Month: January 2014

$400 Million Raised by Kochs in 2012

Yes, Virginia, if you are a right wing politician there is a Santa Claus. In fact, there are two of them, and they raised (excuse me for repeating the information in the title) over FOUR HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS for the 2012...

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Talking Sense to Idiots

Here is something for economic illiterates to consider: The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported last month that, while the emergency UI [unemployment insurance] program would cost $25.7 billion for another year, it would...

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Chua’s Continuing Superiority Complex

Not content to assert that “Tiger Moms”  are the bestest, meanest, and most self-sacrificing of mother’s (and ignoring all the subsequently reported factual evidence that refutes her claim), Chua and her...

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Remember Civility?

It isn’t just me who is so gobsmacked by The Stupid we have to endure to participate in the national political discourse that I am left sputtering bile. Here is Charles P. Pierce having a conniption: Now that [The]...

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