Paul Waldman tries and mostly fails to explain to me what the hell Mike Huckabee was trying to say. I agree that all most women heard was Huckabee calling them sluts, but I am pretty sure that that wasn’t his intended message. He was trying to say that Democrats think that women are sluts, but I can’t really understand why he was making that argument. Yes, I get that women are not supposed to want to have sex, but that wasn’t quite what Huckabee was saying, either.

The bottom line is that Huckabee said a bunch of words that didn’t really mean anything and the takeaway was that he is eager to have a national debate over whether a woman who uses birth control is only doing it because she can’t overcome her desire to have sex. Since 99% of women use birth control at some point in their lives, Huckabee came pretty close to insulting every women in the country.

His best defense is that he’s stupid and doesn’t understand that women use birth control for health reasons other than avoiding pregnancy, that they use it even when they aren’t having any sex, and that Democrats don’t think less of women who take steps to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Someone might point out to him that the most common female contraceptive (the pill) is taken orally once a day and that women don’t use it like PEPCID®.

As for why Republicans continue to say offensive things about women, it’s because they’re sub-mental. They’re convinced that there is such a thing as illegitimate rape, for example, which can definitely result in pregnancy if you don’t eat enough contraceptives beforehand.

Home-schooling is overrated.