It isn’t just me who is so gobsmacked by The Stupid we have to endure to participate in the national political discourse that I am left sputtering bile. Here is Charles P. Pierce having a conniption:

Now that [The] Heritage [Foundation] finds itself DeMinted and, therefore, demented, the American Enterprise Institute stands alon[e] as the “respectable” corporate-funded notions department for educated Beltway plutocrats. In reality, of course, it remains just another chop shop of the mind, reeking of grease and engine oil, with bits and pieces and hunks of purloined stupidity lying around the floor just waiting to be grafted onto the latest vehicle through which unadulterated conservative hogwash is transported into the mainstream.

It doesn’t even matter that Mr. Pierce is writing this in a particular context because it works in all contexts. Trying to have a debate with the current incarnation of the GOP is exactly like trying to explain how to get to the train station to a blithering idiot. It’s trying. It’s exhausting. And it’s pointless.

After a while, we learn to give up and just start hurling insults because these clowns share with us exactly zero values, exactly zero assumptions, and play by exactly zero of the same rules.

I think we are actually beginning to feel about the way the abolitionists felt when trying to deal with the extension of slavery into the territories.

I’ll keep talking, but I know that the unpersuadable cannot be persuaded with discourse or logic.