Deliciously warm here at 20F. Tomorrow’s outlook is another 2 – 4″ of snow, same on Sunday. Tues. high is projected to be 3F! We’re going out to a state of the union party that night at a local watering hole if the car will start.
That’s about what we got here. Went out for the paper early, but no. Its probably under the snow and ice the plow threw up when it went by. Guess I’ll have to look for my NYT crossword online.
Or maybe the warmer temps will go north. We’re 1 degree right now but we’re heading to a high of 22 and for the next week the highs are staying in the 30s.
I don’t know how people in Florida stand it once the humidity starts. But maybe Finn could find some nice people to adopt him from December to February every year. 🙂
And interesting it is — snow, sleet, and a little bit of freezing rain. I’m not sure how much snow and how much sleet — I’m guessing 4-5 inches of snow and 1-2 of sleet.
We were scheduled to go to Columbus for Mrs. ID’s continuing adventures in dentistry, but we’re postponing until next week due to the snowy roads. Hope she isn’t too disappointed.
I liked the pattern but also the way ice created shadows on the water — which is why I’ve stretched the definition of the “hump” aspect to its limits (the ice structure are slightly raised).
I see a dragon. Love the patterns formed in the ice. Funny, I was just looking at some interesting ice formations earlier today. Looks like a chilly hike to reach that spot.
I always love what running water does as it freezes. It makes me want to brave the elements to go out to our favorite boulders and creek to see what they look like this week.
But alas, work calls and there is another major storm on the way…
Our county offices have been shut down several times lately due to emergency travel bans and several other days they delayed opening until 10 am. Nice to be salaried at times such as these.
Hi Man ee! I lived in Cuba and Florida for 14 years when I was a young person, but after a while I missed the hardwood forests I grew up in, so quit my job and moved home. It just didn’t feel right to have to put in the garden in February. I usually begin to question my sanity around Christmas every year.
Well its pushing 60F here this afternoon, so I expect to see some of those in very short order. Either them or the little ants that come marching out of the widow trim by the kitchen sink every spring.
I might be jealous of you know but I won’t be when I see that the temps are in the 90s in March (Jim and I still remember the painfully hot hike we had in Ventana Canyon that March — good thing it was balanced by a oh-so-cool visit with you).
Hi AndiF! We wanted to make sure you got the full desert experience during your visit. The lightning bolts and torrential rain 15 minutes later were a complimentary perk 😀
Icy cold today with wind chills below zero. Then another storm is coming Sunday. We are now at least some 20 degrees below average temperatures. The polar vortex returns.
Hello everyone. New here. Looks like a good site to camp out in. From Cali where we finally got some winter weather! Even hail! Not complaining badly needed the rain.
It really does. I’ve seen some nice ones in town this winter, but it seems as if there’s always some ugly old wires in the way. Still looking for an open shot somewhere.
Last year we found out (to the tune of nearly $1K) that our latest rescue kitty has feline AIDS. After a year of special care, she’s doing fine. Hope yours is better soon, BobX.
Thanks Indy…It’s a herpes virus and they’ll have it forever, at least there’s lysine treats that help. She’s just really congested and lethargic so were keeping an eye on her breathing.
This was a couple weeks ago after a brief warm spell. Then it snowed again. But it’s gone again because we’ve been in the 40s and even 50s for the last few days and today we’re going to be in the 60s. Yay!
For all the snow we had, it never really got deep because we would have warm spells every so often that would melt most or even all of our “snow pack”. I think the deepest it ever got was about 10-12 inches.
I’m looking forward to those spring pictures too. 🙂
It’ll be awhile though — I’ve got a lot of snow pictures to get through and we won’t be seeing any wildflower or baby spring leaves for quite awhile.
Favor time — I’d love some advice from the frog pond Sedona expert. I’ve got some family going to Sedona and I wondered if you could suggest some restaurants. There’s a five year old included, so they probably rather avoid anything too fancy.
Also, if there’s anything they shouldn’t miss (outside of Oak Creek Canyon which I already told them about), I’d love to pass it along.
A good family place is Canyon Breeze. We usually go there and even went with Manny when he came up. It also has great red rock views. Red Planet Diner has decent diner food with interesting decor. Moondog pizza has some of the best pies we’ve had. You can eat there or take it out but it’s not much too look at.
Red Rock Crossing or Slide Rock Park both have interesting ways to get into the water if the weather is suitable. There are trails down in the village of Oak Creek amongst the red rock buttes. They have spectacular viewpoints without too much walking. (Bell Rock, etc.) Even the road down to the village is spectacular, with places for parking at various viewpoints.
Chance of snow here too — Monday and Tuesday. I really, really don’t want to see it. But I was looking at last year’s photos and we saw we had snow on March 24 and 25, 2013 so I guess this is just an anniversary “celebration” (which I hope doesn’t go off).
to clean up the tables in this place while no one is looking…
Thanks CG!
How are you doing? It is freezing here! And it’s not looking like its going to get warm anytime soon.
Deliciously warm here at 20F. Tomorrow’s outlook is another 2 – 4″ of snow, same on Sunday. Tues. high is projected to be 3F! We’re going out to a state of the union party that night at a local watering hole if the car will start.
It’s a little hard to tell because of the blowing snow but I say we got between 1 1/2 to 2 inches.
It is a balmy 23 here today. Chance of 1-2 inches in the afternoon. High of 19 tomorrow, 30 on Monday. This snow is never going to melt…
I’m jealous of your 30 on Monday. Our forecast for Monday is a high of 10 and low -12. Yuck.
It feels positively balmy here this morning, we are so used to 10-15 degree temps now.
But we’ll be returning to those tomorrow. Glad CBtE shoveled all the parking spaces and driveway yesterday…
That’s about what we got here. Went out for the paper early, but no. Its probably under the snow and ice the plow threw up when it went by. Guess I’ll have to look for my NYT crossword online.
SOTU party sounds fun! I think we are watching at home this year.
Hice to “see” you. You should come around more often — even if the tables don’t need cleaning. 🙂
Love AndiF’s ice flowers, but will miss Monsieur Reynard.
The ice flowers were especially appropriate given the wether we’ve been having!
I’ve been trying to locate some ice flower bulbs. To no avail.
Try checking next to the Brussels Sprouts.
Snow flurries. Ugh.
No snow here — just a drop from 42 degrees at midnight to 12 degrees and a howling wind now.
We’re at about 30 now but will see a dramatic drop later on.
Ugh, that’s headed our way. Glad we are heading south in short order.
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Into the deep freeze once again. 10 degrees without the wind chill.
Same here. We’re up to 14 now…a good time to head south. 🙂
Or maybe the warmer temps will go north. We’re 1 degree right now but we’re heading to a high of 22 and for the next week the highs are staying in the 30s.
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Lovely photo but I have seen enough of the white stuff. We got more last night.
We found that there is more now the further you drive south today. Very unusual…I hope it doesn’t last!
I can’t believe it’s not even February yet, I am so sick of the cold. The snow is okay, but these temps are too much.
Trouble is that when there’s no snow, the world is just a dreary brown and gray. 🙁
Dreary sounds good to me. 😉
Yes ~ at least we don’t have to shovel a bunch of dreary to get the car out.
On the other hand, you can’t make dreary balls.
I’m going to be on the side of the angels and not make any of the about 200 comments that occurred to me.
Interesting turn of phrase because I was going to say that you can’t make dreary angels.
Reminds me of Bev Dolittle`s painting, with the Indians on horseback & the fox watching.
I’m waiting for Spring:( Impatiently:(
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Is that a dog corral?
It’s a deer blind (or at least an attempt at one — I’m not sure any deer would be fooled by it).
That’s how we use triangulation to locate Bebo.
I am so not ready for the return to the cold…And apparently there is another snowstorm scheduled to hit this evening.
Finn has announced he would like to stay and live in Florida. I think I could handle that until April. 🙂
I don’t know how people in Florida stand it once the humidity starts. But maybe Finn could find some nice people to adopt him from December to February every year. 🙂
I think his Grammy would be delighted to have us. I think I may have to go down again this year after this ice storm nightmare.
It snowed all day yesterday, and will again later tonight. Then again on Sunday. Sigh.
More “interesting” wintry weather arriving in our neighborhood later today.
And interesting it is — snow, sleet, and a little bit of freezing rain. I’m not sure how much snow and how much sleet — I’m guessing 4-5 inches of snow and 1-2 of sleet.
We were scheduled to go to Columbus for Mrs. ID’s continuing adventures in dentistry, but we’re postponing until next week due to the snowy roads. Hope she isn’t too disappointed.
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Huge snowstorm overnight. Now sleeting. Sigh.
Flog is up…see you there.
Been there. Thanks, BobX.
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That would be an improvement over chasing our tails. 🙂
I am so happy to home. Too bad today is a workday.
Welcome home! Hope all the plumbing is intact.
Too bad about work but I’m really glad you got your power back.
Looks like they found something interesting.
That’s the joy of being dogs in the woods — there’s always something interesting to find. 🙂
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Very interesting. It almost looks like some kind of fossil imprint.
I liked the pattern but also the way ice created shadows on the water — which is why I’ve stretched the definition of the “hump” aspect to its limits (the ice structure are slightly raised).
I see a dragon. Love the patterns formed in the ice. Funny, I was just looking at some interesting ice formations earlier today. Looks like a chilly hike to reach that spot.
I always love what running water does as it freezes. It makes me want to brave the elements to go out to our favorite boulders and creek to see what they look like this week.
But alas, work calls and there is another major storm on the way…
That work stuff gets in the way a lot. I’m “working” on that issue now.
I always love what running water does as it freezes
… except when it’s in a house without any heat 😉
Those are really gorgeous.
Dragons have shown up before … this dragon spewing flames inspired a writer friend of mine to write a story about ice dragons.
Here’s a LINK to the story (which became part of a longer work).
Great that your photo sparked the story! Now I have to bookmark the spot so I can return and read the rest.
Very cool!
A crystal dragon.
Got about a foot of snow today with more to come later tonight. It’s enough already. There’s another storm coming Sunday.
Ouch! Do you get to take any snow days off as a result?
I took off today. Hopefully tomorrow will be okay.
Our county offices have been shut down several times lately due to emergency travel bans and several other days they delayed opening until 10 am. Nice to be salaried at times such as these.
Happy Valentine’s Day all you froggies!
Happy VD, ID!
Waiting for storm number 20 (Tuesday) after yesterday’s number 19.
How much snow do you have on the ground now?
It’s hard to say because of drifting and some compression. It’s up to my mailbox at the street but part of that is probably because of plowing.
Ugh. That will take a long time to melt.
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It’s all good if your favorite color is white. More white tonight. And we got a dusting last night.
Same predicted for here this afternoon along with the extra added frosting of intermittent ice storming. Bleh!
Happily, the weather gods were feeling kind. And now I guess we have to start worrying a bit about lowland flooding.
Our big melt will start later on after the snow ends. Man the lifeboats.
I hope it melts off slowly so there isn’t too much flooding.
It will be in the 50s by Friday, and continuing into the weekend. Looking at the snow up to my mailbox, I’m thinking of building an ark.
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Grandchildren in the house! Happy chaos.
The big melt has started. Get your hip waders ready.
Even our gravel driveway is squishy underfoot.
All these snow and ice pictures, and it’s going to be around 80 degrees this weekend. I don’t know whether to be bitter or thankful 😉
Hi Man ee! I lived in Cuba and Florida for 14 years when I was a young person, but after a while I missed the hardwood forests I grew up in, so quit my job and moved home. It just didn’t feel right to have to put in the garden in February. I usually begin to question my sanity around Christmas every year.
Hola ID! I got bit several times yesterday by mosquitoes while I was spraying weeds, so I’m ready for a blizzard
Well its pushing 60F here this afternoon, so I expect to see some of those in very short order. Either them or the little ants that come marching out of the widow trim by the kitchen sink every spring.
Hay Man Ee. I’d be happy to ship you all the snow you want. It’s about 2 feet high a the curb.
Hi b2! You can send it c/o Colorado River in order to avoid a water war in the next decade.
I might be jealous of you know but I won’t be when I see that the temps are in the 90s in March (Jim and I still remember the painfully hot hike we had in Ventana Canyon that March — good thing it was balanced by a oh-so-cool visit with you).
Hi AndiF! We wanted to make sure you got the full desert experience during your visit. The lightning bolts and torrential rain 15 minutes later were a complimentary perk 😀
No storm while we were in Ventana — it waited until we were well exposed up on Wasson Peak.
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Now I know why a dog’s nose is cold and wet.
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Thanks — a little oddity (the pinecone landing straight up in the snow) did make for a good photo op.
Being in the right place at the right time. Always a good thing.
Icy cold today with wind chills below zero. Then another storm is coming Sunday. We are now at least some 20 degrees below average temperatures. The polar vortex returns.
NOAA says snow, sleet and ice here, with other assorted nastiness.
Hello everyone. New here. Looks like a good site to camp out in. From Cali where we finally got some winter weather! Even hail! Not complaining badly needed the rain.
Welcome to the frog pond. Hope the drought is over out your way. My CA cousins all report they’re pretty well soaked.
Welcome and congrats on the rain. Hope you get a lot more.
Waiting on the storm coming this PM. Sigh.
We got a mixed bag of ice, sleet and snow overnight, but not too much of any. Looks like more is on the way, though. We’ll save some for you;-)
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Preparing for the doggy Super G.
Warming trend coming! Woohoo!
Same here and the forecast says we’ve got temps in the 50s coming next week. Be still my heart.
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Oooooh! Very nice, Andi.
Guess that’s one good thing about snow — it sets off a sunset nicely. 😉
It really does. I’ve seen some nice ones in town this winter, but it seems as if there’s always some ugly old wires in the way. Still looking for an open shot somewhere.
I wondered about the library but I can’t quite envision whether it’s open enough.
I managed to squeeze this one in from the library upper parking area but had to crop out the big utility pole just to the right of the frame.
So if you zoom in a bit, you can get a sunset shot from there.
Yep – gotta stand on the edge of the wall in just the right spot. Look out for the rose bushes.
Flog is up! Sorry it’s a little late, we got a sick kitty.
Hope your kitty is doing better.
Thanks Andi, upper respiratory infection. They were adopted from a shelter and probably carried it all the while with no symptoms until now.
Last year we found out (to the tune of nearly $1K) that our latest rescue kitty has feline AIDS. After a year of special care, she’s doing fine. Hope yours is better soon, BobX.
Thanks Indy…It’s a herpes virus and they’ll have it forever, at least there’s lysine treats that help. She’s just really congested and lethargic so were keeping an eye on her breathing.
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Awww. It only took me a few minutes to figure out that you didn’t leave them like that recently, because there’s no snow.
Hi Alice.
This was a couple weeks ago after a brief warm spell. Then it snowed again. But it’s gone again because we’ve been in the 40s and even 50s for the last few days and today we’re going to be in the 60s. Yay!
It’s gone?! Lucky you. We managed to reach 40 degrees yesterday for the first time in 100 days.
I’m looking forward to those spring photos.
We hit 50 on Saturday but got flurries today. Sigh.
For all the snow we had, it never really got deep because we would have warm spells every so often that would melt most or even all of our “snow pack”. I think the deepest it ever got was about 10-12 inches.
I’m looking forward to those spring pictures too. 🙂
It’ll be awhile though — I’ve got a lot of snow pictures to get through and we won’t be seeing any wildflower or baby spring leaves for quite awhile.
It’s a sunny 72° F today.
Tomorrow we get sleet and snow and our nighttime low is predicted to be 12° F.
The F tomorrow does not stand for Fahrenheit!
I second your F and I’m beginning to feel like Charlie Brown with Mother Nature holding the football.
Same here. 60 degrees today, snow tomorrow night.
Favor time — I’d love some advice from the frog pond Sedona expert. I’ve got some family going to Sedona and I wondered if you could suggest some restaurants. There’s a five year old included, so they probably rather avoid anything too fancy.
Also, if there’s anything they shouldn’t miss (outside of Oak Creek Canyon which I already told them about), I’d love to pass it along.
A good family place is Canyon Breeze. We usually go there and even went with Manny when he came up. It also has great red rock views. Red Planet Diner has decent diner food with interesting decor. Moondog pizza has some of the best pies we’ve had. You can eat there or take it out but it’s not much too look at.
Red Rock Crossing or Slide Rock Park both have interesting ways to get into the water if the weather is suitable. There are trails down in the village of Oak Creek amongst the red rock buttes. They have spectacular viewpoints without too much walking. (Bell Rock, etc.) Even the road down to the village is spectacular, with places for parking at various viewpoints.
Thanks a bunch for the info. I’ll pass it on.
I hope they have a good time. Hopefully we’ll be back there this summer.
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Really cool. So much texture.
The rain-pockmarked snow made for interesting background.
And now it’s Sunday and we’ve had a 20 degree drop in the temps and the wind is howling and there’s a chance of sleet/snow.
Not sure who to thank.
Frozen FSM maybe. Argh!
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Well, yes since I got summoned for jury duty along with an attorney friend. Long days ahead on a hard bench.
What a bummer. Hope you don’t get selected or if you do, it’s a quick trial.
Do you think I’d be dismissed if I sat there and quietly chanted, “Off with their heads”?
Sounds like a plan. Or you could just point out that you know all the people in the county and have a firm opinion of each and every one of them.
Including all the attorneys (of whom there are many).
Very nice play of horizontals and verticals.
Those kinds of shadows the one thing I miss once the leaves are out but not much and not for long.
It’s going to be a while before the leaves come out. We’re going to get more snow later this week. Sigh.
Yeah, our forecast gives us a chance of snow two times in the next 7 days. 🙁
Artisanal toast? In San Francisco, of course. Somehow seems a natural progression from the cupcake bar.
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And it’s spring today but the night time temps are still going below freezing. I don’t think this winter wants to let us go.
Same here. It will be warmish for a couple of days then going back to the 30s.
Our snow is mostly melted but more coming Wednesday or so. Sigh.
Chance of snow here too — Monday and Tuesday. I really, really don’t want to see it. But I was looking at last year’s photos and we saw we had snow on March 24 and 25, 2013 so I guess this is just an anniversary “celebration” (which I hope doesn’t go off).
The newsfolk now indicate a major storm on Tuesday. Happy anniversary. 😉
Ugh. So sorry to hear that. At least they aren’t predicting much accumulation here.
Stopped by at My Left Wing for a peek. It has been quite a while since I was last there. It is scary quiet. Many open threads with zero comments.
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Your rut works nicely with the intersecting shadows.
Snow later on from a storm said to rival the strength of Sandy. Fortunately, most of it will be out to sea. We hope.
Very much hoping right along with you.
But think of all the photo ops for Gov. Christi and how the Murdoch press could blame de Blasio.
now with a dog leading you up and over.
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