Month: December 2013

This Isn’t Right

Does this seem right to you? Private prisons in some states have language in their contracts that state if they fall below a certain percentage of capacity that the states must pay the private prisons millions of dollars, lest...

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What in the Hell?

In what universe does Chuck Schumer think this makes him look good and Scott Brown look bad? Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said he offered former Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) a pass on his 2012 election, if the Massachusetts...

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Wanker of the Day: Ed Rendell

I get the feeling that Ed Rendell wakes up every morning, brews himself a pot of coffee, and then spends the next few hours fielding phone calls from Washington reporters so he can talk shit about the president. And that is on...

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The Liquidation Sale Has Begun

On one level, I feel like a lot of Washington pundits who just want to see some sign that the government can function, and a budget deal between Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) will be welcome regardless of...

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Health Care Repeal is in GOP’s DNA

On November 2nd, 1954, the Democrats won 19 seats in the House and two seats in the Senate to win back control of both chambers of Congress. It might not have been a shellacking, but it ended the Republican Party’s brief...

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