Maybe Dennis Rodman is a mad genius. I certainly like the idea that dialogue with North Korea is better than total isolation, but sometimes you have to cancel a trip despite of whatever promises you may have made. Kim Jong Un just executed his uncle for clapping half-heartedly. Under the circumstances, I don’t even know why Rodman feels safe visiting North Korea.
I mean, there are unconfirmed reports that 80 people were recently executed for watching South Korean television. Dennis Rodman is famous for performing on television. He might want to try to clear up this rumor. He’s visiting a madman and lending him credibility. I’d like better relations with North Korea, too, but that isn’t possible when their leader is the midst of a purge and potentially behind mass executions for (not even) thought crimes.
Kim Jung Un just executed his family regent for plotting a coup and in returned obtained loyalty of the military brass. Whatever other executions have to do with that event. It is not the first time in history a family and the guardians of a revolution have tangled. (In one case it created a theological schism in a religious movement.) It is a continuing problem of absolute monarch succession.
If Rodman wants to play basketball with the kid, it might help Kim Jung Un unwind after his first ordered execution. It also continues a relationship that if handled properly could evolve into a backdoor diplomatic channel. (No, Rodman just does the introductions.)
A little basketball in North Korea might just help. Just basketball, no politics, no questions.
The idea that Rodman, a sorta madman himself, is lending credibility to Kim Jung Un is ludicrous and approaches concern trolling. Rodman is a private US citizen who has gotten special dispensation from the State Department to be able to visit North Korea to begin with. Rodman is under no obligation to report publicly on anything and is in danger only if he acts as if he’s a US agent. Just basketball. Ironically, that is in fact the best long-term diplomatic strategy. That is, if the purpose is to re-establish relations sufficient to declare a formal end to the Korean War.
Honestly. Nothing else seems to work with them so why not just see what happens with Rodman? And yes, anyone who thinks highly enough of Rodman that his “endorsement” of the head of what is universally seen as a crackpot state carries weight with them… well, let’s just say that person ain’t likely to have much influence world affairs, now or ever.
I think it’s great. Kim loves basketball so, if it opens a back channel, great. If Rodman gets himself killed, oh well.
is there any evidence aside from the accusation that the family was plotting a coup?
The military seems to be the folks in control. Whether there was an actual coup, that possibility would be the worry about any regent and the uncle was Kim Jung Un’s effective regent. It could very well be the military taking pre-emptive action in order to initiate Kim Jung Un into military command.
It nonetheless has the marks of an absolute monarchy about it.
My sense is it could be about making the kid into a figurehead. Much easier to control the boy once his uncle is out of the way.
so you’re saying the uncle was probably just minding his own business? it was the aunt who is the relative by birth and the link to his grandfather, also she and the uncle were divorced/ separated. the uncle would have had a very tenuous claim at most
Agreed. I like to think based on the recent release of that veteran that the North Koreans don’t want to deal with the mess of doing anything really bad to an American, so he’s probably in a little bubble at the moment. He might as well use it.
But, hopefully he’s paying VERY VERY close attention to events as they unfold and knows how to bite his tongue.
> “Maybe Dennis Rodman is a mad genius.”
Maybe the moon is made of green cheese.
I can just see him saying Kim, buddy, I am your man and it not turning out well for him.
Heh. I sometimes muse that Rodman is really a triple-secret, ultra-deep-cover CIA agent. A half dozen of his body piercings are really satellite transmitters. 🙂
Even though it’s not true, it might actually make a pretty good movie.
Has there been any speculation as to whether the uncle’s execution is going to end up making life even more miserable for the average North Korean? Is it going to start Stalinist purges with thousands and thousands involved, or just a few guys up at the top?
Denis Rodman — lending credibility to North Korea? I didn’t know he had enough to lend to anyone.
words fail me.
would you prefer “attempting to lend credibility”?
Rodman better be careful not to kick any cameramen in the nads. Definitely don’t kick dear leader’s nads.
What DerFarm said.