Oh boy:
“I have never heard of anyone testing out the safety of a gun by pointing at their head an pulling the trigger,” Oakland County Undersheriff Michael McCabe was quoted as saying.
Until now, of course.
Authorities said the unidentified 36-year-old victim placed two of the handguns to his head and fired to demonstrate that they were safe while unloaded, before fatally shooting himself with the third firearm. The victim’s girlfriend, with whom he shared a residence in Independence Township, told authorities he had been drinking before the incident.
This is what happens when your girl asks you to stop waving your guns around.
Apparently he didn’t give a shit about the rules.
What a fucking dope.
Well, it’s one less guy you’ll need to worry about when you’re texting your kids babysitter during the previews at the the local movie theater.
Or when I’m sitting at the 7-11 waiting for my wife, and listening to some freaky John Coltrane with the volume set to an appropriate 8 or 9 on my MP-3 player.
I would like to be able to rate this comment a 4-S.
4 for excellent
S for Sad that the two events you mentioned reality happened, and because things like this will continue to happen until this country gets over being crazy.
You know, I’ve been thinking a lot about this subject. I have friends and some family who are really into the gun culture. From people who just like to collect them, to people who hoard ammo and guns in anticipation of some as yet, unspecified and unapparent mortal threat to their liberty and safety.
And almost all of them, if you get them to talk about it, have the same kind of fear, to some degree, that Michael Dunn exhibited when he pulled up next to that SUV; from which was blaring music that fed that paranoiac threat he was already nurturing in his mind. And to almost all of these people I know, the whole idea of having a gun at hand makes them feel like that threat is actually much closer and more pervasive than it really is. It seems they are constantly on edge, anticipating the very kind of threat that Dunn thought he was confronting when he pulled his semi-auto from the glove box and emptied the entire clip.
It is not far-fetched to think that most of us personally know a potential Michael Dunn. Someone who is just walking around in an imagined state of siege all the time. And that scares the living shit out of me.
They work themselves up into a frenzy of fear in the anticipation of a threat, to the point that they become the threat themselves.
It really is scary, and I’m not sure that fear hasn’t pushed a lot of these gun people off the deep end, beyond sanity.
I live in an urban area. I have people pull upside to me all the time blasting their music.
In all the times it has happened to me, NOT ONCE
did it occur to me that I should have a gun and begin shooting.
The music is loud…FUCKING MOVE.
If you have a gun, you begin to think paranoid. You are justifying the ownership, and this feeds into a cycle of paranoia, fear, and craziness.
Every gun purchased means that a person will be voting Republican down the line.
Oh, baloney. Gun ownership is not an automatic sentence to paranoid rage.
I have a .22 pistol and a .22 rifle, both target guns bought a few years ago after I turned 60 and decided to indulge a long-held curiosity about firearms, having never been around them before other than a couple of guest shooting trips to a range.
Both guns stay unloaded and trigger-locked at all times unless I’m using them at the range. Neither one has ever tempted me to keep it loaded and with me. Neither one has ever induced me to peer about in paranoid fear and rage at the world. They’re just occasionally used implements; toys, if you will; about as likely to seduce me to the Dark Side as my horse’s bits and bridles.
Yeah, I know the right thing is to be sad for the loss of life, but at some point stupidity really should be painful.
Nope. I’m glad this guy is dead.
There are a lot of people in the world who make the world a worse place. If you are so stupid that you would do this, you might also have done other remarkably moronic things and harmed others.
He will not do that now.
Works for me. I refuse to not speak ill of the dead. This is a good thing.
How the fuck did he make it to 36?
Guns and alcohol really don’t mix. But, yeah, this guy is a finalist for a Darwin Award.
Not a finalist. He’s a winner of the Darwin award. However, the Darwin Award is given when you do something stupid enough to remove your genetic material from the collective human repository.
Did he have kids?
Maybe he felt threatened. After all, someone was pointing a gun at his head. So, he had to shoot to Stand His Ground.
“This is what happens when your girl asks you to stop waving your guns around”
This is a good thing. One more insanely stupid person who killed himself rather than taking others out.
This is good.