Seventeen U.S. Senators were born before the attacks on Pearl Harbor. Can you guess who they are?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
And six of those jokers are younger than my oldest daughter and only 28 of them are older than I am.
Is DiFi trying to out-Strom Strom?
Glad to see that the three youngest are pretty solid Democrats. But the three just in front of them are loons.
Cory Booker is about five months older than I am. Look at him and the Democrats younger than him and compare them to Lee, Rubio, and Cruz. We’re in for decades of incompatibility.
I admit, I looked this up. But I won’t spoil all of them. But I was shocked to see that Dianne Feinstein is now the oldest U.S. Senator serving.
Born in 1933.
I thought that would make her the Senate Pro Tem, but no, Patrick Leahy is. And that is because the Pro Tem selection is based on longest service in the Senate, with Leahy serving for 39 years, and Dianne only serving a meager 21.
A third entry in the 17 is Orrin Hatch, who might be the new Senate President Pro Tem next year should the GOP win back the majority, since he is the longest serving Republican.
Others on the list are the retiring Carl Levin, Jay Rockefeller and Tom Harkin.
So there is 6 of the 17.
Got 7 of the 17 right, and mistakenly put in McConnell.
Missed Leahy, Levin and Hatch, which I should have figured out.
But most of the others were Republicans who all act like the last living Confederate they are anyway.
Well I suck apparently. I was only able to name 4.