Oh good. Now the Republican and Democratic National Conventions will not be funded with any public money. All the money to run them will come from filthy rich donors and corporations. This is bound to improve the performance of our government.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
The Kochs already own the GOP, how can this change matters?
AFAICT, the only real downside is if the Dems move from a “primary/convention” nomination to a “insider/smoke-filled-room” nomination.
I know I want even more whoring for PepsiCola money from our nominee.
And it passed the Senate by unanimous consent, right? Which means the Democrats didn’t want their fingerprints on this. Doesn’t speak very well of the party at all.
The conventions are pretty silly and antiquated. No one except political junkies watch them, and even then only the major speeches, really. Yes they are a big advertisement for each party but isn’t there a more electorally effective way to spend that money? Even if they squeezed it all into one day – just the party heavyweights plus a few up-and-comers – it would save a lot of dough and campaign energy.
I’m a fan of political traditions so part of me would be sad to see the conventions go. But the first party to scrap theirs will probably get a significant, if temporary, resource boost.
Since we’re all fact-based here, someone should use Google to obtain the following facts:
The results would be illuminating. Unless, of course, some dollars are more honorable than others.
The Koch Octupus hides very well from the google,
by design….
The Koch Octupus is the vampire squid of politics,
Like Goldman Sachs is the vampire squid of world finance,
Doing their dirty deeds as far from prying eyes and inquiring minds as possible …..
….. but nice attempt at a DISHONEST straw-man.
New Conservative Meme That Unions Outspend Koch Brothers On Elections Is Patently False
money quote;
On that level, the Kochs only show up as #59 overall for the past 25 years and contributed a total of $4.9 million in the previous election cycle. However, when you take into account all of the `dark’ money that the Kochs spent during the 2012 election, that figure balloons to a whopping $412 million. In comparison, the top ten labor unions combined spent a total of $153 million when counting all political contributions.
Nice to see you out yourself as the Koch suck-up shi-ite spreading troll you are ……
Just “googled” “Koch brothers vs. Unions”
First listing, from a website called “thegatewaypundit.com”,
Proclaimed the following headline:
“‘Evil’ Koch brothers number 59 on top political donors behind 18 labor unions”…
Well, I guess we’re in trouble when a simple Google search, employes Billions and Billions of worldwide citizens, yields different “facts”.
Sorry, should read “employed by”
Thanks for your consideration.
Sorry but that article is a LIE
The actual list names only Koch Industries,
Not David or Charles Koch’s individual giving,
you know the two a$$holes who own Koch industries, lock stock and barrel.
So their not so public massive hundreds of millions of giving to secret right wing groups, aside their meager public admitted giving is MUCH larger then the daily talking point your pushing here for them.
Whether they give in their corporate name or private name the money comes out of only TWO pockets.
Nice try at spinning Koch spin and lies into this blog.
PS: Sheldon Adelson also has given much more then the unions combines and that is only three greedy old men who want to steal the country from the rest of us.
There are quite a few more anti-democracy Billionaires who are spending their money to do the same like Art Pope in NC.
Your take on George Soros?
Oprah? (She’s in the Billionaire club with George)
Y’all are amazed at how many “poor whites” vote against “their e onomic interests” by voting Republican.
We’all are amazed at how many “rich non-white folk” vote against “their economic interests” by voting Democrat.
Race? Socio-economic status? Age?
Nice tap dancing
When your LIES are exposed ……
Try Googling “Gateway Pundit dumbest man on the internet”
In case you weren’t aware, this is our resident jahb creator with gyms. He is outdated with his newest talking points.
Don’t play stupid. We get plenty of spammers, plenty of leftists who pop-in every once in a while, but only one whackadoodle far-right-wing troll who talks about how many people he won’t hire if the minimum wage is hiked. What account number is this for you, six?
Well, my comment about the $100,000 minimum wage certainly was satire (not a straw man!). Perhaps a “Modest Proposal”, Jonathan Swift style.
Looks like I picked the wrong blog to post dissenting opinions!
There’s plenty of dissenting opinions, AG being chief among them from one direction. Half the commenters here don’t agree with the host on an even semi-regular basis. But yes, you did pick the wrong place to post your dissenting opinions. Maybe you should run along to the Daily Caller, The Blaze, Twitchy, or Red State.
So are they selling naming rights?
The JPMorganChase/WalMart Democratic National Convention
The Trump/Koch/Bloomberg Republican National Convention
Not a single Democrat objected.
I see this as an honest admission about who the Republicrats really represent. I mean, lets face it: with $5000 deductibles, the insurance companies were the REAL obamacare winners. Keystone XL, when it passes, creates like 50 jobs for workers, and billions for the oil companies. And so on.
I enjoy the honesty, and will be calling a lit of people in DC TO commend them tomorrow.
Tell me again why voting third party is bad.
Gore – Nader = Bush
(I voted for Nader myself, mind you, but I learned my lesson.)
That’s a Think Progress piece. I wonder if Podesta will use his veto pen.
Shorter DC, wiping cum off their collective faces: “yes, we’re whores. So what?”
Oh, they really had to twist his arm! Remember he was the protege of Dick Durbin? And learned politics in Chicago?
Aren’t political parties private clubs? Public dollars probably never should have been disbursed for their quadrennial national conventions. (Just as inaugural balls are private affairs.) Plus, it’s not as if corporate sponsorship hasn’t already become a major presence at these shindigs.
When we have as much choice in political parties as we do toilet paper and there are no ballot access barriers, we would have more democracy. More still with proportional representation.
Democrats came up w/ a strange theory if as supporters they became more passionate/centrist & loyal for the party that somehow this was going to turn around for America.
Ladies N Gentlemen, there is no TURNAROUND, stop reading these wonk blogs that keep feeding this propaganda that is just b.s. . You want to know the future of america? Look the FUCK around you and see how your neighbor is doing. There’s your future & my future. The question is, when are we going to realize NONE of these parties intend on changing their ways, there is just too much $ to be lost.
Politics does not work the way we want it too. Unless you can make it rain money into a congressman’s office on cue. That’s a reality that a DNC loyalist will get angry if you bring up that REALITY.
But you always knew deep down inside that everyone was just feeding you bullshit to get you to pay attention to the next day
Here are 3 points we will all have to live by
If you want to waste your time calling other people “purists” “emoprogs” that is fine. But understand that is exactly what the corporate regime wants you to do. And while you do that, start noticing how many people YOUR age are working behind the cash register.
Now the question is, when are WE going to wake up & finally say “I..Don’t believe you… & you will not get a penny more” Is it going to take another century of this madness?