I’d like to pretend that I am not blogging until people stop writing about Duck Dynasty, but the reality is that family obligations are taking precedence over my ability to provide you, the reader, with fresh and interesting content. I hope to get back to blogging before everyone forgets that this place exists on the internet, but things are not looking too bright on the front for the remainder of the day or most of tomorrow.
I guess you can use the time to discuss the many ways in which American politics have disappointed you. I know that I never thought that it would get this bad.
Take what time you need BooMan – your “base” will still be here when you return.
Re: politics, for sure we are all disappointed with our country. Yet as each day goes by I feel more and more confident that we are successfully fending off the worst of the conservative movement. Obama is still president; we haven’t had a total constitutional meltdown; we haven’t invaded any countries since Iraq; Obamacare is almost permanently entrenched at this point; the judicial filibuster is dead, and likely the legislative one too in short order; abortion is still essentially legal. All those things are BFDs, and progressives will continue to gain ground as the Tea Party cohort finally shuffles off this mortal coil. For all those things I’m thankful and even proud in a way. Trying to focus on the positive this holiday season.
I too am trying to focus on the positive. Glad the Dems swept VA, glad Obama is still president, glad about ACA.
Yes, we’ll be here when you’re back. I for one will be taking a bit of a break too from political oriented reading. One of my last political acts of 2013 however will be to send you a contribution. Thanks for bringing your terrific experience to this subject. You know I don’t agree with everything you say, but you’re open minded and I like that.
This is an excellent idea. I hope that everyone who can follows suit.
As for disappointment, I’m disappointed that I even know what “Duck Dynasty” is.
Have a wonderful holiday with family, Boo. Some things are more important even than your blog. 🙂
In the meantime I can post more mediocre paintings. 😀
All crumbling Empires have politics like this.
The difference is we have nuclear weapons.
So, you’re either a force for peaceful disintegration of Empire and re-establishment of an actual Democratic Republic, or you’re a fascist piece of shit who should be strung up along the freeways as an example of what happens to fascist traitors.
But that’s just a very unSerious radical talking.
What does David Gregory have to say about it?
Your apology is rejected. Relax. Obviously you have a personal life…so live it. Take a few days for yourself; the interwebs, this site, and your readers will continue in your absence. You deserve a break and now seems a good time to decompress.
Personally, I prefer post-zombie apocalypse imaginings to American politics: less complicated, fewer variables.
The obvious question: slow or fast zombies?
I forget how many you have – 1 at least. Take it from me, as the father of a 27 YO (still jobless and living at home) and 2 23 YOs (1 with job she dislikes but which has insurance, 1 looking and jobless) that the time with the little ones is precious. In 15 years, you will look back and wonder, as Dante did, how you got into the middle of the woods, and who that older, but well preserved, fellow in the mirror is?
I’ll take your challenge this beautiful, rainy Festivus day.
The two party system has utterly disappointed me. Yes, the ACA is better than nothing, but it’ a sad day when the Heritage Foundation’s insincere counter-proposal to Hillarycare becomes a great progressive victory.
Political media has disappointed me, whether it’s shows like Press the Meat or Morning Bloe, the increasingly silly and hysterical emails from [insert your favorite progressive fundraiser here], and even the blogs (has anyone else noticed the increasing tendency for Kos headlines to have that awful Upworthy flavor?}.
My specific politicians have disappointed me. I could read you chapter and verse on Corbett, the goons in Harrisburg, and Pat Toomey, but take Bob Casey. TAKE BOB CASEY, PLEASE!
“I got a lot of problems with you people” (Frank Costanza, patron saint of the permanently aggrieved)
On the subject of Duck Dynasty, I just saw this picture:
The author claims these pictures of the DD stars before the ZZ Top makeover.
Any verifications?
Google “duck dynasty fake” and pick the images tab.
I guess I should go back to pro wrestling.
You’d have a better shot there at verisimilitude.
I spent a lot of time SE of New Orleans (Jefferson, LaFourche, Plaquemenes Parish) in ’74. Half the population (at least half the WHITE population) looked like the dudes in DD. The other half looked savage. Among other things, it was my first introduction to blood sacrifice to Erazul. Strange place.
At any rate, I thought the DD cast was pretty much the way they always were …. Can’t trust nothing anymore.
Best DD response from Ta-Nihisi Coates.
Hope things work out for the best, BooMan!!!
Best for it
Sablon Kaos