This is not just a matter of priorities, or even of civil liberties and privacy and war. It’s a matter of who is really running the show in this country. Is it primarily our elected officials, or is it something deeper and harder to define?
There is the visible government situated around the Mall in Washington, and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the White House or the Capitol. The former is traditional Washington partisan politics: the tip of the iceberg that a public watching C-SPAN sees daily and which is theoretically controllable via elections. The subsurface part of the iceberg I shall call the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power…
…During the time in 2011 when political warfare over the debt ceiling was beginning to paralyze the business of governance in Washington, the United States government somehow summoned the resources to overthrow Muammar Ghaddafi’s regime in Libya, and, when the instability created by that coup spilled over into Mali, provide overt and covert assistance to French intervention there. At a time when there was heated debate about continuing meat inspections and civilian air traffic control because of the budget crisis, our government was somehow able to commit $115 million to keeping a civil war going in Syria and to pay at least £100m to the United Kingdom’s Government Communications Headquarters to buy influence over and access to that country’s intelligence. Since 2007, two bridges carrying interstate highways have collapsed due to inadequate maintenance of infrastructure, one killing 13 people. During that same period of time, the government spent $1.7 billion constructing a building in Utah that is the size of 17 football fields. This mammoth structure is intended to allow the National Security Agency to store a yottabyte of information, the largest numerical designator computer scientists have coined. A yottabyte is equal to 500 quintillion pages of text. They need that much storage to archive every single trace of your electronic life.
This concept is a little different than the “permagov,” by which we mean the people who serve in or decisively influence the government regardless of which party is in power. That idea connotes a kind of bipartisan agreement on certain basic issues related to foreign policy and military spending and how the economy should ultimately be structured. Republicans might talk about doing away with Social Security, but they don’t really want to take the political risk to do it. Democrats support public unions, until they have to balance a state or city budget. The parties score a lot of political points, but on many of them they have no intention of delivering.
But there is something different that drives us to misallocate our funds and devote ourselves so dedicatedly to meddling in other country’s domestic affairs. It isn’t a reaction to what the people want. It isn’t much discussed as an ideological matter. It seems to be some kind of organic result that emerges through a combination of fear that some security catastrophe will occur for which politicians will be blamed, and fear of standing up to powerful lobbyists. You could consider it the Gitmo Problem writ-large.
We want to close Gitmo, but can’t because politicians are gutless. We know at least half of the prisoners should be freed, but no wants to be blamed if one of them turns around and commits an act of terrorism. So, we keep allocating funds for the prison and perpetrating an injustice because we can’t figure out anything else to do.
That seems similar to the trap we’re in with foreign policy and surveillance. It certainly matters whether the president is eager to intervene in places like Syria and Iran, or deeply reluctant. But, on a broader scale, the state runs the way it wants to, and no politician seems capable of standing up to the nebulous Deep State that keeps things this way.
The Deep State is that which controls the Permanent Government, Booman. It exists in the deep pockets of of the fabulously wealthy and powerful and it also exists in the deep cover that hides the machinations of the so-called intelligence agencies…groups that have themselves become fabulously wealthy and powerful due to the insider trading advantages of being spooks. It is multi-national and multi-faceted and it has existed in one form or another for centuries. Maybe even longer.
Our political “villains?” Simply the hirelings of these people. Nothing more.
This is a paraphrase of something Gore Vidal once wrote. (It is apparently not online…I have searched for it a number of times…or I would post a link. I read it as a young man and it sunk home. Deep home.)
Vidal came from old political money/political power…his grandfather was Senator Thomas E. Gore (Gore. Ring any bells? It’s a small, small world…) from Oklahoma and his father was connected w/FDR. As a fairly young man…Vidal was a successful author before he was 20…he was invited to lunch at David Rockefeller’s mansion somewhere deep in the New York woods. He was flown out in a helicopter, seated at a sumptuous table laden w/only the finest wines and food, and being a very political and idealistic young man himself, talked politics w/Mr. Rockefeller for some time.
Apparently at the end of the meal Rockefeller decided that he had not made his point sufficiently and said “Gore, I trust you found this meal to your satisfaction?” Vidal answered that it was indeed perhaps the best meal he had ever eaten. Rockefeller then answered “You must understand…I hired someone to cook this meal. That is what politicians do. They cook the meal that they are hired to cook.”
Now that is realpolitik.
Believe it.
Gore Vidal (and he was only a very distant relative of Al Gore and therefore, this factoid is of no relevance) always said that the National Security Act of 1947 was how we lost our democracy, as limited as it was before. A shame “the people” then and since have refused to listen — and permanently live on being awestruck and proud of the humongous US military equipment and weaponry.
CORRECT: Mr Vidal is one of our greatest social/political observers, writers.
I was sorry to see him pass not long ago.
His historical novels Burr and Lincoln are fantastic.
Not a shame, exactly…I mean, the real shame lies that in the fact that the media system has evolved into such a powerful propaganda tool and that it is totally owned and controlled by the Deep State corporate controllers. From Fox News right on through MSNBC and everywhere in between, the corporate conrol is total. Most people have other things on their mind than these concepts and…face it…most people’s minds aren’t all that powerful in the first place. That’s how evolution seems to want it, apparently. This is quite understandable. Often, daily line-level survival has little or nothing to do with “mind” even today, and over the eons of evolution through which humankind has evolved, a great deal of “survival” was predicated on strength, speed and courage. Y’can’t have it all, as the example of most American football stars will thoroughly attest.
The controllers have always understood this, but since the rise of hypnomedia…after the Vietnam segment of the Deep State PermaWar was essentially stopped in its tracks by by uncontrolled media…the controllers got busy. Now? Barring a massive collapse of some kind, the media has its talons sunk well and deeply into the minds of almost every layer of society.
It’s not that “the people…have refused to listen.”
It’s that they have been taught to listen to lies.
Bet on it.
Sorry — “the people” don’t get a pass. Not so long as they claim to live in and cling to the notion that the USA is a democracy. Only a minority would prefer a theocratic autocracy (and fewer still once they had to live in it). And it’s really not in the US culture to desire a monarchy, dynastic rule, or dictators. Some may need a bit of help understanding what those forms of government mean, but very few lack sufficient cognitive abilities achieve this level of learning.
I totally disagree, Marie2. Even many of the brightest among us can very easily find themselves hypnotized and flapping around on a table somewhere illustrating just how the chickens might come home to roost or simulating sex with a kitchen appliance. “Cognitive abilities” are not the problem. The problem lies in how those cognitive abilities have been trained from infancy, and TV/videaogames/the internet etc. are the greatest “trainers” yet invented. They surpass any religion’s abilities or those abilities of the greatest secular propaganda machines heretofore used. Goebbel’s jaw would have dropped if he could have seen the Madison Ave. messengers at work.
Sorry, Marie2…just because you get it doesn’t mean that they will. You’re just lucky to still have a few loose wires that weren’t thoroughly cauterized somewhere around the age of 3 by TV.
Consider yourself blessed.
Agree to disagree. With the stipulation that it does require five to ten minutes of undivided attention from those you consider cognitively impaired by ubiquitous screens, to “get it.” As that was all I needed to break through many young minds on flat income tax nonsense, the negative consequences of corporal punishment, and what the destruction of the Amazon rainforest means for all of us (and that one was in the mid-1980s), not buying into your armchair (and seemingly fact free) opinions on this one.
I take a lot of subways and buses in NYC and I talk to a lot of people on the phone. When I cannot get someone to be able to spell my name right, take my contact info correctly or add two simple figures, when I see people “reading” rags like the NY Post or listening to music that is totally content free, when I notice people in offices, stores, waiting rooms and banks raptly watching the worst level of daytime TV, I begin to think that the IQ level of Americans…already fairly low in the ’50s…has dropped precipitously. I also see this in the ‘burbs and in the countryside…less in the countryside, to tell you the truth. Country working people actually have to do something real, generally speaking. The only recognizable groups that I see in NYC (where I spend most of my out-of-the-house time) that evince an overall level of acceptable, workable intelligence are the students in the better colleges, Asians, Hispanics and those who were born before the advent of children’s TV.
In the house?
The content of the national media tell the tale. The fact that they are profitable to be “national media” means that they have a large audience. If that large audience…say at least a simple majority of the population, in my estimation more like 90+%…are ready and willing to swallow the bilge that these media produce both as entertainment and as news, then that “five to ten minutes of undivided attention” idea of which you speak sounds to me like asking about 15 minutes too much.
I guess it depends on who’s doing the subjecting.
I trust myself, pretty much. Gotta dance with who brung ya, I guess. So far, so good…still here, still fighting.
So it goes.
Shorter version of what you just said:
“Stupidity is the disease of America”.
Norman Mailer
Well then Arthur — you might as well save your breath since there aren’t enough Americans in your opinion that that smart enough to effect constructive change. If I had agreed with you, I would never have bothered with ethics and would have joined the ranks of those getting rich off “stupid” Americans because there wouldn’t have been any other point.
On the evidence of the past 50+ years? Say after the JFK assassination? That’s a reality-based concept, as the Kos Kids used to say. The last generation with enough smarts, courage and passion to try to do something about it went down hard after the civil rights and the so-called “hippie” movements crumbled in the face of good ol’ American ultra-violence in the late ’60s/early ’70s.
Once MLK Jr. went down and the ghettoes started burning (followed by the CIA-sponsored crack epidemic that pretty flat-lined the urban black working and middle classes)…?
That’s all she wrote.
Nixon said “I am not a crook,” the fat lady sang “God Bless America” and then there was Reagan. After him? RatPub/DemRat/RatPub/DemRat. The PermaGov fix in action.
Bet on it.
But why are you here? Or on any political blog? Well, maybe at the Ron/Rand Paul blogs to join the party of “superiors.”
Reminds me of Ian Welsh fairly recently:
The worst thing you can say to American left wingers is that people in democratic countries have some responsibility for what their countries do.
This does not mean all Boomers/Silents/GI Generation types made those choices, but enough did to make the Reagan revolution possible. Being racist or keeping their suburban housing prices up was more important to them than anything else, and they voted those values. They voted repeatedly for tax cuts: again and again. You could not run except on tax cuts and expect to win. That was what they wanted, that was what they voted for, that was their character.
There is far too much special pleading today, mostly from Boomers, that America just went to hell when they were the largest voting bloc and later, had the majority of politicians, “because of a few bad people”.
No, that doesn’t happen. They were complicit, they chose to vote racism and fear, they chose to vote, again and again, for tax cuts which hurt the weakest amongst us. They backed three strikes laws, they ate up Reagan’s bullshit about Welfare Queens. If they lost control of their political parties (a questionable claim in 1980, well that too was a choice: a choice not to participate actively in internal party politics.)
A bit too focused on specific generational characterizations for me, allowing those who hold the keys to pit people like me against people like my parents and grandparents. But the point remains: as voters and citizens, we bear responsibility.
Yes — as if those born in 1946 have all that much in common with those born in 1964.
Also ignores inconvenient facts:
Reagan was elected governor of CA in 1966. Note one single Boomer voted for him because none were eligible to vote. Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” was based on exploiting the what had happened in the 1964 election.
Boomers played no part in industrial unions in the US becoming corrupt and colluding with the owners instead of the workers. Workers that voted for Wallace in ’68, Nixon in ’72, and went on to become “Reagan Democrats in ’80.” The so-called “Greatest Generation” were silent throughout the commie witch hunt years and supported taking that fight to Vietnam.
I have been asking myself that question ever since I first tried to get my points across on dKos around 2004/2005…I was offed by The Little King and his courtiers in the July 4th massacre…but I have never come to a satisfactory answer. On the one hand the population of the leftiness blogs most resembles the population among which I grew up…college-educated, baby boomers and later, mostly white, mostly middle class (at least in aspiration), mostly “liberal.” On the other hand, I walked away from that society as fast as my 20+ year-old legs would carry me once I truly awakened to what is and has been happening in the world of people of color, both in the U.S. and throughout the world. That realization was powered by first-hand experience in the mostly non-white worlds of jazz and latin music, and it was a real eye-opener to live, study and work with people of color who came up hard and not only survived the experience but managed to turn it into high art. I guess I have always wanted to return that favor to the people from whom I had walked away. I have not been very successful in that attempt, but I do keep trying.
Your take on the Pauls?
Boneheaded. Clomp clomp clomping-leftiness, lockstep, neo-liberal, media propagated bullshit.
So it goes.
You aren’t going to delve any deeper into their realities. You’ve made up your mind already.
So it goes.
The prevalence of that kind of attitude was why I walked away in the first place.
But as I said, I do keep trying.
Does that piss you off?
Look within.
P.S. Or maybe it’s just another hobby. It sure cuts down on other wastes of time.
Sorry Arthur I live in Kentucky, and watch the self serving nitwit Rand Paul do very little for the people he is supposed to represent.
You make my point for me. Thank you.
Pure leftiness media slop.
MSNBC/Comedy Channel/Bill Maher crap, the other side of the Fox counterfeit coin.
That “nitwit” and his supposedly racist father (I believe that’s one of your anti-Paul epithets.) are winning their battle. Making progress towards winning it, for sure. The major media are beginning to look at Rand Paul in a new and more respectful way. Under orders from the bosses? Maybe. Not so “fringe” anymore. Gotta pay attention to the audience. Pay attention or lose it. The RatPubs have to remake their party? Well…yeah!!! Otherwise they won’t be able to take part in the Big Fix anymore. Then what’ll the PermaGov do? What use will the media be? There go them paychecks. Don’t need no “media” in a dictatorship. Not much of one, anyway.
UH oh!!!
What if Rand Paul gets the poll numbers?
UH oh!!!
If that happens they can’t give him the nonperson treatment they gave his father in 2012, can they?
UH OH!!!
Why am I here?
Maybe to see y’all wake the fuck up to your real position as a rubber stamp for the DemRat section of the PermaGov.
What fun that’d be.
Cain’t wait!!!
The ousted PM was an incompetent and corrupt asshole. Doesn’t mean I stand with fascists or the “gas queen” to overthrow him.
Likewise, I do not support fascists like the Pauls.
…self serving nitwit…
You make my point for me. Thank you.
Pure leftiness media slop.
No clueless, I didn’t since my quote I MY own opinion from quite a few sources INCLUDING his own nitwit words I have heard DIRECTLY ….. no “liberal” or other media involved.
Nice to see how your own blinders affect how YOU read other words and assign YOUR own meaning to them.
He does NOT represent the NEEDS of the people of the state of Kentucky very well, but does do a lot to push forward his own political agenda.
YOU cannot see anything except what the media, whether corporate owned or self serving media he pushes shows you since YOU don’t live here 24/7/365 …. I can since I do.
Seems YOU are the one lost in the media created bubble YOU want to believe in, not me.
BTW he ain’t that popular with the rural people I live around, 70 miles from Louisville.
Marie, you’re the kind of gal I’d want next to me on the barricades.
Arthur’s got a point. It’s been fifty years since JFK was gunned like a pimp in broad daylight and although many suspect there was some government involvement no one in free press, at least in the mainstream, is willing to say it. I remember the crap coming out of Rachel Maddow’s mouth about Lee Harvey Oswald last November and thought, “Oh I think we’ve reached the limits of dissidence at MSNBC.”
The whole thing in Ukraine was utterly predictable. At the end of the Second World War the US Army began using Gehlen’s Org to spy behind the Iron Curtain. Stepan Bandera was a leader of the anti-Soviet forces in Ukraine. These were the Nightingales, the people who had just killed a million Jews because they knew the Jews and the Soviets were in cahoots controlling the world and killing Christ again.
A couple years later the Org was assimilated into the new CIA under the Treaty of Fort Hunt. Oglesby estimated that 20% of the CIA’s manpower at its formation were Gehlen’s Nazis. I believe the Org migrated back to become the BND in 1954 or thereabouts, but by then the infection had taken, not that the Dulles of the world hadn’t been carrying the fascist bug since birth.
The Org was the main source for anti-Soviet propaganda during much of the Cold War.
The German plan in WWII was to create a Greater Germany by conquering the European part of the Soviet Union, kill off the Russians and take the fascists like the nationalist Ukrainians under their wings.
If one looks at the EU and what it’s done to Europe, with America’s help, they’ve pretty much succeeded. As if it were 1942 again Yugoslavia, that large Slavic barricade to Germany’s eastern ambitions, has been splintered into ethnic enclaves. In the Nineties you could see the various creaky WWII Nazi collaborators like Tudjman and the guy in Bosnia rise again. We’re seeing the same thing in Ukraine now. Children and grandchildren of the very Nightingales who killed those million Jews are now leading the opposition.
Granted, there are only about 70,000 Jews left in Ukraine now, and I’m sure that someone in the media will notice if that number starts going down quickly. But there are still ethnic Russians to kill.
The US, through State Department “pro-democracy” fronts and through the CIA, have been destabilizing as much of the former Soviet Union as possible. Not only Ukraine. Google “Graham Fuller” and “Ruslan Tsarni” and guess what was happening in Chechnya in the 90s.
Essentially, our intelligence has been working with Germany since the end of WWII to destroy Russia. Maybe you can understand the Russians’ bad attitude toward us now.
As to what will happen with Ukraine, I’d guess that Russia won’t allow the ethnic Russians in the eastern part to be slaughtered. That would suggest that a rump Ukraine will be Germany’s post on the eastern frontier. There’s no way that Germany will cure their economic ills, so the fascists will stew, hunt down the enemy within, and maybe even provide cannon fodder for the Germans if they feel that their bankers can’t do the job themselves.
I drifted from the main topic. Yes, the ship of state is utterly out of the people’s control. JFK, and then Bobby, were trying to shut down the CIA. We know who won.
Here’s the thing: Germany never wanted to be second fiddle to the US. If you look at a map of Europe, countries are being fractured along ethnic lines and are easily controlled. What is the one country that has expanded since the end of the Cold War?
When you see the petty fascists like Rick Perry talk about seceding from the US, guess who’s cheering on the sidelines?
Another weak load:
so AGAIN, everything that happens in the world has to be evaluated using AIPAC’s filter?
the notion everyone involved in the Kiev revolt are Jew haters and want to kill/deport them is total nonsense.
“white power”/fascism is actually much more of a problem in Russia.. I assume once the Russian people finally get rid of the dictator Putin, you’ll be right there assuming Russian Jews are going to be killed.
Acquaint yourself with some history and the Svoboda party or Aleksandr Musytschko from the Una-Unso militia.
○ Ukrainian Far Right Nationalists Barred From U.S. for Anti-Semitic Hatred
There are some 200,000 Ukrainian Jews and they are plenty anxious awaiting developments from a new government formed by the opposition parties.
○ Jewish Agency offers emergency help to Ukraine’s Jewish community
Read my earlier diary – Ukraine’s Holodomor of 1933 and the Maidan Revolution.
the notion everyone involved in the Kiev revolt are Jew haters and want to kill/deport them is total nonsense.
Nice straw-man to try to hid the FACT a significant number of the protesters in Kiev were just those people,
People like Oleh Tyahnybok, who has claimed a “Moscow-Jewish mafia” rule Ukraine and that “Germans, Kikes and other scum” want to “take away our Ukrainian state.”
His party, Svoboda is currently Ukraine’s fourth biggest party and holds 36 seats in parliament. It is also part of the Alliance of European National Movements, along with the British National Party (BNP) of the United Kingdom and Jobbik, the neo-fascist, anti-Semitic and anti-Roma party of Hungary.
Tyahnybok has also claimed that “organized Jewry” dominate Ukrainian media and government, have enriched themselves through criminal activities and plan to engineer a “genocide” upon the Christian Ukrainian population. Another top Svoboda member, Yuriy Mykhalchyshyn, a deputy in parliament, often quotes Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, as well as other Third Reich luminaries like Ernst Rohm and Gregor Strasser.
He is one of the people McCain loves to be photographed with …..
Do try as hard as you can to deny this reality.
There are two flags that were displayed prominently during the occupation of the Kiev city hall–the Confederate flag of US neo-Confederates and white flag with a equal-armed Celtic-cross-like symbol reminiscent of a gunsight. That seems a little broader than just anti-Semitic; that seems like a bunch of anti-whatevers.
But that is not the only thing that is going on in Ukraine as the immediate turn to the IMF shows. And the secessionist movement in the more Russian south and east. And Russian concerns about Crimea and access to Russian naval ports. And the Russian political manipulation of natural gas flowing through Ukraine.
Not getting what you meant.
That’s because there aren’t going to be any barricades. Not in the U.S. or any of the other highly media-developed countries there aren’t. The revolution won’t be televised because television and the rest of the media have created an alternate reality where “revolution” is just another night of entertainment. Thus there won’t be any revolution to televise. Just Hawaii Five-O and CSI.
And of course MSNBC.
You know.
The usual suspects.
If you haven’t read it, Arthur, pick up a copy of Christopher Simpson’s THE SCIENCE OF COERCION.
Thank you.
Got it online in .pdf form.
The fact that you, Sir, don’t already know this; given the obvious signs (one being Ms Manning in prison, another being they desperately want Snowden in prison) is disturbing to say the least.
Stop the sophomoric, school-yard partisan baloney, and start paying attention to what is going in right in front of you.
and oh yeah, it’s later than you think.
Sad and discouraging, but at least he’s not (quite yet) on the Kos etal. bandwagon of STFU and get in line for Hillary in 2016. This woman:
A woman that will say anything if she (and her team) think it will advance her political aspirations — and doesn’t give a damn about the human and financial costs to others of whatever position she takes at any time. That’s only made worse by her real pro-war bent that completely blinded her to the reality that the “surge” was a failure, there were no WMD in Iraq, and toppling Assad – either overtly or covertly – is/was a really bad idea.
Democrats supporting this woman are as naive and ignorant as any garden variety teabagger supporting Cruz. Too bad one or the other will take the rest of us down with them.
It’s not that these conservative, corporate arse-kissing politicians like HRC say anything to get elected, it’s what they won’t do for fear of pissing off the people actually running the Circus.
for example, it’s highly doubtful Obama OR Ms Clinton would use an Executive Order– which is entirely in their authority to do as POTUS– to revise the Schedule One status of marijuana.
WHY won’t they do this? because it would piss off the purveyors of booze and Big Pharma.
Personally, I think you’re wrong.
I don’t know what would actually happen of the president used an executive order to change the schedule of a drug or pharmaceutical, but they have no might to substitute their judgment for the judgment of medical doctors, psychiatrists, and scientists who work for them and are assigned by Congress with the responsibility to make those determinations.
What the president could do is ask for a new determination and make it known “wink” “wink” what their desired result is.
But they should accept the result even if they don’t like it.
I suspect that the reason it hasn’t already been changed is because sitting presidents have never indicated that they’d like to see it reconsidered. No one wants to make problems.
I can’t say I’m looking forward to voting for Clinton, but I’m not going to base anything I do on anything said by Gates, who, if there is a Deep State, is certainly one of its most important public representatives since George H.W. Bush and, to whatever extent he’s sober, speaking in its interests. That Clinton fails to deny the story is pretty typical though, wanting it to be thought that she was on both sides.
How come Snowden has come up with any of our current Mideast intrigues, or anything about Chechnya or Ukraine?
I still see Snowden as an intelligence operative with part of his mission being to weaken Obama. Not sure who he belongs to, he seems mighty cozy with the Paulists and his information seems tailored to generate German outrage.
But wouldn’t you like to know what that five billion in Ukraine was spent on?
AND… why should I give a CRAP about that?
seems like a rather stupid question, sorry to say… I wasn’t aware Snowden was working for the KGB?? was that the case?
I thought he worked for the NSA.
The KGB hasn’t existed for years. Lots of people think Snowden works for the FSB but I am not one of them. He got his paycheck from Booz Allen and formerly worked for CIA. Was never an NSA employee.
In answer to your first question, it is likely that a libertarian like Snowden is more interested in the civil liberties of US citizens, was not in assignments that providing him access to information about US plots in the Middle East, Chechnya, or Ukraine, and did have access to training documents that showed how extensive US surveillance was and how the motive was to capture everything about everyone.
Snowden’s action weakens Obama only to the extent that Obama does not use what has been exposed as an opportunity to rein in the overreach of the intelligence community.
I certainly would like to know what five billion was spent on in the Ukraine.
Snowden’s information does not specifically weaken Obama; it calls into question the faithfulness to the Constitution of every President since Jimmy Carter at the least and every President since FDR as a certainty. And causes some re-examination of what Presidents were doing with regard to surveillance between Woodrow Wilson and World War II. Especially as it pertains to the emerging labor movement. This is so big that the Pauls cannot effectively ride it, as Rand Paul has made hash of his attempts to grandstand on this issue.
Snowden’s advantage at the moment is that he no longer controls the information; it is totally in the hands of multiple journalists. Putin has gotten what the public has gotten plus the promise not to anger the the US, which for now is allowing Putin to avoid extraditing Snowden.
But if you are into conspiracy theories, examine the evidence for Snowden carrying out an Obama-ally plan for taking down elements of the deep state. That is just as plausible, which means plausible enough to make a narrative that a few people will believe. IMO, it is also incorrect. There are in fact independent agents in the world who operate out of their own agenda, and Snowden has turned out to be a relatively effective one through establishing relationships with other relatively independent (and cantankerous) agents.
Bureaucratic organizations are given too much assumptions of power, which mostly amounts to being able to put tons of resources into motion that eventually overwhelms independent agents. That might yet happen to Snowden either from the US side, the Russian side, or some other high resource organization. But it hasn’t happened yet.
Is it really surprising that meat inspections or even air traffic control are a lower priority than National Security, so they get less money during lean times? Americans are fearful people, and their politics reflect that. For a a few decades they were afraid of communists and did various stupid things as a result, like invade Vietnam. Now they are afraid of “terrorists”.
Why have we not closed Gitmo? You say it’s because politicians are gutless. No more so than the people who elected them.
Right. all those ppl on the Oregon Trail were timid. not.
You’re really going back some there, wouldn’t you say? You’ll have to look far and wide before you meet a USA-ian who even knows what the Oregon Trail refers to. Nowadays we are a very timid, frightened people. In fact, even more fearful of our own government than of any kind of violence from abroad or home-grown fanatics.
That was a long time ago.
These are self-imposed lean times.
This is about the fact the Rep. Mike Rogers and Sen. Dianne Feinstein are operating off of the same script and calling it “oversight”. That the FISA court and the Chief Justice who appoints the FISA court judges treat it as a rubber stamp for the military, intelligence, and FBI. That the Department of Justice, with the President’s consent, has investigated and indicted for espionage people who released information to the public that was exposing wrongdoing or ineffectiveness of the deep state. That Halliburton’s interests continue to drive us to war. That universities are captured by the deep state and bend their scholarship and public statements to conform to the agenda of the deep state.
And it is rooted in the National Security Act of 1947 and subsequent acts that created the standing large army and large intelligence community and provided them with the veil of secrecy. An absolute privilege or state secrecy destroys democratic governance.
And so the deep state is governed no doubt in fact by the CEOs of the defense and intelligence contractors, resource industries, and the financial community. And the permanent civil service directors and generals at the level or two below the political appointees.
The litmus test for the presence of the deep state is the fact that James Clapper has not been indicted for perjury before Congress. And the John Brennan has not been fired for failing to declassify the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on torture. While Col. Morris Davis is still fighting to clear his name and John Kiriakou is being harassed by the Bureau of Prisons for the audacity of describing his prison life. President Obama has the formal authority to deal with all of these. But the President is constrained by the politics of Congress and the office politics of military and intelligence communities.
This is what November’s election should be about but won’t because we have a completely dysfunctional party system that is protecting the Washington establishment that is beholding to the financial tentacles of the deep state.
No politician dares to take on our nation’s security apparatus, because no politician wants to end up dead – either shot, or in a plane crash – one of the few things our CIA was actually good at, which was to make foreign leaders planes plummet down to Earth and go “BOOM!”
Are they?
That’s a more serious allegation than just the analysis that says that there is a deep state with interests that the Constitutional institutions of government are obligated to serve instead of those of the people.
So how could we test this hypothesis without sacrificing another responsive politician? Because the hypothesis of a murderous deep state means that there is a self-replicating cabal over generations that is small enough to cover up murder. And that means that everyone outside that cabal are potential witnesses against what that cabal has been doing and that some of them if given the right protection could say “No” to orders from the cabal that were shown not to come from legitimate authority.
What is being talked about here is much different. It is Petraeus being able to force his strategy on a new President because others at DoD back him instead of providing critical counter-information. It is about John Brennan being promoted to CIA Director with the power to cover the secrets of the Obama administration. It is an implied sense of national security and a culture of who the key people are. And multiple contending conspiracies and office politics struggles about the details, which then obscure the overall failure of the policies and write off failure as nothing in order to keep the funding coming.
Actually, the continued presence of Fidel Castro shows that the CIA was not even good at assassination. It’s the successes that we know about, and then only because they were so obvious as to be investigated. Too much of the intelligence community’s reputation is based on public assumptions and Hollywood propaganda. Which is why we need a full public audit of OSS activities during World War II and CIA activities since it was created up to the year 2001.
Its not really necessary to kill. These days the deep state can just find your skeletons and threaten to reveal them.
that said I do think that serious challenges would be met with violence though I don’t know how secret that would actually be.
You don’t have to be a small group. You just have to have lots of people who follow and don’t ask questions.
Also, once your group ascends you put your people in places where they can control outcomes. One infamous bastard, maybe it was Allen Dulles, said you can get away with murder if you own the coroner. Magic bullet, anyone?
Likewise, E. Howard Hunt was tasked by Richard Nixon to staff the DEA, which he did, with dirty CIA agents. Expect the FBI, the NTSB and the rest of the alphabets to have people with agency loyalty to be in key places.
It may have something to do with the simple fact that the oldest existing branch of the current permagov is the US Army. And of course veterans of Washington’s army took leading roles in laying the foundations of our current government. So perhaps military interests and military habits were going to predominate in one way or another.
The national security did face serious threats in the days, so there was some justification for having some kind of military readiness. But then at some point you find you’ve put yourself on a permanent national security footing even though there are fewer immediate threats. And then once you’ve got a national security apparatus in place it will never have any trouble finding things to do.
The original principle of the US government was no standing armies. It likely was Jefferson who departed from that in anticipation of trouble with the British and Madison who then proved the danger of standing armies by trying to take Canada while the British were still occupied with Napoleon. Nonetheless, there has been a small continuous officer corps throughout US history that has gained influence from the fact that the people saw fit to elect a general their first President. And interestingly, instead of decreasing after the end of the Cold War the number of flag officers in the US military has increased to its highest number. Cutting that much brass after the end of Afghanistan is going to be a major political issue that will not be widely discussed.
How many batshit crazy (so nutso that they exhibit cognitive abilities a standard deviation or more below the mean IQ) physicians that wannabe in Congress are there out there?
Senate Candidate Joked About Graphic X-Rays He Posted Online.
The emotional maturity of a twelve year. Probably doesn’t know biology better than the other fuckwad MDs we’ve seen lately that have a burning passion to be a politician. (Probably because they’ve heard that it pays better, doesn’t require compassion, and is bothered with that pesky Hippocratic Oath to do no harm.)
The narcissism and greed among a large faction of the US medical profession is one reason why we don’t have UHC (and why the ACA will deliver less and at a higher cost than what is needed).
There’s a bunch of specialists who are offended to be told that an M.D. is not a license to print money. And each every one of these nut cases seems to be bailing into politics. And they seem to be in a conspiracy to make Paul Broun and Tom Coburn sound sane.
I wonder what their patients think of these jerks.
I can’t believe that’s not illegal
Back in J. Edgar’s day, the FBI had files on every politician in the US above dog-catcher. The CIA did the same. If you think they’re still keeping records on index cards you’re not seeing the big picture.
I would not doubt that every politician is compromised and has been told how compromised if she or he ever steps too far out of line.
The big picture is that that there is a significant amount stored on everyone who uses electronic communications. It is only a matter of specifying the correct selectors and parallelizing the search with a legal investigation and the requesting party is home free.
With J. Edgar, it wasn’t the information in the files but the fact of the files that gave him power. Everyone knew he had files. What has been found out about his files is that because they got rumors and innuendo from everywhere, the were not reliable if push came to shove. The “this comes from the FBI” label could allow Hoover to push suspect information into the press through willing reporters or just get Walter Winchell to do a hit job for him.
Likewise, the overbroad collection and loose correlation in the NSA files has the same problem with accuracy. But the fact that NSA is collecting files on everyone–once known only to some members of Congress (who are amazingly compliant) and suspected by others but now known generally–that creates the same kind of chill that Hoover could create.
The more serious abuses at FBI were the covert ops and assassination programs.
Collecting information on everyone is a lot more reassuring than back in the old days when you knew they had a file on you and the other radicals you hung around with.
Other “alleged” radicals. Interpretations by agents of newspaper clippings so that “the boss” had something from them to read.
Every now and then I repost this from the 1776 Virginia Declaration of Rights. One of those warnings from the past that has proven to be 100% accurate and now, today, completely forgotten and ignored.
Section 13. That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.
Today approximately half of federal taxes go to support a permanent standing military force that brags that it has operations in 175 countries world wide (there are about 200, depending on how you count – and many of those have covert operations going on).
How sad Madison edited this down for Federal use to where people could think it means “I can have any gun I want”! I wonder what he was up to–if he hoped it wouldn’t mean anything at all?
good post thanks
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