Well, lookee here:
Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault. The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi. And contrary to claims by some members of Congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.
Let’s go back to that infamous appearance that Susan Rice made on Meet the Press the Sunday following the Benghazi attacks:
DAVID GREGORY: The images as you well know are jarring to Americans watching all of this play out this week, and we’ll share the map of all of this turmoil with our viewers to show the scale of it across not just the Arab world, but the entire Islamic world and flashpoints as well. In Egypt, of course, the protests outside the U.S. embassy there that Egyptian officials were slow to put down. This weekend in Pakistan, protests as well there. More anti-American rage. Also protests against the drone strikes. In Yemen, you also had arrests and some deaths outside of our U.S. embassy there. How much longer can Americans expect to see these troubling images and these protests go forward?
MS. RICE: Well, David, we can’t predict with any certainty. But let’s remember what has transpired over the last several days. This is a response to a hateful and offensive video that was widely disseminated throughout the Arab and Muslim world. Obviously, our view is that there is absolutely no excuse for violence and that– what has happened is condemnable, but this is a– a spontaneous reaction to a video, and it’s not dissimilar but, perhaps, on a slightly larger scale than what we have seen in the past with The Satanic Verses with the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. Now, the United States has made very clear and the president has been very plain that our top priority is the protection of American personnel in our facilities and bringing to justice those who…
GREGORY: All right.
MS. RICE: …attacked our facility in Benghazi.
I seem to recall that Ms. Rice received some criticism for those remarks. Yet, the New York Times reports:
Benghazi was not infiltrated by Al Qaeda, but nonetheless contained grave local threats to American interests. The attack does not appear to have been meticulously planned, but neither was it spontaneous or without warning signs…
…There is no doubt that anger over the video motivated many attackers. A Libyan journalist working for The New York Times was blocked from entering by the sentries outside, and he learned of the film from the fighters who stopped him. Other Libyan witnesses, too, said they received lectures from the attackers about the evil of the film and the virtue of defending the prophet.
So, to recap, the attacks in Benghazi were not carried out by al-Qaeda, were not meticulously planned, and the motivation to participate in them was largely “a spontaneous reaction to a video.”
It appears that Ms. Rice’s comments weren’t all that far off the mark.
The lack of an al-Qaeda role is particularly damaging to the Republicans because their main conspiracy theory all along has been that the administration blamed the whole thing on the Innocence of Muslims movie to deflect from the fact that they had not eradicated the terrorist organization by eliminating their leader, Usama bin-Laden. Supposedly, the real problem in Benghazi wasn’t insufficient security but the actual identity of the attackers.
But it wasn’t the administration that politicized the tragedy. It was Mitt Romney and the Republican Party, behind in the polls and smelling blood, that tried everything they could think of to gain an advantage.
I wonder if they have the capacity for shame.
That’s all they need to see before they tune the whole thing out.
Shame?? Not a chance.
Remember, “reality has a well-known liberal bias”.
I agree that the wingnut base will see this as a signal that it’s even MORE suspicious now, since Obama had to get the Most Liberal Newspaper West Of Moscow to print lieslieslies. Remember, Putin’s a wingnut pal now, so liberalism is worse than communism or whatever it is that the Real Man is running back East.
So no, no shame is capable of being felt by the political Party and movement which found Obama guilty of Presidenting While Black and Democratic before his first inauguration. We’re going to have to (electorally) beat the lies out of them for a while longer.
When it comes to this,
“I wonder if they have the capacity for shame.”,
I hope BooMan meant the MSM as a whole. Let’s see if any of the Sunday talkers mention this Times story at all. I’m going to say “hell no.” Alternative prediction: Dancing Dave uses the story to get Darrell Issa to talk about how liberal the Times is and how his committee has already established the real “facts”, and Gregory asks no follow-ups or lie-correctors. And then the Dancin’ Man starts the panel discussion by uncritically asking Ari Fleischer what happened in Benghazi and proceeds to let him filibuster while cutting off every other panelist who tries to intervene. In your hearts, you know Ari’s right.
So yeah, I’ve become a wee bit cynical.
Well, I was wrong about Meet The Press. Gregory led with the NY Times story, brought on one of the Times reporters, and then had Andrea Mitchell join him in documenting how far Issa is out on a limb based on his past statements and pushing back on his prevarications today. Darrell couldn’t have been pleased with that 15 minutes of television.
OTOH, “This Week With The Clinton Guy Shocked by Blowjobs” (thanks to Pierce for that title) documented 2013’s “Game Changers,” and spent the first 10 minutes talking about the glorious…Ted Cruz. The whole program was precanned; no coverage on the story at all.
“Face The Nation” brought on the despicable Michael Hayden to move the goalposts onto another field entirely; Hayden said that if you have anti-American, pro-Islamic sentiments, you’re Al Qaeda even if you’re totally disconnected from al-Zawahiri’s organization. Hayden was titled as with The Chertoff Group; of COURSE he is.
You just have to say “Benghazi”.
It doesn’t have to mean anything.
Does this mean CBS has to suspend Lara Logan, and the rest of those bozos, all over again?
Oh but, Michele Bachmann will have a totally different story of what happened from all the Libyans she interviewed during her fact finding trip to Libya. The GOP will always be allowed their own version of what happened in Benghazi.
If you go down to the VFW, you can hear the real Benghazi story, like I did.
How Obama was panic-stricken by a surging Romney, and had CIA black-ops assets tasked to ‘kidnap’ Americans in Benghazi. They were then going to be put on ice somewhere in the Middle East, and then ‘rescued’ and produced with great fanfare — and a bounce in the polls — a week or so before the election in November.
But someone didn’t stay bought, and Democrats can’t do military stuff, and yada, yada, yada, so the whole thing went pear-shaped. As a result the ‘hostages’ turned out dead, either by accident (Obama incompetence), on purpose (Obama’s damn Muslim friends sturned on him) or to hush up the scheme and keep the truth from coming out (which would have cost Obama the election.)
The Truth is out there. You just need to go find out where it’s watching football.
The “real story” is that the anti-muslim trailer was a team Romney covert op to inflame young men in Egypt and spread out from there to discredit Obama and win the election for Mitt. Benghazi was just one of the unforeseen outcomes that overshadowed the protests that did occur in several countries, but as the whole “get Ghaddafi” campaign was fully supported by rightwingers, they couldn’t turn those lemons into lemonade.
That’s certainly what it looked like, i.e. that it was a team Rmoney effort, especially with his cat canary smirk! did anyone ever trace back where that trailer came from?
iirc – a gap between the odd guy that allegedly wrote/produced the POS and the trailer.
If you go down to the VFW, you can hear the real Benghazi story, like I did.,
You’re exactly right.
Look, I am extremely troubled by the fact that most liberals read shit like that, laugh, and dismiss it figuring that it’s just a few yokels. For god’s sake, people, one third of your country believes all these wingnut lies. And, no, it’s not an exaggeration to say that this is the exact same 1/3 of the population, philosophically, that supported he-who-must-not-be-named back in the 1930s.
Our long-standing local ranch supply business went belly-up last month because a Big R Ranch Supply chain showed up south of town. I miss those people because they were very nice and had a personal touch, although I’m sure they were all wingnuts (they asked the typical wingnut questions about our electric car). We’re not ranchers, but if you have pets you can get many – even most – of your pet supplies much cheaper from a ranch supply store. For things like pine bedding the price difference is literally an order of magnitude.
So today me and the youngest go to the Big R store. Admittedly it does have a ton of cool stuff. A big gun section – but we’re used to that, the local Walmart has that. And wingnut bumper stickers all over the cars in the lot. But what I wasn’t prepared for was the gun section selling all these bumper stickers themselves. Every one of them based on a complete, provable myth. But every customer believes this shit.
Things are not good, even if we think so because the GOP is not currently in the white house or owning the Senate.
Still highly speculative in its identification of a ringleader. Odds are equally good, if not better, that it was quickly organized by a few young men to copy the protests at the US Cairo Embassy that they were watching on TV. Once initiated, others joined in the melee and looting. Nothing systematic about the attack once the gate was breached.
However, the mobilization and attack on “The Annex” once its cover was blown by the rescue operation was sustained over several hours and likely had a ringleader or two.
US State Illustrates NYT Kirkpatrick’s Fallacy on Benghazi Raid
Not a bit surprised by these new revelations about the Al Qaeda militants now suspect in the Benghazi raid. Evene earlier NY Times reports clarified the rag-tag Islamist militants with obscure backgrounds the US were supporting in the overthrow of Colonel Gaddafi in 2011. See my earlier statements on Kirkpatrick’s NY Times “investigation” – Bloggers Call BS on NY Times Benghazi Article.
○ Daily Beast: Yes, There IS Evidence Linking al Qaeda to Benghazi
Full story posted as a diary @BooMan – US State Illustrates NYT Kirkpatrick’s Fallacy on Benghazi Raid.
Which is exactly what any moderately informed person would have assumed at the time. But outlets like the Times and NPR and BBC with serious reporting capacities on the scene nevertheless took the wild inventions of rightwingers seriously and tried to craft a “compromise” story that would include their “interpretations” of events. Clinton and her staff went on TV with their measured and “moderate” self-defenses suggesting that the rightist fantasies had some validity. People like us had to readjust our views to imagine a Qa’eda in the Maghreb far more powerful and serious than anything that existed, and maybe suppress our own interpretations of the Libyan situation to accommodate to a “consensus” based purely on bullshit. It’s not just that CBS person with the name out of a DC comic that has egg on her face. I’m glad the Times has finally come out with a reasonable account of what happened in Benghazi but it shouldn’t have taken more than a year.
At least the myth the Libyan security forces of February 17 Brigade who “defended” the US Ambassador has been debunked in the NY Times article. The paid security militia just ran away and avoided any confrontation. The Brigade Headquarters joined Ansar al-Shariah leaders in coordinating the attack. It’s as close as an insider attack can happen. Where lies the separation between a multitude of local militia like Ansar al-Shariah and the hundreds of Afghan mujahideen present to fight in Libya against western powers, the infidels.
By conducting the high-profile raid that captured senior al Qaeda terrorist Abu Anas al Libi in Tripoli, the administration is likely alerting the Benghazi terrorists and possibly driving them into hiding.
The U.S. official said the locations of several attackers behind the Sept. 11 armed assault on the diplomatic compound in Benghazi and a nearby CIA facility are known. The group Ansar al Sharia, which has links to al Qaeda, has been identified as behind the attack that killed U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.
○ Libyans Killed Its Best Ambassador, Chris Stevens – A Tribute
○ Feds Hired Unlisted British Security Firm for Benghazi Consulate
○ From “Proud” To Pulled: A Timeline Of 60 Minutes’ Benghazi Trainwreck
My diary – Bloggers Call BS on NY Times Benghazi Article.
I know it’s a rhetorical question, but at least put one out there that’s remotely plausible…
Wait for it;
The polling ain’t in yet.
when the polls reveal the “truth”
the GOtPers and MSM will have,
Binders full of shame if it is politically expedient.