I can’t believe this trained ape still has the gall to open his pie-hole about U.S. foreign policy, or anything, really.

Former defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld on Monday attacked the Obama administration for failing to secure a status of forces agreement with Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai.
Rumsfeld, speaking on Fox News, said even a “trained ape” could do better.

“A trained ape could get a status of forces agreement,” Rumsfeld said. “It does not take a genius. And we have so mismanaged that relationship.”

Rumsfeld noted that the United States has such agreements with more than 100 other countries. Such an agreement would allow the United States to station military forces in Afghanistan for years to come.

Hamid Karzai is refusing to sign a SOFA with the United States, but every candidate to replace Karzai is on the record as supporting some kind of ongoing agreement to keep some troops in Afghanistan. Anyone who has paid any attention to President Karzai over recent years has noticed that he’s increasingly erratic and unhinged. If he doesn’t want to make an agreement, it doesn’t really matter one way or the other because his successor almost certainly will.

Even more amazing than Rumsfeld’s misfired criticism over a status of forces agreement is his defense of Karzai’s defense of Putin’s annexation of Crimea.

Karzai recently voiced support for Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula in Ukraine — a significant blow to U.S.-Afghan relations. Rumsfeld said he understands Karzai’s increasingly antagonistic relationship, given the Obama administration’s treatment of him.

“United States diplomacy has been so bad — so embarrassingly bad — that I’m not the least bit surprised that he felt cornered and is feeling he has to defend himself in some way or he’s not president of that country,” Rumsfeld said.

Rumsfeld said the Bush administration had a “first-rate” relationship with Karzai and that it has gone “downhill like a toboggan” since Obama took over.

It’s hard to decide which part of that is the most stunning. Is it his willingness to give Karzai a complete pass for siding with Putin or is it his bizarre belief that the Bush administration had a first-rate relationship with Karzai or is it his seeming belief that a first-rate relationship with the corrupt and incompetent Karzai would be a positive thing even if it had ever actually existed?

In the end, even President Bush thought Rumsfeld was a worthless sack of crap. He should be in prison, not on teevee mouthing off about crap he never did and still doesn’t understand.