Month: January 2014

GOP is Anti-Voting

Tucker Carlson is concerned that some states are allowing 17 year olds to pre-register to vote and participate in party primaries if they will be 18 on election day. His argument is that 17 year olds are too immature to...

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John McCain Not Wingnutty Enough

John McCain can’t catch a break. Even after he went on a local radio station and said that the president is far worse than Jimmy Carter in his foreign policy, he wound up getting rebuked by the Arizona Republican Party:...

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Kathleen Parker Has No More Clue Than I Do

I know that I am a little hung-up on Mike Huckabee’s libido remarks, but I can’t help myself. I am certain that someone, somewhere knows what the hell he was trying to say, but I haven’t found them yet....

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