While the Wall Street Journal (subscription) informs me that the House Republicans will introduce a budget focused on deficit reduction, the Washington Post‘s Robert Costa informs me that Eric Cantor is trying to get the caucus to move beyond budgetary matters:
Cantor is getting some help for his efforts from an outside advocacy group formed by some of his former staffers, including John Murray, his former deputy chief of staff, and Stacey Johnson, his former political director. The YG Network describes itself as an organization that supports “conservative center-right policies.”
The group hosted a policy summit over the weekend for self-described “reform conservatives.” The event featured, among others, a presentation from the Ethics and Public Policy Center’s Yuval Levin, who has become an influential shaper of House Republican policymaking by advising leaders to make a case revolved around supporting civil society and families rather than focusing on budget reductions.
So, which is it?
>>”reform conservatives.”
there’s an oxymoron if I ever heard one. Reminds me of Markos’s “libertarian Democrat” label, which he soon dropped when he couldn’t define it.
Obama is probably closest to an actual reform conservative.
It’s both, of course! Deficit reduction that helps families too!
Remember, all good things flow from demolishing Big Gub’mint, which of course ruins “civil society and families” by making ’em totally dependent on incompetent gub’mint. Slaves, actually!
Ask official Big Thinker and Budget-man Ryan, he knows how the “culture of work” has been wrecked by demeaning gub’mint payments to families. Except HIS family, of course…how ever did he survive those soul-destroying SS survivors benefits? Just thru his own hard work and grit and determination!
“Conservatism”: it’s a floor wax AND a desert topping! It’s actually the greatest con game in America.
Deficit reduction is only needed because when the Republicans were in office, they spent the taxpayers’ money fast and foolishly. This is a fact that should NEVER be lost in any discussion of the deficit. The deficit was caused by Republicans.