing, meets rebel kidnapper of Shia muslims.
In April of 2011, McCain visited the Benghazi stronghold of the Libyan rebels, shortly after the U.S. joined NATO military action against the regime of former Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi. Qaddafi, who died in October of that year, was not a stranger to McCain.
“Late evening with Col. Qadhafi at his ‘ranch’ in Libya – interesting meeting with an interesting man.”
Tweet by John McCain on Aug. 15, 2009And we know of his visit to a “secure” Bagdad which was simply a photo-op. During one of the colored revolutions, McCain was deeply involved: “McCain’s Ties with Lobbyist Scheunemann in Georgia.”
McCain personifies the urge of the U.S. to intervene and expand its global reach under the pretense of spreading “democracy.” Nothing has changed in policy goals under Bush and Obama, the difference is the availability of money to fund the adventures overseas.
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What failure? McCain has totally achieved his aims.
These movements are not protests in a democratic society once they claim to “overthrow” the government by peaceful means, a contradictio in terminis. When crosses a protest the line of anarchy? After economic and social upheaval, a far-right movement will fill the gap with a decade or more of fascism. Just like Hitler, Franco or Mussolini, and “democratically” elected.
○ Guardian: Italy hit by wave of Pitchfork protests as austerity unites disparate groups
○ The Third Age of Financial Globalization
○ Ukraine Debt Rating Cut to the same level as Greece and Cyprus
○ Ukraine looks to China for money as debt crunch looms
○ Ukraine: the Tymoshenko and Yushchenko years of corruption
○ Ukraine’s GNI per capita decreased by 22% between 1990 and 2012
○ Merkel Says Germany To Back Ukraine After Tymoshenko Win – 2007
Failure Looms As
McCainMr. Magoo Visits Kiev…There – fixed.
When do insurgents in countries around the world recognize that a visit and support from McCain is a prelude to their defeat? That his choice of a running mate for POTUS wasn’t an anomaly but completely consistent with his lifelong judgment.
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