Perhaps an easier explanation is that Bernie Sanders just finds Ralph Nader to be insufferable.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Wrong link?
link is fixed.
LOL… so the self-inflicted LOSS by Gore in 2000 is to be forever blamed on Nader?
weak, very weak.
How do you even reply when the link is wrong? Also, fuck Ralph Nader:
Ralph Nader wants a billionaire to run for president. And he has a list.
Here’s the thing: call me when your armchair activism saves the lives of thousands of people (seat belts and airbags).
Let me know OK?
That’s just the thing. People can’t seperate the two parts of Nader’s life. And do people really forget how deep Gore was once into the DLC? Which also goes to show how stupid the “liberal media” is that they portrayed Gore, at that time, as a big DFH, when he wasn’t anything of the sort.
People can’t seperate the two parts of Nader’s life
Uh, excuse me? Who are the people who can’t separate the two parts of Nader’s life here?
Everyone that I know is very clear that Nader became insane about 1990, and is no longer anything other than a piece of crap. Before he got so fucking arrogant, he had some good ideas.
Singlehandedly, he gave the country to Bush. So fuck him.
Half of registered Dems in Florida stayed home in 2000, and over 12 percent of registered Dems voted for Bush. That works out to roughly three times as many Dem votes for Bush in Florida as there were total votes for Nader.
Blaming Nader and Nader voters doesn’t make any sense in terms of the actual numbers, but hey, I get it … it’s become a great way to discourage most real challenges from left-of-center. Just invoke the Great Satan Nader and watch the easily-fooled hyperventilate and fall in line.
Right.. One problem is armchair pundits don’t know crap about politics.
back before “blogs” were even invented, I was spending alot of time at Salon’s public forum. there 99.9% of the “experts” were predicting a landslide victory for Gore. there was lots of loud guffaws and knee-slapping about that “nobody, dumb governor of Texas”..
not only was this not a landslide victory for Gore, it was one of the closest races in history, if not the closest race– which of course left the door wide open for the _hanging chad” nonsense in FL.
by the by, here is the link Booman meant to post:
Waaaah, I’m important, Bernie Sanders! Why aren’t you returning my calls!
Spoken like a man who has not only never held public office, but after nearly a half-century in DC is still unclear as to who Sanders, as an elected official, answers to. (Hint: not him.)
Stories from organizers during Nader’s presidential runs are absolutely consistent with this. Lost in the blame-Gore’s-loss-on-Nader idiocy is that most Green Party activists found Nader to be insufferable and in it for his hyperinflated ego. Nader came in promising to help build the GP and never lifted a finger to do so – to the point of his campaign not even sharing donor data with local affiliates. They chose to put up with it, and came out feeling used.
Amen. I’m all for organizing third parties if that’s the route people want to go — I happen to believe that primarying insufferable Democrats is the better way to go, but I’m not going to criticize those who want to organize other parties or independents — but Nader cares not for organizing, pounding the pavement, or building movements; it’s all about Ralph.
In fact, the GP is in a far worse position since his campaign. Jill Stein is a far better figurehead, though I’m not sure how much she wants to organize, either.
All Nader’s activism was undone by Bush’s wars that resulted in HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of deaths. Call me when Nader and his apologists are ready to apologize and atone, OK troll?
Ralph Nader is a piece of crap. I don’t give a crap that he was right 50 years ago. He is a turd.
He was wrong about the Corvair too. The Corvair was a piece of crap but so were many contemporaries. Motor Trend ran a test with the Corvair, Falcon, and VW Beetle. All lost control and flipped. The Beetle flipped first with the classic “tuck under”, the Falcon spun out and then at even higher speed, the Corvair tucked under. Like I said, the Corvair was a piece of crap, but GM wasn’t alone in building crap. None of those three cars should have been driven like a Corvette. When you drive an econobox, treat it like an econobox.
It’s readily evident in the period video that the Corvair was being driven in an inappropriate fashion. How this came to be part of the basis of Nader’s career remains a mystery.
And the Pontiac Tempest being hung up on the crown of the road that he mentions in his book. Oh, please! One of my cousins drove an early tempest for years, mostly on Chicago streets. It never got hung up on anything.
Way, way OT, but last Thursday, the White House taped their latest “In Performance” series for PBS. This series was titled “Women of Soul”. The performances included ole skook singers like Patti Labelle and Melissa Etheridge, but also newcomers like Jill Scott, Janelle Monae, Ariande Grande and last years winner from the Voice Tessanne Chin.
The “headliner” was the Queen of Soul herself, Aretha Franklin. She performed twice, and her final song was Amazing Grace. There is a reason why she’s still the Queen, even with age, she still sounds damn good if you ask me…you can def hear the preachers daughter coming from her soul
White House Series In Performance, Aretha Franklin – Amazing Grace
Ralph Nader IS insufferable.
I was one of those in 2000 who “traded” votes to try to get Nader to the 5% level. Remember? I vote Nader in AL, MS, MA, CA, NY … whereever it doesn’t matter, and the Naderites vote Democratic in FL, NH, WI, OH and elsewhere where it DOES matter.
Sumbitch was supposed to stay the fuck out of FL.
Last time I fall for that load of crap.