Sadly, but also somewhat fortuitously, Ed Kilgore is correct about this:
Now anyone who reads this blog surely knows by now that the bright 2014 prospects for an unregenerated GOP are largely baked into the cake, thanks to a sizable midterm turnout advantage, a House landscape with few marginal districts, and a very favorable Senate landscape. And there are just enough grounds for 2016 optimism among Republicans to make a good midterm outcome quite enough to convince most of these birds that a genuine “rebranding” is a fallback measure, only to be used in emergencies, and vastly less attractive than taking a chance on winning with their full freak flag displayed.
The Republicans have rebounded from their government shutdown nadir, have gained some strength from the troubled rollout of the ObamaCare website, and have begun to indulge in some irrational exuberance. The “cake” that Mr. Kilgore refers to is really just a giant cushion that will protect the GOP from the just consequences of their actions. Their House majority is safe enough that they can probably commit carnal acts with barnyard animals on the Washington Mall and not lose control. And the Democrats are protecting so many Senate seats that the Republicans can have a horrible election night in November and still pick up a handful of seats. But the correct way to look at the midterms is that the Democrats don’t have much upside potential but they can certainly still win. The Dems could whittle away at the House majority and hold their own in the Senate, while picking up a few statehouses in the process.
The bigger reason for rebranding is to do something about the structural advantage the Democrats have in the Electoral College. When a party holds the White House for twelve or more consecutive years, it changes the country. We saw that when the Dems had a twenty-year reign from 1933-1953, and we saw it when the Republicans held the White House from 1981-1993. There is a ripple effect that is felt decades down the line. So, it is pretty important for the Republicans that they don’t allow the Democrats to win in 2016, but they aren’t even giving themselves a chance.
They think their future is bright, but that’s an illusion. Yet, I think I’d rather have them overconfident at this point.
Emphases mine.
And the worm turns. What was old is new again, ans the new becomes the old. Now it’s the DemRats who are caught having to defend the criminality of the PermaGov…I mean, it came to light on their watch…while the Ratpubs become the freedom fighters.
Business as usual.
And there it is, Booman.
“…very little daylight between the RNC and progressive challengers of the phone records program, such as the ACLU.”
Precisel=yw hat I have been saying here for a couple of years. There is a coalition forming between the anti-PermaGov factions of both major parties and it is going to include many, many “centrist undecideds” as well. Watch. There may well be no need for a third party if the existing Republican Party manages to attract the members of that new coalition.
HOO boy, Booman!!! If only the DemRats had possessed the courage…or of course one might more accurately call it the simple understanding of political expediency…to write something along these lines regarding the Bush administration’s criminal dealings during the runup to its Blood For Oil war in Iraq, perhaps the U.S. would not today find itself up the moral creek without a paddle.
But they didn’t and more’s the pity.
Your worst nightmare is coming true.
A coalition is forming among the disaffected of both PermaGov parties and those unallied with either.
The RatPubs area going to run with this. Christie’s fall opens the path and the Paul people are stepping through the hole.
Good work, leftinesses. You have played both ends against the middle for so long that now the middle is no longer holding.
HA ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
Sweet dreams.
You are right about Democratic cravenness, but I can’t understand your fascination with the knuckle-dragging Pauls, who are just shills for Wall Street.
One side always demonizes the other sides. This is a three dimensional fight now, being waged in two-dimensional ways. Either/or. There is always a third side. Whatever wins becomes the orthodoxy. It is often said that the winners write history. Actually, history writes the winners. I am merely an interested observer. Whoever is most attacked by both sides of a bad scene often appears to be the real deal. Everybody has their detractors. RatPublicans imply that Obama is an evil agent of some hostile country or the harbinger of the downfall of white, Western civilization. DemocRats call the Ratpublicans knuckle-dragging Neanderthals. Interestingly enough, neither party has had much good to say about the Paulistas.
Until today. (See my post above. The document sounds like it was written by Ron Paul.)
The worm turns and suddenly the knuckle draggers are on the other foot.
Anybody who wants to end U.S. economic imperialism is of positive interest to me.
Call ’em knuckle draggers if you wish, but examine your own knuckles as you do so.
We are all in need a manicure sometime.
Was listening to a freshly minted Conservative pundit this evening talk about what a DEEP bench the Right has for 2016.
And then I remembered how deep the bench was in 2012. So deep that the Party trotted out untried unknowns until everyone’s head exploded.
And then this cute little pundit told the tv that the Party was aiming at the younger generation of women. Unfortunately, this was also during a segment exploring Huckabee’s come hither libido commentary.
What was the old saying about ‘if you can’t dazzle ’em with brilliance baffle ’em with bu*sh*t’ yeah.
SOTU response: this is how they are appealing to younger generation of women
Kathy’s my Rep, and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t cringe at what talking points she will deliver with a straight face. She’s a very disciplined talking points deliverer don’tchaknow?
Very sorry to hear! maybe at least she’ll give you special insights into Huckabee’s patriarchal [there’s a word I thought had fallen out of use completely] word salad. and maybe she too is being set up for vp run
As long as they use Razzzz for their polling, their heads are still up their asses.