Month: December 2013

Immutable Laws in American Politics

Frank Schaeffer is shrill, but I take his main point. I have often felt the same way. Yet, I have two problems with his diatribe. First, when you present the way the president has been treated as a figurative lynching, you...

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How to Judge the Red/Blue Divide

Dan Balz has a nice article up at the Washington Post that takes a look at the difference between states that are governed by a Republican governor and legislature, and states that are governed by a Democratic governor and...

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Odds & Ends

Distractify has a cool article up on the 38 most haunting abandoned places on Earth. They’ve found some spooky and strange stuff. For an above-ground bunker, this is pretty good, but I wouldn’t go with grey. Who...

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On Bitcoins and Neuromorphic Chips

A New York Times article on advances in neuromorphic processors piqued my interest and I wound up wanting to learn more about them. I found some very interesting articles in Go Parallel, the Technology Review, and Gizmag. The...

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