Disagree with The Voice In the Wilderness and off you go!

He is the reincarnation of Stalin Hitler. Disagree and you’re off to the gulag. Be gay and you’re off to the gulag. Oppose Putin and off to the gulag.

Russia is no model state for me, but US media should keep to the facts and stop warmongering for the sake of spreading capitalism. [Former FM under Boris Yeltsin invited for CNN Interview – Andrei Kozyrev]

About morals and ethics, one clear-cut basis for human rights is the number of citizens jailed and whether a nation uses the death penalty: USA loses out in the world of the 21th century. In the death penalty statistics, the number of wrongful shooting deaths has not been reckoned with.

If you are considering naming traitors, I have a long list of most eligible candidates, none are bloggers here @BooMan.

Judith Miller, John McCain, all Neocons, Christiane Amanpour, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Steve Hadley, whole bunch under the Bush-Cheney administration really with responsibility for Guantanamo Bay, Aby Ghraib, torture, assassination by drones … just for starters.

Full discussion in my recent diary – Making An Enemy – Demonizing Putin Endangers America’s Security.