Arthur Brooks, President of the American Enterprise Institute, who gets his plea to stop inciting envy among the 99% published in the liberal NY Times. Because you know, pointing out the vast majority of people in our country are working harder for less, while CEOs who commit crimes get rewarded with large bonuses is such a mean, unpleasant and unhelpful thing to do.
The .1% is politely taking turns beng public richfucks about people being oh-so-rude to them about their richfuckery. It’s like every week there’s a new “victim” coming out of the closet of affluenza suffers.
Well now to all of you rich folks upset about the way you are being treated by the rest of us. I have a guaranteed solution! One that was recommended years ago by someone much respected.
I refer you to
Matthew 19:20,21
The Rich Young Man
…20The young man said to Him, “All these things I have kept; what am I still lacking?” 21Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” or stop complaining.
Yes, aren’t they always concerned about being Christian?
Does anyone else find it darkly funny that the picture they use for Brooks makes him look like a hipster jerk?
They can whine when the 99% gets serious and imposes a 99% income and wealth tax on the 1%. But we still won’t have empathy for one time multi-billionaires that are reduced to multi-millionaires.
Yeah, it would be great to give these assholes something real to have a sad about.
Dude needs to stop confusing rage with envy.
He and his organization caused it. He should stop complaining.