Rand Paul shared a plane ride to Texas with Katie Glueck of Politico:
[Sen. Rand] Paul didn’t talk much during the trip about his roots as the son of an ex-congressman and libertarian folk hero. But Texans at every turn brought up his father, the highly polarizing former Rep. Ron Paul, from whom Rand Paul knows he must stake out a separate identity to have any shot at the GOP nomination.
And as Paul argued that the GOP needs a 2016 standard-bearer with broader appeal than its recent nominees, Mitt Romney and John McCain, he did not evince Barack Obama’s ability to move a crowd, George W. Bush’s everyman relatability or Bill Clinton’s love of the game.
At the same time, Paul made clear his ambition to remake the Republican Party by drawing support from constituencies that have voted reliably Democratic. Just as Ronald Reagan drew working-class Democrats into the GOP fold and Bill Clinton pulled his party to the political center, Paul has a vision of that magnitude in mind for his party.
“The country’s a mess, and I think there needs to be a program that Republicans put forward, and also there needs to be a messenger who can actually win,” Paul said, in perhaps his most overt remarks to date about what a presidential bid would look like. “And I’m concerned that if we put forward the same sort of candidate again, that we won’t be successful.”
So, probably what the Republicans need is a candidate willing to call Bill Clinton a sexual predator.
In a Senate full of Republican dim bulbs, outside of the OK contingent, this mop-topped-fop is arguably the dimmest!
And THAT, folks, is saying something!!!!!
Yes, being an arrogant moron isn’t much of a departure from the last Republican president.
Just as Ronald Reagan drew working-class Democrats into the GOP fold and Bill Clinton pulled his party to the political center, Paul has a vision of that magnitude in mind for his party.
The Beltway never grows tired of old, tired and stupid cliches.
Or they read Arthur’s diaries and comments here and conclude that the Pauls are very popular with a certain population of self-defined lefties. That would be the anti-authoritarian, white male “lefties” that have as much use for women and other minorities and unions as the Pauls do.
Good to put “lefties” in quotes with that small but loud contingent, who have about as much to do with the left (even in its current condition) as home runs do with basketball.
Ronnie “drew” working class people into the GOPer fold using the “Southern strategy” and welfare-bashing. Ron Paul will do the same. Rinse, repeat.
There are no non-GOP working class folks left for the GOP to hoodwink again. The combination of the “southern strategy,” tax cuts, and anti-abortion was successful for a while, but they topped out in 2000 with less than 50%, were down to 47% in 2012, and will continue to decline. Rinse, repeat, and the GOP will lose again at the national level.
The constant glimpses into this right-wing netherworld never cease to make me shake my head in wonderment.
But still, in spite of such lunacy on a daily basis, defeating Paul and his ilk in the Tea Party is going to be a monumental struggle. If the Democratic Party does not find it within themselves to start driving home some type of populist stance, and find some way to begin to appeal to the working class voters that have defected over the years, it is going to be a long, slow climb. Depending on the projected demographic changes and the loyalty of women is only going to carry the party so far. It will mostly ensure the likelihood of success on the Presidential stage. But we are going to need much more than that if we ever hope to begin to make irrelevant the likes of Paul and his fellow lunatics, and to turn the tide in some of the states which have defected from the Democratic fold over the last 30 years.
I feel a bit optimistic in this regard. It seems like many within the party recognize that their future is not in trying to thread the centrist needle. But there are a lot of forces and money opposed to anything that might indicate even a small veering to the left. It is going to be up to everyone to push from the bottom up to drive the party in the direction it needs to go in order kill this Tea Party zombie.
What the Republicans need is a nominee with the courage and integrity to rub two brain cells together in public.
Alas, the current Republican base will never, ever nominate such a candidate. So what the Republicans need is not to expand their base, but replace it.
Just wait until Vlad P. tosses his shirt into the ring…there is a certain element of the Paul’s who would just love to see a real “leader” in the gop…
Yes, Rand is a stumblebum of a candidate. But I think he’s also capable of learning, and if he can acquire some coherency, he has a whole lot of wrong, damaging ideas that sound good to the low-info voters. By that time, it may be too late to begin taking this nutbar seriously.
Democrats should invest a little time and effort now to squash any of this nitwit’s aspirations, because it might require a LOT of effort later.
Democrats should invest a little time and effort now to squash any of this nitwit’s aspirations, because it might require a LOT of effort later.
We said the same thing about Christie and look where that got us?
Y’mean…he wasn’t!!!???
Yore freind…
Emily Litella
sexual predator
A big difference don’t ya think? Even the lying Paula Jones didn’t claim that she was the victim of a sexually violent offense perpetrated by Bill Clinton.
Always found it amusing that middle-aged men (mostly Republicans) that mostly admitted their unfaithfulness to their (usually multiple) wives were the loudest critics of Clinton’s philandering.
Google definition:
That definition describes all PermaGov hustlers in my opinion. Clinton’s habitual dalliances with much younger women…the success of which were no doubt based more upon his position (Governor, President, etc.) than on his attractiveness…were just further evidence of his own predatory nature. Feel free to define sexual relationships as you wish, as will I.
We all have our own morality to follow and as far as I am concerned, presidents (of any party) get no free passes. In fact, they should be better than most of us.
This was unimportant to you when the choice was between Hillary and a black man,
I am not talking about “Hillary” here, and I do not ever characterize individuals according to their race/sex/religion etc. Nor do I have a preference for anyone in any situation based on anything other than their abilities as I perceive them. Given a choice between an amateur politician …an amateur hustler, in essence…and a consummate pro, I chose the consummate pro. The PermaGov was afraid of that consummate pro landing in a position of ultimate power if she used it well…which is how she would have handled the presidency, bet on it…and chose the amateur, someone who could be well controlled by better hustlers. On the evidence of the last 6+ years, they made a good bet. I would not at all be surprised if by hook or by crook Hillary Clinton is hustled out of contention once again for the same reason.
We shall see.
Won’t we.
yes, indeed. And how many “victims” (was Monica a victim?) did they find with all Ken Starr’s forces deployed – maybe one? two ?
You think there weren’t other, similar fires doused by power before they became public?
Where there’s that kind of smoke there’s always a crooked dick. Bet on it.
Am I a prude? A closet fundamentalist of some kind?
No, I am simply a practical man who judges others on the basis of their actions. I envision the (younger, Arkansas days and before) Bill Clinton as a sexually driven, coke-snorting barfly who survived in politics by his undoubted charm..the same charm he honed and used in those cheap bars…and a lucky marriage to a real political force of nature, Hillary Rodham Clinton. I have many friends and colleagues whose life resembled the way I just described Bill Clinton, but I would not get into a business proposition with any of them if at all possible and the few times that i have been forced by circumstances to work for people like that the end result has always been a fuck-up on their part of one sort or another.
So it goes.
She’s a pro and a survivor.
How do I know?
Look at her post-White House resume.
Would I prefer someone who would flat-out fight the PermaGov?
Will that happen?
Not likely.
So that goes as well.
I do keep trying.
The many abject failures of the Obama administration? I do not think that they would have happened under Hillary Clinton. Certainly some other things would have happened that I did not much like, but not what we are seeing now, a total lack of respect for the entire political system by a majority of Americans? I think not. She would have out-hustled the hustlers rather than the other way around.
On the other hand, Obama’s many failures and mistakes…the cancerous rise of the security state being foremost among them…may work out quite well for the U.S. in the long run.
We shall see.
Won’t we.
The truth is now out there for all to see.
It’s just a matter of how many do so.
P.S. Was Monica Lewinsky a victim? Yes. There were two victims that time. I believe that both Lewinsky and Clinton were used by intelligence-allied forces in a honeytrap. If Clinton had not been a serial sexual predator there would have been no attempt at honey-trapping him, but he was. They either ran Lewinsky right straight at his weak point (She being fairly weak-minded herself and thus controllable.) or…after the affair had already started.,..they ran her to keep evidence. This is mainstream intelligence tradecraft, Booman, only this time it was used on a sitting president instead of on a minor government functionary somewhere.
You could look it up, if you actually cared enough to do so.
But I’ll do it for you instead.
What? You think the U.S. doesn’t indulge in such practices?
well, having an affair is different from being victimized, unless one is underaged. so that takes care of 2 (Browning and Flowers). Monica aggressively pursued him. Willey? credible? so maybe two or three?