Previous title: Mystery Deepens: Renegade Plane Flew West 500km [Debris Found]

[Update5] : Chinese vessel searching for MH370 picks up pulse signal in Indian Ocean

So the Chinese vessels detected 37.5khz signals during a short period of 90 seconds. Did they locate killer whales or were the Chinese listening to dolphins mimicking the ping sound of the black box of Malaysian flight MH370.

To find the black box, the Australian Navy should have used trained dolphins, stupid humans.

New articles mention the evasion of Indonesian and Thai radar as renegade plane flew west before turning south to disappear. MH370 measured data versus predicted track.

[Update4] : Malaysia Airlines says flight MH370 is assumed to have crashed with no survivors – FULL COVERAGE with info-graphics

After a two-week search, Malaysia concluded on Monday that MH370 has crashed. A detailed analysis of the data provided by British satellite company Inmarsat showed that the plane’s last position was in the middle of the Indian Ocean, with no possible landing sites.

Interesting analysis of satellite pings by scientists from Inmarsat and Boeing experts have concluded flight MH370 flew due South [Doppler-effect] on autopilot at 450 knots cruising speed. Of the events leading to the crash, there is no data available.

[Update3] : BREAKING NEWS: Chinese satellite spotted debris in southern corridor – Sat. March 22

SEPANG – China has spotted large debris in the southern corridor where a multi-nation search for missing Malaysia Airlines plane MH370 is underway, says Malaysia’s acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein.

“The news that I just received is that the Chinese ambassador received satellite image of floating objects in the southern corridor and they will be sending ships to verify,” he told a press conference in Sepang on Saturday.

The satellite images show a large floating object measuring 22.5m by 13m. China’s state news agency Xinhua said the object was spotted 120km away from those spotted by Australia.

[Update2 : Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was hijacked (Sat. March 15)

KUALA LUMPUR — An unspecified Malaysian official was quoted as saying that investigators have concluded that missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was hijacked.

According to the report, which is yet to be corroborated, the hijackers have rich flying experience and they switched off communication devices deliberately and steered the Boeing 777 aircraft off course. Although piracy is no longer a theory, the motives are yet to be established, the official was quoted as saying.

[Update1] Latest news posted below:

Malaysia failing credibility test as flight confusion deepens

Missing Malaysian plane last seen at Strait of Malacca – source

(Reuters) – The Malaysian military believes an airliner missing for almost four days with 239 people on board flew for more than an hour after vanishing from air traffic control screens, changing course and travelling west over the Strait of Malacca, a senior military source said.

 « click for link Aviation Herald – updated
A Vietnamese officer stands next to a TV screen showing a flight route during a news conference about their mission to find missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 at Phu Quoc Airport in Phu Quoc Island, March 11, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Athit Perawongmetha

Earlier on Tuesday, Malaysia’s Berita Harian newspaper quoted air force chief Rodzali Daud as saying the Malaysia Airlines plane was last detected by military radar at 2:40 a.m. on Saturday, near the island of Pulau Perak at the northern end of the Strait of Malacca. It was flying at a height of about 9,000 meters (29,500 ft), he was quoted as saying.


Foul play, who could be involved?

No distress signal and responder was turned off, so the pilots come into play. In the comments at Aviation Herald, some opinions are vented. The spot where Boeing-777 veered off-course was well chosen, in space where radar signals of civil aviation are weakest and Malaysia changes to Vietnam guidance. Plane dropped drastically in altitude, not confirmed to what height.

My take is the plane landed in a remote area, likely in the Indonesian province of Aceh, indeed a region with extremists from AQ affiliation. Indonesia has some high value targets imprisoned, so does China in Xinjiang province with the Uyghurs.

Dependent on overall weight of cargo and passengers, the minimum requirement for this plane to land is a runway of 1780 meters in length.

Umar Patek, the Bali bombmaker gets 20 year sentence; associated with Jemaah Islamiah and paramilitary training camp in Aceh province.
Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir, 72, was sentenced to 15 years in prison