Previous title: Mystery Deepens: Renegade Plane Flew West 500km [Debris Found]
[Update5] : Chinese vessel searching for MH370 picks up pulse signal in Indian Ocean
So the Chinese vessels detected 37.5khz signals during a short period of 90 seconds. Did they locate killer whales or were the Chinese listening to dolphins mimicking the ping sound of the black box of Malaysian flight MH370.
To find the black box, the Australian Navy should have used trained dolphins, stupid humans.
New articles mention the evasion of Indonesian and Thai radar as renegade plane flew west before turning south to disappear. MH370 measured data versus predicted track.
[Update4] : Malaysia Airlines says flight MH370 is assumed to have crashed with no survivors – FULL COVERAGE with info-graphics
After a two-week search, Malaysia concluded on Monday that MH370 has crashed. A detailed analysis of the data provided by British satellite company Inmarsat showed that the plane’s last position was in the middle of the Indian Ocean, with no possible landing sites.
Interesting analysis of satellite pings by scientists from Inmarsat and Boeing experts have concluded flight MH370 flew due South [Doppler-effect] on autopilot at 450 knots cruising speed. Of the events leading to the crash, there is no data available.
[Update3] : BREAKING NEWS: Chinese satellite spotted debris in southern corridor – Sat. March 22
SEPANG – China has spotted large debris in the southern corridor where a multi-nation search for missing Malaysia Airlines plane MH370 is underway, says Malaysia’s acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein.
“The news that I just received is that the Chinese ambassador received satellite image of floating objects in the southern corridor and they will be sending ships to verify,” he told a press conference in Sepang on Saturday.
The satellite images show a large floating object measuring 22.5m by 13m. China’s state news agency Xinhua said the object was spotted 120km away from those spotted by Australia.
○ XinhuaNet: Chinese satellite spots suspicious MH370-linked object
○ Location Google maps – 44°57’30″S 90°30’00″E.
[Update2 : Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was hijacked (Sat. March 15)
KUALA LUMPUR — An unspecified Malaysian official was quoted as saying that investigators have concluded that missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was hijacked.
According to the report, which is yet to be corroborated, the hijackers have rich flying experience and they switched off communication devices deliberately and steered the Boeing 777 aircraft off course. Although piracy is no longer a theory, the motives are yet to be established, the official was quoted as saying.
- ○ Prime Minister of Malaysia Mohd Najib Tun Razak – Twitter feed
○ Straits Times: Missing Malaysia Airlines plane
○ Aviation Herald: Malaysia B772 over Gulf of Thailand missing; high degree of certainty: deliberate action
○ Streamed Coverage from ABCNews
[Update1] Latest news posted below:
○ Malaysia failing credibility test as flight confusion deepens
Missing Malaysian plane last seen at Strait of Malacca – source
(Reuters) – The Malaysian military believes an airliner missing for almost four days with 239 people on board flew for more than an hour after vanishing from air traffic control screens, changing course and travelling west over the Strait of Malacca, a senior military source said.
« click for link Aviation Herald – updated
A Vietnamese officer stands next to a TV screen showing a flight route during a news conference about their mission to find missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 at Phu Quoc Airport in Phu Quoc Island, March 11, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Athit Perawongmetha…
Earlier on Tuesday, Malaysia’s Berita Harian newspaper quoted air force chief Rodzali Daud as saying the Malaysia Airlines plane was last detected by military radar at 2:40 a.m. on Saturday, near the island of Pulau Perak at the northern end of the Strait of Malacca. It was flying at a height of about 9,000 meters (29,500 ft), he was quoted as saying.
Foul play, who could be involved?
No distress signal and responder was turned off, so the pilots come into play. In the comments at Aviation Herald, some opinions are vented. The spot where Boeing-777 veered off-course was well chosen, in space where radar signals of civil aviation are weakest and Malaysia changes to Vietnam guidance. Plane dropped drastically in altitude, not confirmed to what height.
My take is the plane landed in a remote area, likely in the Indonesian province of Aceh, indeed a region with extremists from AQ affiliation. Indonesia has some high value targets imprisoned, so does China in Xinjiang province with the Uyghurs.
Dependent on overall weight of cargo and passengers, the minimum requirement for this plane to land is a runway of 1780 meters in length.
○ Umar Patek, the Bali bombmaker gets 20 year sentence; associated with Jemaah Islamiah and paramilitary training camp in Aceh province.
○ Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir, 72, was sentenced to 15 years in prison
An earlier comment in BooMan’s fp story …
○ Oil slicks found at sea in search for Malaysia jet
○ Oil spills on sea surface diversity from petrol, kerosene and diesel oil plus photo
Flight Radar shows flight path and contact
○ Person stolen passport identified; Iranian 19 years-old seeking asylum in Sweden
In the Guardian liveblog, Milton’s comments explain the various jetliner communication/tracking systems. Plenty of “dead zones” in the world. He notes, as have others, the silence wrt ACARS data:
Let’s hope that the airline and government of Malaysia’s delays and seeming reticence to disclose all available information hasn’t led to searches in the wrong locations and wild speculations for three days.
DC (not KL) press briefing: WAPO
ACARS info surfaces:
If MAS has outsourced public statements to DC, this may fuel rather than dampen CTs.
WAPO 3/15/14
So, a full week after it was announced that MH 370 was missing, MAS announces that the plane’s ACARS was “disabled” before the transponder was turned off. Will have to wait for knowledgeable people to weigh in on how plausible it is that ACARS can be “disabled” and if so, why nobody seemed to be speculating on this for seven days.
US Navy arrived earlier.
Malaysia air force denies tracking missing jet to Strait of Malacca
Haven’t a clue as to what happened, when, where. Merely note that the initial reports of #370 missing were inconsistent as to the time of the last ground control contact. Some said it was 1:30 (or maybe 1:20) and another said 2:40. Was the latter an erroneous report? And merely coincidental that it fit with having turned and ended up in the Malacca Straits?
“Yeah, we digitally manipulated a photo because …”
Maybe we should ask if they have released any photos that weren’t “digitally manipulated.” And if not intended to “mislead,” then what was the purpose of the “digital manipulation?”
It’s getting more and more difficult not to wonder if they’ve released any information that is real.
No confirmation yet whether debris belongs to missing Boeing-777 jet.
○ Malaysia failing credibility test as flight confusion deepens
○ “I’m familiar with the Boeing-777, that airplane just doesn’t fall out of the sky”
Data withheld in public reports. Which would also mean that various MAS public statements aren’t reliable. And reporters should have noted the curiosity of US Navy searches going to the Malacca Straits and not the reported areas of where the plane went missing. Could be an effort to confuse other searchers to prevent discovery of the wreckage. High probability that MAS, Boeing, etc. honestly don’t know what happened or where.
“Malaysia today denied a report that its missing airliner flew on four hours after disappearing from radar ”
Like I’d believe anything they would say! WGN-TV reported five hours. Other sources stated could have flown 2200 miles based on the engine reports. Those engine reports (sort of like OnStar vehicle reporting) would have gone to Boeing or the engine manufacturer (GE). How the Hell would Malaysian officials be in a position to deny them?
Who has globe? What’s 2000 miles from Malaysia?
That denial of the WSJ report was before the WH sort of confirmed that the WSJ got it right on the additional four hours flying time but cited the wrong communication source (pings to RollsRoyce instead of ACARS pings).
Not sure any source has much credibility at this point. Unclear if MAS even knew that #337 hadn’t checked in or been observed anywhere along its intended flight path until notified by Bejing airport that it had failed to arrive. (KL flight board listed it as having landed in Bejing a 6:10 am.
The only thing I’d reject is 9/11 style AQ hijackers because those guys weren’t instrument rated and therefore, could fly at night, and it’s no easier to get trained to fly these big birds today than it was before 9/11.
○ Malaysian Spotters Over Andaman Sea Keep Hope as Search Widens
Fascinating, thanks Oui!
I still can’t past the two deliberate acts: turning off both transponders, dropping altitude and the pilot turned change of course.
And then there’s the question that if the plane changed course once, why not a 2nd time, taking it on a northward trajectory?
Twitter feed of Jon Ostrower, Aerospace & Boeing beat reporter for The Wall Street Journal. WSJ has confirmed that the pilot had the ability to manually turn off the transponder on Flight MH370. Why is the transponder so significant? WSJ’s Jason Bellini has #TheShortAnswer.
PS All this new satellite information, leads the USS Kidd to the area I speculated in my diary.
“My take is the plane landed in a remote area, likely in the Indonesian province of Aceh.”
If the pilots turned off their communication systems at 01:07 and 01:21 LT [17:21 UTC], the chance of a hijacking is still a possibility. From latest WSJ info, if reception of ping included primary data of speed and location, expect relevant news soon.
Are the experts stumped because the MAS 370 flight situation is unique, too few facts are publicly available, or the facts don’t add up to a coherent profile because some of those “facts” are fictitious?
(A long time ago, I knew Peter Goelz. Back then he was nice guy and at least as good a casual comedian as Jon Stewart.)
I do not believe for a moment that the whereabouts and/or final resting place of this plane are unknown to the highly developed Deep State nations. Not a bit of it. There are now simply too many tracking techs, from little “pings” to secret satellites way out in space. Preparations are already well under way for rescue and/or negotiations to limit political or economic fallout if it has been destroyed. Will we ever hear the truth of the matter? I dunno. Have we ever heard the truth regarding the ’60s assassinations? How about the “truth” of the bin Laden killing? Habeus corpus, motherfuckers!!! What’s that you say? You can’t ‘cuz you buried him at sea? How convenient!!! How about the Flight 800 story from 1996? How about the various stories regarding the Lockerbie bombing? Why was the sole convicted Lockerbie bomber released? Because he was not feeling well? Mercy from the merciless owners of a deep torture state? Please. What quid pro quos were involved in that little trade?
The Deep States are a tomb of secrets. Like that old Roach Motel ad, the secrets check in but they don’t check out. This is just another one. Watch. Meanwhile…as the gaze of the hypnomedia audience is riveted on this little mystery, somewhere in a dark and secret place Mr. Quid and Mr. Quo…quid pro quo, pros, both of them, bet on it…are divvying up the profits from our little “Ukraine” problem.
And so on until a deal is hammered out.
Until the next scam arises, of course.
Divvy divvy divvy…the 1984 countries (Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia) are divvying up the spoils.
If this Malaysian flight is found and a solution is discovered that saves the reputations of all involved…and perhaps even some of the passengers as well, although that idea appears to be no more than an afterthought here…then just settle back and wait for the movie.
Someone’s already working on the screenplay. I wonder if they’ve contacted Tom Hanks yet. Maybe not…it’s a little early in the game and he’s getting a little late in the day. So it goes.
Yeah, but it sure is distracting.
Refuse to be distracted. This is the secret to not being tricked by sleight of hand tricks and also the secret to remaining unhypnotized when confronted with trance-producing hypnomedia. Refuse to look where you are being told to look and refuse to believe anything that a proven group of hustlers tries to feed you.
Observe, Alice.
Observe but do not buy in.
Do not suspend disbelief even for an instant.
If you do…like a fish finally surrendering to the blandishments of a lure…then they gotcha!!!
Bet on it.
Mysteries are mesmerizing.
Refuse to be mesmerized. Only then can the answers to specific questions be found.
This particular set of problems? Look at the current, hottest-thing-ever big picture…Russia/Ukraine, China/Muslim resistance and the east to west economic and military reach of the NATO nations. It really is the 1984 world of Orwell’s imagination/prophecy. Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia competing to divvy up the world amongst themselves with scattered resistance from those who either do not wish to be divvied or have a particular aversion to the superstate that appears to have won their land. Do you actually believe that no one knew about the path of this airplane once it didn’t appear at its appointed destinations? Please. All the rest? A dumbshow for the marks. Now we come to the endgame of this particular little foofaraw, I think. The negotiations between interested superpowers are over on all three fronts and the conclusion of this story…always remembering in your unmesmerized state that it has been a false story and thus it will be a false “conclusion” as well…will appear during this next week’s news cycle.
The truth of this matter in terms of importance compared to the Ukraine/Crimea thing?
While the marks are all ooohing and ahhhing over the fate of this plane, the fates of millions in the Ukraine region are being decided by hard, horse-trading men in secret rooms.
How do they run this game on the marks?
Over and over and over again.
Like this:
Until the sheer weight of news-generated panic produces a sort of apathy in the public. Tranced apathy. Then it’s all over but the shouting.
Opt out.
It used to be fairly easy to opt out. In the late ’60s’/early ’70s when this hypnomedia thing was still in its infancy, almost an entire generation opted out and in so doing it produced the end of the Vietnam war and the civil rights movement. At that time the news cycle was fairly primitive.
Think of it as a creaky old carnival hypnotist dangling a swinging pocket watch in front of some dollar three-eighty rube. Easy to see through; easy to opt out.
But now?
Not so easy.
More like a complicated laser installation/hologram system presented in a virtual house of mirrors.
Over and over and over again, until the trance-created apathy renders the marks blind.
Then they gotcha!!!
Then they gotcha.
Learn to take care of yourself.
Look away.
You be bettah off.
It had one destination, Bejing. Are there mandatory in-flight check-in points between KL and Bejing for this regularly scheduled flight? I have no idea. Not clear that such a procedure existed for AF447 either as Senegal ATC didn’t attempt to contact AF447 until it was scheduled to fly out of its airspace and that attempt could have been at the request of AF central as the ACARS report of serious failures was almost two hours old by then.
Was if SOP for Vietnam ATC to attempt to make contact with a plane that was scheduled to enter its airspace and failed to do so? Again, no idea. Would Vietnam ATC have reported that non-appearance to MAS central? No idea.
While I’m not accepting the public statements by any of the players in this as being truthful, it’s not related to the situation in Ukraine. It’s a big world Arthur, and independent events do occur.
You are right, Marie…it is a big world, and independent events do occur.
But the real players now take advantage of those independent events…of their tech-related superior knowledge of those events…and create advantages for themselves out of them.
Holistic realpolitk.
It’s what’s for dinner now.
The old lick?
The new lick?
Bet on it.
A Wrap?
Anyone willing to wager that MH370 will be found in the south Indian Ocean? I’ll take the other side of the bet.
Tania Branigan at The Observer has written the most sober and complete review of the missing MH370 and posed the most straight-forward questions that can and should be answered in Will Malaysia Airlines MH370 finally give up its terrible secret?
Is that Malaysia Airlines secret? That they had no idea where MH370 was from time it it ended secondary radar contact with KL ATC and until it failed to arrive in Bejing? That other than the one reported attempt by Vietnam ATC to contract MH370, there were no other attempts by any ATC sites along its flightpath?
IOW – Malaysia Airlines is not like Emirites Airlines that knows exactly where every in-flight plane is at all times. (In real time EA would know and respond to a disabling of ACARS.) If so, that means that MH370 had at least a six hour window in which no airline authorities were aware that a plane had gone missing and therefore, no ground control personnel anywhere were looking for it. No plane – no data to retrieve.
Food for CT thought:
From PJTOhome – joined Guardian comment blog 3/16
KUL-IST flightpath
Today from Tania Braunigan: “MH370: missing plane’s co-pilot made last verbal communication, officials say.”
That give MH officials something to retract, modify, deny, etc. at tomorrow’s press briefing. Today’s “correction” of yesterday’s MH claimed fact:
As soon as the talking heads started speculating about the pilot’s sanity and “aircraft assisted suicide,” I began to suspect that they dare not consider the possibility of a problem with the airplane, because heaven forbid that Boeing should suffer any responsibility for the loss of all those people.
Chris Goodfellow’s ‘startlingly simple explanation’ is the best commentary on flight 370 that I’ve seen.
Mo airline or aircraft manufacturer wants to accept responsibility for the loss of a commercial airliner. However, they do have insurance and such disasters are rare enough that the insurers are able to pay up. (9/11 was unique in that it was four planes in one day and the loss of life and crash destruction extended much further than ever considered by the actuaries. Uncle Sam stepped in and financially rescued the United and American and the insurance companies. No liability for Boeing in those crashes.)
“Missing” for unknown and inexplicable reasons may be worse for MAS and Boeing than crashed for one or more reasons. The latter allows airlines and Boeing to assure the public that it won’t happen again.
wrt to speculation about the pilot’s sanity — it’s reasonable speculation because it has happened before. As have commercial jets being shot down. MH370 as of now hasn’t been missing for as long as Adam Air 575 was in 2007. Although it appears that Indonesia ATC was in radar contact with that plane when it disappeared.
My guess is that MAS has a reasonably good idea as to what happened to #370 and wants it covered up or never recognized that it was “lost” until hours after whatever happened to it occurred and has since been frantically trying to find data that was either never collected and/or routinely overwritten within a few hours after collected and not needed. From Goodfellow:
Two freaking days to find that SARs from Vietnam and China are looking in the wrong place? Two days after MAS said that it had lost contact with #370 at 2:40 (since walked back without explanation of how that could ever have been credible). No shortage of speculative scenarios. The least favorite seems to be that it was stolen.
Breaking News: Press conference in Australia. Satellite imagery of two large pieces of debris, no confirmation of link to MH370. However enough to divert assets to area to pinpoint location. Orion reconnaisance flying time 4 hours to area with two hours window for search before need to return to base because of fuel limit. Ships will also be sent to area.
If this turns out to be the wreckage and looking at the flight path, the MH370 turned left going west across the Straits of Malakka and than headed due South in a straight line. Debris spotted in area of an ocean trench 8km deep.
○ Google Maps
○ Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMAS) – Search Charts
Looked at de ocean depth again, as 8km seemed unlkely. It’s probably about 4,000 meters or 13,100 feet.
○ Indian Ocean, with depth contours and undersea features
○ Ocean depth chart – NOAA
Information on insurance carriers for MAS and passengers MH370: Insurers of flight MH370 brace for payout. Nothing unusual in this report.
While many have been criticizing the handling of this crisis by Malaysia Airlines, it should probably be noted that MAS is a member of the Oneworld Alliance and it has been playing some role since day one.
Malaysian MH370 flew a zig-zag course above Malakka Straits to stay beyond Indonesian military/civilian radar detection. At approx. 240 miles west of Bandar Aceh it made last turn due South and to disappear. The new search area is the exact distance for flight MH370 before running out of fuel.
○ XinhuaNet: Chinese satellite spots suspicious MH370-linked object