One of the best things in American politics today is Sarah Palin’s love affair with Ted Cruz. She wrapped up the CPAC conference with another one of her idiotic stem-winders, and what she said could easily give Senator John McCain an aneurysm. Watch:
Palin heaped praise on tea party hero Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.), who has in recent months clashed repeatedly with Republican leadership on Capitol Hill and forced several establishment Republicans who are considered vulnerable in this year’s midterm elections to join with Democrats to get the annual lifting of the nation’s borrowing limit passed.
“Thank you, Texas!” Palin declared. “‘Cause liberty needs a Congress on Cruz-control.”
Senator Cruz, of course, had made an appearance before the CPAC loons on Thursday in which he mocked McCain, as well as Mitt Romney and Bob Dole. McCain was particularly incensed that Cruz would attack Bob Dole, who is in frail health.
“I spoke to Ted Cruz. He and I have a cordial relationship about this,” McCain said on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” on Friday. “He can say what he wants to about me, and he can say anything he wants to, I think, about Mitt [Romney], Mitt’s capable of taking it. But when he throws Bob Dole in there, I wonder if he thinks that Bob Dole stood for principle on that hilltop in Italy when he was so gravely wounded and left part of his body there fighting for our country?”
There is nothing “cordial” about McCain’s relationship with Ted Cruz, or pretty much anybody else who doesn’t wield a microphone or a camera. There’s a reason that Chris Cillizza’s article on this incident is headlined: John McCain vs. Ted Cruz, Round 203. They’ve been fighting over everything since McCain termed Cruz a “wacko bird” early last year. But Sarah Palin loves Cruz and thinks the Senate should be on “Cruz-control.”
With our politics so broken, we really need to stop and cherish the few precious good moments. Like this:
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) struck back at former Vice President Dick Cheney for calling his choice of 2008 running mate Sarah Palin a “mistake,” and brought up their famous disagreement over torture during the Bush administration.
“I’m always glad to get comments four years later. Look, I respect the vice president,” McCain said on “Fox & Friends” Monday. “He and I had strong disagreements as to whether we should torture people or not. I don’t think we should have.”
How would that exchange stack up in a game of Who’s the Asshole?
McCain has been squirming to defend his choice of Palin since at least the Death Panel fiasco back in 2009. But he knows he screwed up. Sarah Palin won’t let him forget.
It must just be so hard to be a Republican. You can’t ever admit you were wrong. Sad way to go through life.
It certainly does not seem pleasant. I saw part of Palun’s speech on TV at the gym and had forgotten how every word that comes out of her mouth is just seething with resentment. She must be such an emotionally toxic person to be around. But then they must all be like at CPAC. Stewing in their anger, fear, emotional/sexual/moral repression.
Anger, fear and repression is a sufficient basis upon which to found a political party, and one large enough to win general elections to boot.
Ever since they huddled together underneath a Confederate flag during the shutdown (shut up–that is how it happened when I write it) I’ve been composing disturbing Cruz/Palin ‘ship stuff in my head. I long ago put something up at DU just before 2008 election about how chivalry prevented McCain from turing his back on his vice-presidential pick, but as her shtick becomes even more ludicrous, I think he prefers being silent so as not to point out that her emergence on the political big scene is his fault. The less said, the better. It’s no excuse for anyone else not pointing out that she’s kind of his “baby”. And if Ted Cruz is her date to the prom?
What can he do but grin and bear it? Maybe it’s just a stage she and the whole GOP are going through.
The fact that Palin gave the keynote at CPAC is astounding. It shows just how completely out of touch with reality the American conservative movement is. After 6 years there is no doubt that she is a utter, complete moron who still doesn’t know any facts, just parts of slogans.
It’s hard to believe that they’re a.) all that out of touch and b.) cruising to retaking the Senate.
The problem, dear Brutus, is with our country, not our stars, or CPAC, or conservatives….
Sorry – here in the Bibble Belt/Heartland/Whatever, she is still a favorite. The locals were rather bewildered by Mitt – but Sarah! is still alright with them.
I fear for my country.
I’m of the opinion that Ted Cruz is secretly a Democrat who is working to tear apart the GOP from the inside and that morans like Sarah Palin are too stupid to realize it.
that he needs two grim reapers.
I’m not sure what to call Palin, anymore.
I’ve always called her, “The Whore of Babblin’-on.”
But now, I’m not so sure that it shouldn’t be, “The Mouth That Bored.”
Guidance, please?
I don’t think calling her a “whore” really advances anything you might care about. And, in any case, being a whore is a job. Palin can’t hold down a job.
I usually end that with apologizing to real sex-workers, because the least among them, are smarter, and better people, than she will ever be.
Steve Schmitt has probably done his share of apologizing to McCain, and maybe he doesn’t have any cred within the GOP anymore, but he and the rest of McCain’s selection committee owe all of us a trip over to Jon Stewart to talk about Palin.
He is not the only one unhappy